Centuries: 10th century - 11th century - 12th century
Decades: 990s  1000s  1010s  - 1020s -  1030s  1040s  1050s

Years: 1025 1026 1027 - 1028 - 1029 1030 1031
1028 by topic
Lists of leaders
State leaders
Birth and death categories
Establishments and disestablishments categories
1028 in other calendars
Gregorian calendar 1028

Ab urbe condita 1781
Armenian calendar 477
Bahá'í calendar -816 – -815
Buddhist calendar 1572
Coptic calendar 744 – 745
Ethiopian calendar 1020 – 1021
Hebrew calendar 4788 4789
Hindu calendars
 - Vikram Samvat 1083 – 1084
 - Shaka Samvat 950 – 951
 - Kali Yuga 4129 – 4130
Holocene calendar 11028
Iranian calendar 406 – 407
Islamic calendar 418 – 419
Japanese calendar
 - Imperial Year Kōki 1688
Julian calendar 1073
Korean calendar 3361
Thai solar calendar 1571



People of the year 1028 at Familypedia

5 people were born in 1028

 FatherMotherAge mother at birth
Tugorkhan (1028-1096)
William of Ausona (1028-aft1054)Berengar Raymond I de Barcelona (1005-1035)Guisla of Lluca (?-?)
Hermann III. von Formbach (c1028-aft1030)Heinrich I von Formbach (?-1030)Himiltrud
Meginhard von Formbach (c1026-1066)Thiemo II von Formbach (?-1040)Tochter von Braunschweig (?-?)
Pilgrim von Formbach (c1028-1066)Thiemo II von Formbach (?-1040)Tochter von Braunschweig (?-?)

0 children were born to the 0 women born in 1028

6 people died in 1028

 FatherMotherAge at death
Alfonso V de León (994-1028)Bermudo II de Léon (c953-999)Elvira García de Castilla (965-1017)
Robert II of Senlis (?-1028)Robert I of Senlis (?-1004)
Bouchard II de Nevers (c1010-1028)Bodon de Nevers (-1023)Adèle de Vendôme-Anjou (c990-1032)
Guillaume IV Taillefer d'Angoulême (c952-1028)Arnauld Mancer d'Angoulême (c935-bef992)Raingarde (bef950-)
Philippa de Gevaudan (c1004-c1028)Pons I de Gevaudan (c969-c1017)Théoberge de Maurienne (970-1013)
Landry de Nevers (?-bef1028)Landry de Nevers (c970-1028)Matilda de Bourgogne (c975-1005)

601 people lived in 1028

Mstislava Vladimirovna (c986-c1030)Vladimir I Svyatoslavich of Kiev (c958-1015)Rogneda Rogvolodovna of Polotsk (962-1002)
Ostromir Konstantinovich (c995-1057)Konstantin Dobrynich (c965-1022)
Pozvizd Vladimirovich (c985-c1030)Vladimir I Svyatoslavich of Kiev (c958-1015)
Tugorkhan (1028-1096)
Vyshata (c1030-c1065)Ostromir Konstantinovich (c995-1057)
Abu al-Qasim Muhammad ibn Abbad (984-1042)Ismail of Seville, Judge/Iman of Seville
Anleta of Scotland (986-c1033)Malcolm II of Scotland (c954-1034)
Malcolm II of Scotland (c954-1034)Kenneth II of Scotland (bef954-995)Unknown of Leinster (c930-)
Adalbert I Arbald (986-1041)Rostaing Arbald (965-1023)Dame de Roussillon (965-?)
Adelaide di Susa (c1017-1091)Olderico Manfredi II di Torino (992-1034)Berte d'Este (-1029)
Charles of Argouges (1000-c1047)Torf of Argouges (980-1020)Amicie d'Estouteville (975-?)
Aldonza Ordóñez (c999-aft1032)Ordoño Ramírez de León (c981-aft1024)Cristina Bermúdez de León (?-bef1051)
Alfonso Ordóñez (c1010-1050)Ordoño Ramírez de León (c981-aft1024)Cristina Bermúdez de León (?-bef1051)
Alfonso V de León (994-1028)Bermudo II de Léon (c953-999)Elvira García de Castilla (965-1017)
Bermudo III de León (c1015-1037)Alfonso V de León (994-1028)Elvira Mendes (c996-1022)
... further results

Events of the year 1028 at Familypedia

3 people were married in 1028.

 Joined with
Adèle of France (1009-1079)Richard III of Normandy (997-1027)+Baldwin V of Flanders (1012-1067)
Amaury I de Montfort (c990-1053)Bertrade de Gometz
Baldwin V of Flanders (1012-1067)Adèle of France (1009-1079)

There were 0 military battles in 1028.

0.0083194675540765 0 0.0099833610648918

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