Centuries: 10th century - 11th century - 12th century
Decades: 1000s  1010s  1020s  - 1030s -  1040s  1050s  1060s

Years: 1032 1033 1034 - 1035 - 1036 1037 1038
1035 by topic
Lists of leaders
State leaders
Birth and death categories
Establishments and disestablishments categories
1035 in other calendars
Gregorian calendar 1035

Ab urbe condita 1788
Armenian calendar 484
Bahá'í calendar -809 – -808
Buddhist calendar 1579
Coptic calendar 751 – 752
Ethiopian calendar 1027 – 1028
Hebrew calendar 4795 4796
Hindu calendars
 - Vikram Samvat 1090 – 1091
 - Shaka Samvat 957 – 958
 - Kali Yuga 4136 – 4137
Holocene calendar 11035
Iranian calendar 413 – 414
Islamic calendar 426 – 427
Japanese calendar
 - Imperial Year Kōki 1695
Julian calendar 1080
Korean calendar 3368
Thai solar calendar 1578




People of the year 1035 at Familypedia

24 people were born in 1035

 FatherMotherAge mother at birth
Vautier of Argouges (1035-c1082)Charles of Argouges (1000-c1047)Sprotte de Grantemesnil (1015-?)
Robert of Nevers (c1035-1098)Renaud I de Nevers (1000-1040)Hedwig Capet (1003-aft1063)
Anastasia Monomachos (c1035-1067)
Jaromir of Bohemia (aft1035-1090)Bretislaus I of Bohemia (c1003-1055)Judith von Schweinfurt (?-1058)
Vratislaus II of Bohemia (?-1092)Bretislaus I of Bohemia (c1003-1055)Judith von Schweinfurt (?-1058)
Gerberge of Angoulême (1035-1067)Geoffroy I Taillefer of Angoulême (991-1048)Pétronille of Archiac (1000-1043)
Welf IV. von Bayern (c1035-1101)Alberto Azzo II of Este (996-1097)Kunigunde von Altdorf (c1020-1054)
Bernat of Barcelona (1035-aft1058)Berengar Raymond I de Barcelona (1005-1035)Guisla of Lluca (?-?)
Henry de Bourgogne (1035-c1074)Robert I de Bourgogne (1011-1076)Hélie de Semur (1016-aft1055)
Adelindis de Cornouaille (1035-c1082)Alain Canhiart, Comte de Cornouaille (?-1058)Judith de Nantes (?-1063)
Bouchard I de Craon (1035-1107)Suhard II de Craon (1013-1086)
Berenguer de Empurias (c1035-1098)Ponce de Empurias (-bef1079)Adelaide de Besalu (c1005-1064)
Ermesenda de Empurias (c1035-aft1119)Ponce de Empurias (-bef1079)Adelaide de Besalu (c1005-1064)
Geoffroy II de Joigny (1035-1086)Renaud I de Joigny (1015-1056)
Bernard I de Brosse (1035-c1082)Adhémar I de Limoges (990-1036)Sénégonde d'Aulnay (1000-?)
... further results

13 children were born to the 7 women born in 1035

15 people died in 1035

 FatherMotherAge at death
Cnut (c990-1035)Sweyn Forkbeard (963-1014)Sigrid the Haughty (c964-)
Swein Knutsson (c1016-1035)Cnut (c990-1035)Ælfgifu of Northampton (c990-1036)
Guy de Nevers (?-bef1035)Landry de Nevers (c970-1028)Matilda de Bourgogne (c975-1005)
Mathilda of Poland (1018-aft1035)Bolesław I Chrobry (967-1025)Oda von Meißen (?-1025)
Jaromír of Bohemia (964-1035)Boleslaus II of Bohemia (932-999)
Beatrix of the Holy Roman Empire (1030-c1035)Konrad II von Worms (c990-1039)Gisela von Schwaben (c989-1043)5
Berengar Raymond I de Barcelona (1005-1035)Ramon Borrel de Barcelone (972-1017)Ermessinde de Carcassonne (972-1057)
Englebert III de Brienne (980-1035)Engelbert II de Brienne
Major García de Castilla (?-aft1035)García Fernández de Castilla (938-995)Ava de Ribagorza (c945-aft995)
Guillem II de Pallars Sobirà (?-1035)Sunyer I de Pallars (?-1011)Ermengarde de Rouergue (?-?)
Dreux de Vexin (c995-1035)Gautier II de Vexin (?-c1020)Adèle unknown (bef980-)
Ermengarde de Woevre de Bar-sur-Seine (970-1035)Reginald de Woevre (950-997)
Ansfred II le Coz (963-1035)Ansfred I Hrolfson (935-978)Helloé le Coz de Beulac (937-?)
Sancho III of Navarre (?-1035)Garcia II of Pamplona (?-c1002)Jimena of Cea (?-?)
Robert I, Duke of Normandy (c1000-1035)Richard II, Duke of Normandy (963-1027)Judith of Brittany (982-1017)

642 people lived in 1035

Ostromir Konstantinovich (c995-1057)Konstantin Dobrynich (c965-1022)
Tugorkhan (1028-1096)
Vyshata (c1030-c1065)Ostromir Konstantinovich (c995-1057)
Abu al-Qasim Muhammad ibn Abbad (984-1042)Ismail of Seville, Judge/Iman of Seville
Adalbert I Arbald (986-1041)Rostaing Arbald (965-1023)Dame de Roussillon (965-?)
Adelaide di Susa (c1017-1091)Olderico Manfredi II di Torino (992-1034)Berte d'Este (-1029)
Charles of Argouges (1000-c1047)Torf of Argouges (980-1020)Amicie d'Estouteville (975-?)
Vautier of Argouges (1035-c1082)Charles of Argouges (1000-c1047)Sprotte de Grantemesnil (1015-?)
Adalbert II von Ballenstedt (c1030-c1080)Esiko von Ballenstedt (?-c1059)Mathilde von Werl (?-?)
Alfonso Ordóñez (c1010-1050)Ordoño Ramírez de León (c981-aft1024)Cristina Bermúdez de León (?-bef1051)
Bermudo III de León (c1015-1037)Alfonso V de León (994-1028)Elvira Mendes (c996-1022)
Cristina Alfonso (c1030-aft1052)Alfonso Ordóñez (c1010-1050)Fronilde
Enderquina Alfonso (c1030-aft1052)Alfonso Ordóñez (c1010-1050)Fronilde
Jimena de León (c1023-c1042)Alfonso V de León (994-1028)Urraca of Pamplona (?-?)
Ordoño Ordóñez (c1012-c1077)Ordoño Ramírez de León (c981-aft1024)Cristina Bermúdez de León (?-bef1051)
... further results

Events of the year 1035 at Familypedia

9 people were married in 1035.

 Joined with
Charles of Argouges (1000-c1047)Sprotte de Grantemesnil (1015-?)
Goda of England (1004-1055)Drogo of Mantes (996-1035) + Eustache II de Boulogne (c1017-1087)
Eustache II de Boulogne (c1017-1087)Goda of England (1004-1055)+Ide de Verdun (c1040-1113)
Guy I de Fos (997-1058)Astrude Unknown (1015-?)
Bernard II de Gascogne (c1020-c1077)Ermengard
Archambaud III de Comborn (1005-1053)Rothberge de Rochechouart (1018-1059)
Rothberge de Rochechouart (1018-1059)Archambaud III de Comborn (1005-1053)
Algarde de Turenne (1015-c1062)Rigaud de Tournemire (1015-1060)
Geoffrey II of Gâtinais (999-1046)Ermengarde of Anjou (c1018-1076)

There were 0 military battles in 1035.

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