Centuries: 10th century - 11th century - 12th century
Decades: 1010s  1020s  1030s  - 1040s -  1050s  1060s  1070s

Years: 1044 1045 1046 - 1047 - 1048 1049 1050
1047 by topic
Lists of leaders
State leaders
Birth and death categories
Establishments and disestablishments categories
1047 in other calendars
Gregorian calendar 1047

Ab urbe condita 1800
Armenian calendar 496
Bahá'í calendar -797 – -796
Buddhist calendar 1591
Coptic calendar 763 – 764
Ethiopian calendar 1039 – 1040
Hebrew calendar 4807 4808
Hindu calendars
 - Vikram Samvat 1102 – 1103
 - Shaka Samvat 969 – 970
 - Kali Yuga 4148 – 4149
Holocene calendar 11047
Iranian calendar 425 – 426
Islamic calendar 438 – 439
Japanese calendar
 - Imperial Year Kōki 1707
Julian calendar 1092
Korean calendar 3380
Thai solar calendar 1590




People of the year 1047 at Familypedia

14 people were born in 1047

 FatherMotherAge mother at birth
Tochter von Österreich (c1047-c1094)Ernst von Babenberg (c1027-1075)Adelheid von Lausitz (1040-1071)
Heilwig von Egisheim (c1047-c1094)Heinrich von Dagsburg (c1022-c1065)Tochter von Moha
Eudo FitzHubert de Rie (-c1080)Hubert de Rie (-1086)Albreda Unknown
Gisela of the Holy Roman Empire (1047-1053)Heinrich III of the Holy Roman Empire (1017-1056)Agnes of Poitou (c1025-1077)
Willa von Wettin (c1047-c1094)Gero von Brehna (c1020-1089)Bertha von Schwarzburg (?-1089)
Wyszesława Svyatoslavna of Kiev (c1047-c1090)Svyatoslav II Yaroslavich of Kiev (1027-1076)Cecilia of Dithmarschen (c1030-c1070)
Eudo de Rie (-1120)Hubert de Rie (-1086)Albreda de Pont-Audemer (c1027-1052)
Almodis de Toulouse (1047-1124)Pons-Guillaume de Toulouse (c1000-1060)Almodis de La Marche (c1020-1075)
Hugues d'Avranches (1047-1101)Richard le Coz (1024-1082)Emma de Conteville (1029-?)
Ermesinda of Navarre (c1047-1110)García III of Navarre (1016-1054)Étiennette de Foix (?-1066)
Liutold von Eppenstein (c1047-1090)Markwart IV. von Eppenstein (c1015-1076)Liutbirg von Plain (?-bef1103)
Burkhard III. von Moosburg (c1047-c1133)Burkhard I. von Moosburg (?-aft1060)Tochter II. von Dießen (c1025-c1075)
Berthold von Poigen (c1047-c1142)Hermann I. von Poigen (?-?)Tochter I. von Dießen (c1025-c1075)
Anna Lanke of Hungary (1047-1095)Béla I of Hungary (c1016-1063)Richeza of Poland (1013-1075)

7 children were born to the 8 women born in 1047

16 people died in 1047

 FatherMotherAge at death
Charles of Argouges (1000-c1047)Torf of Argouges (980-1020)Amicie d'Estouteville (975-?)
Hugo IV. von Egisheim (970-1047)Hugo III. von Egisheim (c945-c980)
Giraud I de Beauvau (c997-aft1047)Foulques I de Beauvau (c970-1000)Aude de Limoges (c970-?)50
Stephen II de Troyes (?-1047)Odo II de Blois (c983-1037)Irmengarde d'Auvergne (c995-1040)
Eilbert de Florennes (c990-1047)Arnaud II de Florennes (?-1010)Ermentrude de Verdun (c970-aft1010)
Alice de Gevaudan (1000-c1047)Pons I de Gevaudan (c969-c1017)Théoberge de Maurienne (970-1013)
Bernard I de La Marche (c980-1047)Aldebert I de la Marche (c945-997)Emma de Limoges (c960-c991)
Ramon III de Pallars Jussà (?-1047)Sunyer I de Pallars (?-1011)Ermengarde de Rouergue (?-?)
Humbert de Savoie (c980-c1047)
Milon V de Tonnerre et de Bar-sur-Seine (995-1047)Milon I de Tonnerre (965-998)Ermengarde de Woevre de Bar-sur-Seine (970-1035)
Fils le Coz (c1000-c1047)Ansfred II le Coz (963-1035)
Poppo von Babenberg (986-1047)Leopold I von Babenberg (c940-994)Richwara von Zülpichgau (940-980)
Otto von Lothringen (?-1047)Ezzo von Lorraine (c955-1034)Mathilde von Sachsen (979-1025)
Dietrich II von Luxemburg (?-1047)Siegfried von Luxemburg (c922-998)Hedwig von Nordgau (937-992)
Heinrich II von Luxemburg (?-1047)Friedrich I von Luxemburg (965-1019)Irmtrud von Gleiberg (972-aft985)
... further results

750 people lived in 1047

Martin Vermúdez (c1036-c1083)Vermudo ArmentárizPelaya Ordóñez (c1016-aft1069)
Ostromir Konstantinovich (c995-1057)Konstantin Dobrynich (c965-1022)
Sharu Khan (c1045-c1110)
Tugorkhan (1028-1096)
Vyshata (c1030-c1065)Ostromir Konstantinovich (c995-1057)
Adelaide di Susa (c1017-1091)Olderico Manfredi II di Torino (992-1034)Berte d'Este (-1029)
Charles of Argouges (1000-c1047)Torf of Argouges (980-1020)Amicie d'Estouteville (975-?)
Mahaut of Argouges (1037-c1084)Charles of Argouges (1000-c1047)Sprotte de Grantemesnil (1015-?)
Vautier of Argouges (1035-c1082)Charles of Argouges (1000-c1047)Sprotte de Grantemesnil (1015-?)
Adalbert II von Ballenstedt (c1030-c1080)Esiko von Ballenstedt (?-c1059)Mathilde von Werl (?-?)
Alfonso Ordóñez (c1010-1050)Ordoño Ramírez de León (c981-aft1024)Cristina Bermúdez de León (?-bef1051)
Cristina Alfonso (c1030-aft1052)Alfonso Ordóñez (c1010-1050)Fronilde
Enderquina Alfonso (c1030-aft1052)Alfonso Ordóñez (c1010-1050)Fronilde
Ordoño Ordóñez (c1012-c1077)Ordoño Ramírez de León (c981-aft1024)Cristina Bermúdez de León (?-bef1051)
Pelaya Ordóñez (c1016-aft1069)Ordoño Ramírez de León (c981-aft1024)Cristina Bermúdez de León (?-bef1051)
... further results

Events of the year 1047 at Familypedia

3 people were married in 1047.

 Joined with
Ralph van Gent (c1022-)Gisela Unknown (c1028-?)
Markwart IV. von Eppenstein (c1015-1076)Liutbirg von Plain (?-bef1103)
Meginhard V von Windberg (?-c1070)Mathilde von Reinhausen (?-aft1073)

There were 0 military battles in 1047.

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