Centuries: 10th century - 11th century - 12th century
Decades: 1050s  1060s  1070s  - 1080s -  1090s  1100s  1110s

Years: 1084 1085 1086 - 1087 - 1088 1089 1090
1087 by topic
Lists of leaders
State leaders
Birth and death categories
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1087 in other calendars
Gregorian calendar 1087

Ab urbe condita 1840
Armenian calendar 536
Bahá'í calendar -757 – -756
Buddhist calendar 1631
Coptic calendar 803 – 804
Ethiopian calendar 1079 – 1080
Hebrew calendar 4847 4848
Hindu calendars
 - Vikram Samvat 1142 – 1143
 - Shaka Samvat 1009 – 1010
 - Kali Yuga 4188 – 4189
Holocene calendar 11087
Iranian calendar 465 – 466
Islamic calendar 479 – 480
Japanese calendar
 - Imperial Year Kōki 1747
Julian calendar 1132
Korean calendar 3420
Thai solar calendar 1630




People of the year 1087 at Familypedia

14 people were born in 1087

 FatherMotherAge mother at birth
Geoffrey de Hatton (c1087-)Adam de Hatton (c1066-)Avice de Ville (c1066-)
Ioannes II Komnenos (1087-1143)Alexios I Komnenos (c1048-1118)Eirene Doukaina (c1066-1123)
Sybille de Poitiers (c1087-c1134)William IX of Aquitaine (1071-1126)
Zbyslava Svyatopolkovna of Kiev (c1087-c1112)Svyatopolk II Izyaslavich of Kiev (1050-1113)Daughter of Bohemia (c1060-c1093)
Frédéric I de Ferrette (c1087-1160)Thierry de Montbéliard (1045-1105)Ermentrude de Bourgogne (1055-1105)
Ebles I de Grandson (bef1087-1133)Conon de Grandson (?-bef1114)Aélis de Montdidier (c1042-c1099)
Bernard III de Saint-Valéry (1087-1158)Gauthier de Saint-Valery (1064-1112)Elizabeth de Montlhery (c1040-)
Fille d'Avranches (c1087-c1140)Guillaume d'Avranches (c1050-c1087)Mathilde de Brionne
Ulrich von Bregenz (c1087-bef1097)Ulrich X. von Bregenz (?-1097)Bertha von Rheinfelden (?-1133)
Friedrich von Dachau (c1087-1124)Arnold I. von Scheyern und Dachau (?-1123)Beatrix von Rihipoldisperga (?-1124)
Dietrich II. von Formbach (c1087-c1144)Heinrich II. von Formbach (c1024-1108)Adelheid von Sulzbach (?-c1090)
Adolf II. von Saffenberg (1087-1152)Adalbert I von Saffenberg (c1020-1074)
Heilika von Schwaben (c1087-1110)Friedrich I. von Schwaben (c1050-1105)Agnes of the Holy Roman Empire (c1072-1143)
Liutgard von Zähringen (c1087-bef1098)Berthold II. von Zähringen (c1050-1111)Agnes von Rheinfelden (c1065-1111)

4 children were born to the 5 women born in 1087

26 people died in 1087

 FatherMotherAge at death
Oda von Babenberg (c1040-c1087)Leopold von Babenberg (c1025-1043)Ida von Elsdorf (c1027-c1074)
Robert de Bourgogne (1040-1113)Robert I de Bourgogne (1011-1076)Hélie de Semur (1016-aft1055)
Simon de Bourgogne (1045-1087)Robert I de Bourgogne (1011-1076)Hélie de Semur (1016-aft1055)
Manasses de Chiny (c1040-c1087)Louis II de Chiny (?-?)
Condoha d'Eu (c1040-c1087)Robert I of Eu (1021-1089)Béatrix de Falaise
Eudes de Bourgogne (c1059-c1087)Guillaume I de Bourgogne (1020-1087)Etiennette (given name)
Guillaume I de Bourgogne (1020-1087)Renaud I de Bourgogne (c990-1057)Adelaide of Normandy (1002-1038)
Euphrosine de Nevers (c1040-c1087)Foulques de Nevers (c1012-1066)Pétronille de Château-Gontier (?-?)
Otto of Bohemia (c1040-1087)Bretislaus I of Bohemia (c1003-1055)Judith von Schweinfurt (?-1058)
Foulques I of Angoulême (1025-1087)Geoffroy I Taillefer of Angoulême (991-1048)Pétronille of Archiac (1000-1043)
Yaropolk Izyaslavich of Kiev (c1044-1087)Izyaslav I Yaroslavich of Kiev (1024-1078)Gertrude of Poland (c1025-1108)
Yves V de Beaumont-sur-Oise (c1040-c1087)Yves IV de Beaumont-sur-Oise (1015-1059)Emma NN
Gausfredo de Besalú (c1065-aft1087)Guillem II de Besalu (c1020-c1068)Stefanie de Provence (1045-1085)
Eustache II de Boulogne (c1017-1087)Eustache I de Boulogne (c995-1049)Mahaut de Louvain (c1001-c1049)
Fille de Rumigny (c1040-c1087)Godefroi IV de Florennes (c1010-1078)Hedwige de Roucy (c1010-c1080)
... further results

1020 people lived in 1087

Anna Vsevolodovna of Kiev (c1055-1112)Vsevolod I Yaroslavich of Kiev (1030-1093)Anastasia Monomachos (c1035-1067)
Atrak Khan (c1075-1125)Sharu Khan (c1045-c1110)
Davyd Vseslavich of Polotsk (c1052-c1129)Vseslav Bryachislavich of Polotsk (c1039-1101)
Ketil Tostisson (c1054-c1101)Tostig Godwineson (1026-1066)Judith of Flanders (1033-1094)
Pseudo-Leo Diogenes II (c1070-1116)
Maritsa Vladimirovna (c1085-1146)Vladimir II Vsevolodovich Monomakh of Kiev (1053-1125)Gytha of Wessex (1053-1098)
Roger (1057-1120)Anschitil (bef1040-bef1086)
Sharu Khan (c1045-c1110)
Skule Tostisson (c1052-c1097)Tostig Godwineson (1026-1066)Judith of Flanders (1033-1094)
Sofiya Vladimirovna (c1078-c1140)Vladimir II Vsevolodovich Monomakh of Kiev (1053-1125)Gytha of Wessex (1053-1098)
Theodosia (c1060-c1110)
Tugorkhan (1028-1096)
Vsevolod Davydovich of Murom (c1085-c1127)Davyd Svyatoslavich of Chernigov (c1052-1123)Theodosia (c1060-c1110)
Yaroslav Yaropolchich of Berestya (c1070-1102)Yaropolk Izyaslavich of Kiev (c1044-1087)Unknown concubine
Yefimiya (c1078-1107)
... further results

Events of the year 1087 at Familypedia

16 people were married in 1087.

 Joined with
Mechthild Yaropolkovna of Turov (c1076)Günther III. von Schwarzburg-Käfernburg (c1074-aft1100)
Heinrich IV of the Holy Roman Empire (1050-1106)Bertha de Savoie (1051-1087) + Eupraxia of Kiev (1071-1109)
Fulk IV, Count of Anjou (1043-1109)Hildegarde de Beaugency (c1045)+Ermengarde de Bourbon (c1050)+Arengarde de Châtel Aillon (c1060)+Bertrade de Montfort (c1059-1117)
Alain Fergent de Bretagne (c1060-1119)Constance of Normandy (c1066-1090) + Ermengarde d'Anjou (c1068-1146)
Emma of Sicily (c1063-1120)Rodolfo di Montescaglioso (-1108)
Jordan of Sicily (-c1092)Figlia del Vasto
Roger I of Sicily (1031-1101)Judith of Évreux (1040-1076)+Erembourge de Mortain (-c1087)+Adelaide del Vasto (c1075-1118)
Alice de Montfort-sur-Risle (1050-1090)Gilbert van Gent (c1048-1094)
Godefroi I de Namur (1068-1139)Sibylle de Château-Porcien (?-?) + Ermesinde von Luxemburg (1075-1143)
Adelaide del Vasto (c1075-1118)Roger I of Sicily (1031-1101)+Baudouin de Boulogne (1065-1118)
Constance of Normandy (c1066-1090)Alain Fergent de Bretagne (c1060-1119)
Gilbert van Gent (c1048-1094)Alice de Montfort-sur-Risle (1050-1090)
Heinrich von Northeim (c1055-1101)Gertrud von Braunschweig (c1060-1117)
Kuno von Northeim (c1055-1103)Kunigunde von Weimar (1055-1140)
Günther III. von Schwarzburg-Käfernburg (c1074-aft1100)Mechthild Yaropolkovna of Turov (c1076)
... further results

There were 0 military battles in 1087.

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