Centuries: 10th century - 11th century - 12th century
Decades: 1030s  1040s  1050s  - 1060s -  1070s  1080s  1090s

Years: 1059 1060 1061 - 1062 - 1063 1064 1065
1062 by topic
Lists of leaders
State leaders
Birth and death categories
Establishments and disestablishments categories
1062 in other calendars
Gregorian calendar 1062

Ab urbe condita 1815
Armenian calendar 511
Bahá'í calendar -782 – -781
Buddhist calendar 1606
Coptic calendar 778 – 779
Ethiopian calendar 1054 – 1055
Hebrew calendar 4822 4823
Hindu calendars
 - Vikram Samvat 1117 – 1118
 - Shaka Samvat 984 – 985
 - Kali Yuga 4163 – 4164
Holocene calendar 11062
Iranian calendar 440 – 441
Islamic calendar 453 – 454
Japanese calendar
 - Imperial Year Kōki 1722
Julian calendar 1107
Korean calendar 3395
Thai solar calendar 1605




People of the year 1062 at Familypedia

9 people were born in 1062

 FatherMotherAge mother at birth
Helwidis von Egisheim (c1062-c1126)Gerhard II. von Egisheim (c1042-1118)Richarda
Robert de Ferrers, 1st Earl of Derby (c1062-1139)Henry de Ferrières (c1030-)Bertha Roberts (c1040-)
Hugo IX. von Dagsburg (c1062-aft1137)Albert II de Moha (?-1098)Heilwig von Egisheim (c1047-c1094)
Bernat III de Besalú (c1062-c1111)Guillem II de Besalu (c1020-c1068)Stefanie de Provence (1045-1085)
Mathias II de Nantes (c1062-1103)Hoël de Cornouaille (c1027-1084)Havoise de Bretagne (1027-1072)
Hodierne de Courtenay (1062-)Jocelin de Courtenay (1020-1079)Hildegarde of Anjou (c1038-c1060)
Matilda of Sicily (1062-bef1094)Roger I of Sicily (1031-1101)Judith of Évreux (1040-1076)
Adela of Normandy (c1062-1138)William I of England (1027-1087)Matilda of Flanders (c1031-1083)
Uta von Calw (c1062-c1109)Adalbert II. von Calw (c1030-1099)Wiltrude de Verdun (c1040-1093)

16 children were born to the 5 women born in 1062

11 people died in 1062

 FatherMotherAge at death
Marie de Brienne (1024-1062)Englebert III de Brienne (980-1035)Mainfreda de Sens (999-1059)
Adelaide of Armagnac (c1015-c1062)Géraud I d'Armagnac (c985-c1020)Adalais of Aquitaine (?-?)
Jeanne d'Armagnac (c1015-c1062)Géraud I d'Armagnac (c985-c1020)Adalais of Aquitaine (?-?)
Lambert II de Louvain (?-c1062)Lambert I de Louvain (950-1015)Gerberga of Lower Lorraine (c975-1018)
Emme de Provence (c1003-1062)Rotbold II de Provence (c978-c1014)Ermengarde
Daimhaut de Sens (1010-1062)Mainard de Sens (981-1013)
Hildegarde Elise de Toulouse (c1015-c1062)Guillaume de Toulouse (975-1037)Emme de Provence (c1003-1062)
Algarde de Turenne (1015-c1062)Donarel de Turenne (980-c1027)
Herbert II du Maine (c1048-1062)Hugues IV du Maine (c1006-1051)Bertha de Blois (?-bef1085)
Wilhelm IV. von Weimar (?-1062)Wilhelm III. von Weimar (?-?)Oda von Ostmark (?-bef1068)
Adelaide of Hungary (c1040-1062)Andrew I of Hungary (c1014-1060)Anastasya Yaroslavna of Kiev (1023-c1074)

920 people lived in 1062

Anna Vsevolodovna of Kiev (c1055-1112)Vsevolod I Yaroslavich of Kiev (1030-1093)Anastasia Monomachos (c1035-1067)
Davyd Vseslavich of Polotsk (c1052-c1129)Vseslav Bryachislavich of Polotsk (c1039-1101)
Ketil Tostisson (c1054-c1101)Tostig Godwineson (1026-1066)Judith of Flanders (1033-1094)
Martin Vermúdez (c1036-c1083)Vermudo ArmentárizPelaya Ordóñez (c1016-aft1069)
Roger (1057-1120)Anschitil (bef1040-bef1086)
Sharu Khan (c1045-c1110)
Skule Tostisson (c1052-c1097)Tostig Godwineson (1026-1066)Judith of Flanders (1033-1094)
Theodosia (c1060-c1110)
Tugorkhan (1028-1096)
Vyshata (c1030-c1065)Ostromir Konstantinovich (c995-1057)
Dirk II de Lorraine (c1050-1115)Gerard IV de Lorraine (c1000-1070)Hedwige de Namur (c1011-c1070)
Urso de Arbitot (-1118)Aumaury de Arbitot (-1056)
Adelaide di Susa (c1017-1091)Olderico Manfredi II di Torino (992-1034)Berte d'Este (-1029)
Mahaut of Argouges (1037-c1084)Charles of Argouges (1000-c1047)Sprotte de Grantemesnil (1015-?)
Vautier of Argouges (1035-c1082)Charles of Argouges (1000-c1047)Sprotte de Grantemesnil (1015-?)
... further results

Events of the year 1062 at Familypedia

5 people were married in 1062.

 Joined with
Heilwig von Egisheim (c1047-c1094)Albert II de Moha (?-1098)
Swietoslawa of Poland (c1048-1126)Vratislaus II of Bohemia (?-1092)
Ermengol III of Urgell (1032-1066)Adelaida de Besalu (c1030-bef1055) + Clémence de Bigorre (c1036-bef1065) + Elvira + Sancha of Aragon (c1039-c1086)
Sophie van Loon (c1050-bef1075)Géza I of Hungary (1044-1077)
Géza I of Hungary (1044-1077)Sophie van Loon (c1050-bef1075) + Daughter Synadenos (?-aft1079)

There were 0 military battles in 1062.

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