Centuries: 10th century - 11th century - 12th century
Decades: 1040s  1050s  1060s  - 1070s -  1080s  1090s  1100s

Years: 1076 1077 1078 - 1079 - 1080 1081 1082
1079 by topic
Lists of leaders
State leaders
Birth and death categories
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1079 in other calendars
Gregorian calendar 1079

Ab urbe condita 1832
Armenian calendar 528
Bahá'í calendar -765 – -764
Buddhist calendar 1623
Coptic calendar 795 – 796
Ethiopian calendar 1071 – 1072
Hebrew calendar 4839 4840
Hindu calendars
 - Vikram Samvat 1134 – 1135
 - Shaka Samvat 1001 – 1002
 - Kali Yuga 4180 – 4181
Holocene calendar 11079
Iranian calendar 457 – 458
Islamic calendar 471 – 472
Japanese calendar
 - Imperial Year Kōki 1739
Julian calendar 1124
Korean calendar 3412
Thai solar calendar 1622




People of the year 1079 at Familypedia

7 people were born in 1079

 FatherMotherAge mother at birth
Hakon Paulsson (c1079-1126)Paul I Thorfinnson (1020-1098)Sunniva Haakonsdatter
Angelina de AragónSancho Ramírez (c. 1042 – 4 June 1094) King of AragónMistress of king (unknown)
Guillem II de Cerdanya (c1079-1109)Guillem I de Cerdanya (c1068-1095)Sancha of Barcelona (c1057-1095)
Eustachie de Dammartin (c1079-aft1081)Hugues de Dammartin (c1055-1103)Roharde de Clare (c1060-?)
Urraca of León and Castile (1079-1126)Alfonso VI of León and Castile (1040-1109)Constance de Bourgogne (1046-1093)
Rudolf von Luxemburg (c1079-1099)Konrad I von Luxemburg (1040-1086)Clémence of Aquitaine (1060-1142)
Gepa von Arnsberg (c1079-1135)Konrad II. von Werl-Arnsberg (c1040-1092)Mathilde von Northeim (c1058-c1205)

3 children were born to the 4 women born in 1079

16 people died in 1079

 FatherMotherAge at death
Adèle of France (1009-1079)Robert II of France (972-1031)Constance of Arles (986-1034)
Alberto Azzo II of Este (996-1097)Alberto Azzo I di Milano (?-1029)Adela
Geoffroi de Neufmarché (1025-1079)Turquetil de Neufmarché (980-1036)Anceline de Montfort-sur-Risle (984-c1031)
Roman Svyatoslavich Krasnyi of Tmutarakan (c1050-1079)Svyatoslav II Yaroslavich of Kiev (1027-1076)Cecilia of Dithmarschen (c1030-c1070)
Adelheid of the Holy Roman Empire (1070-1079)Heinrich IV of the Holy Roman Empire (1050-1106)Bertha de Savoie (1051-1087)
Hawise of Echauffeur (1005-1079)Giroie of Echauffour (970-?)Gisèle de Montfort (975-c1022)
Éon I de Penthièvre (999-1079)Geoffroi I de Bretagne (980-1008)Hawise of Normandy (c978-1034)
Miron II de Castelbon (?-1079)Guillaume de Castelbon (?-1037)Ermengarda Sunyer de Pallars (?-?)
Guérech de Cornouaille (1030-1079)Alain Canhiart, Comte de Cornouaille (?-1058)Judith de Nantes (?-1063)
Jocelin de Courtenay (1020-1079)Aton I de Courtenay (c985-1039)
Bernard de Millau (c1045-1079)Richard II de Millau (?-bef1051)Rixende de Narbonne (c1020-1080)
Adelaide de Savoie (1052-1079)Othon de Savoie (c1015-c1057)Adelaide di Susa (c1017-1091)
Manfredo del Vasto (-1079)Oddone di Savona (-c1084)Berta di Susa (-aft1065)
Raymond of Navarre (c1045-1079)García III of Navarre (1016-1054)Étiennette de Foix (?-1066)
Agatha of Normandy (c1064-c1079)William I of England (1027-1087)Matilda of Flanders (c1031-1083)
... further results

1014 people lived in 1079

Anna Vsevolodovna of Kiev (c1055-1112)Vsevolod I Yaroslavich of Kiev (1030-1093)Anastasia Monomachos (c1035-1067)
Atrak Khan (c1075-1125)Sharu Khan (c1045-c1110)
Davyd Vseslavich of Polotsk (c1052-c1129)Vseslav Bryachislavich of Polotsk (c1039-1101)
Ketil Tostisson (c1054-c1101)Tostig Godwineson (1026-1066)Judith of Flanders (1033-1094)
Pseudo-Leo Diogenes II (c1070-1116)
Martin Vermúdez (c1036-c1083)Vermudo ArmentárizPelaya Ordóñez (c1016-aft1069)
Roger (1057-1120)Anschitil (bef1040-bef1086)
Sharu Khan (c1045-c1110)
Skule Tostisson (c1052-c1097)Tostig Godwineson (1026-1066)Judith of Flanders (1033-1094)
Sofiya Vladimirovna (c1078-c1140)Vladimir II Vsevolodovich Monomakh of Kiev (1053-1125)Gytha of Wessex (1053-1098)
Theodosia (c1060-c1110)
Tugorkhan (1028-1096)
Yaroslav Yaropolchich of Berestya (c1070-1102)Yaropolk Izyaslavich of Kiev (c1044-1087)Unknown concubine
Yefimiya (c1078-1107)
Zaida of Seville (c1070-1107)
... further results

Events of the year 1079 at Familypedia

4 people were married in 1079.

 Joined with
Ermengol IV of Urgell (1056-1092)Llucia de La Marche (?-c1078) +Adélaïde de Provence (?-1129)
Aénor d'Amboise (1055-c1102)Jean I de Lignières (1050-?)
Adélaïde de Provence (?-1129)Ermengol IV of Urgell (1056-1092)
Agnes von Rheinfelden (c1065-1111)Berthold II. von Zähringen (c1050-1111)

There were 0 military battles in 1079.

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