Centuries: 10th century - 11th century - 12th century
Decades: 1060s  1070s  1080s  - 1090s -  1100s  1110s  1120s

Years: 1089 1090 1091 - 1092 - 1093 1094 1095
1092 by topic
Lists of leaders
State leaders
Birth and death categories
Establishments and disestablishments categories
1092 in other calendars
Gregorian calendar 1092

Ab urbe condita 1845
Armenian calendar 541
Bahá'í calendar -752 – -751
Buddhist calendar 1636
Coptic calendar 808 – 809
Ethiopian calendar 1084 – 1085
Hebrew calendar 4852 4853
Hindu calendars
 - Vikram Samvat 1147 – 1148
 - Shaka Samvat 1014 – 1015
 - Kali Yuga 4193 – 4194
Holocene calendar 11092
Iranian calendar 470 – 471
Islamic calendar 484 – 485
Japanese calendar
 - Imperial Year Kōki 1752
Julian calendar 1137
Korean calendar 3425
Thai solar calendar 1635

Europe map 1092

Europe in 1092




People of the year 1092 at Familypedia

17 people were born in 1092

 FatherMotherAge mother at birth
Guigues I de Forez (c1092-aft1137)Guigues-Raymond of Albon (c1071-c1118)Ida-Raimunde de Lyon (c1055-c1095)
Eustache de Chiny (c1092-c1139)Otton II de Chiny (c1068-aft1131)Alix de Namur (1068-aft1124)
Walter de Gaunt (c1092-1139)Gilbert van Gent (c1048-1094)Alice de Montfort-sur-Risle (1050-1090)
Isabelle de Bourgogne (c1092-c1139)Etienne I de Bourgogne (1065-1102)Beatrix de Lorraine (c1050-c1102)
Adélaïde de Blois (c1092-c1139)Stephen II, Count of Blois (c1045-1102)Adela of Normandy (c1062-1138)
Adélaïs de Clare (1092-1163)Gilbert Fitz Richard (c1066-c1117)Adelaïde de Clermont (1076-c1120)
Geertruid Petronella van Lotharingen (c1092-1144)Dirk II de Lorraine (c1050-1115)Hedwig von Formbach (c1070-c1100)
Mathilde de Mayenne (1092-1162)Gauthier IV de Mayenne (-1116)Adeline de Beaugency (c1070-c1117)
Escivard de Preuilly (c1092-c1139)Geoffroy III de Preuilly (c1045-1102)Euphrosine de Nevers (c1040-c1087)
Adèle de Savoie (1092-1154)Humbert II de Savoie (aft1065-1103)Gisele de Bourgogne (1075-aft1133)
Judith de Vaudémont (c1092-c1163)Gerard de Vaudémont (1057-1108)Helwidis von Egisheim (c1062-c1126)
Anna of Cumania (c1092-c1135)Ayub Khan (c1070-c1117)
Bernhard von Scheyern (c1092-aft1139)Bernhard I. von Scheyern (?-1102)
Kunigunde von Thüringen (c1092-1118)Ludwig II. von Schauenburg und Thüringen (1042-1123)Adelheid von Stade (c1060-1110)
Ludwig I. von Thüringen (c1092-1140)Ludwig II. von Schauenburg und Thüringen (1042-1123)Adelheid von Stade (c1060-1110)
... further results

30 children were born to the 10 women born in 1092

36 people died in 1092

 FatherMotherAge at death
Reginald de Bourgogne (1065-1092)Henry de Bourgogne (1035-c1074)Sybil of Barcelona (?-?)
Hésilia Crespin de Bec (1045-c1092)Gilbert Crespin de Bec (1025-1060)Gunnora de Courcy (1020-?)
Fils of Evreux (c1076-bef1092)Guillaume of Évreux (?-1118)Heloise of Nevers (1056-c1103)
Guy de Genève (c1045-c1092)Gerold II de Geneve (c1020-1080)Gisèle (-1060)
Nigel FitzIvo (-1092)Ivo, Vicomte de Cotentin (-1059)Emma de Bretagne
Dolphin fitz Gospatric (1078-)Earl Gospatrick (c.1040-1074)Princess Aethelreda of Wessex (bef.1042-aft.1075
William II of Tonnerre (1052-1090)William I of Nevers (c1030-c1090)Ermengarde of Tonnerre (c1032-1083)
Conrad I of Bohemia (1036-1092)Bretislaus I of Bohemia (c1003-1055)Judith von Schweinfurt (?-1058)
Ryurik Rostislavich of Peremyshl (1063-1092)Rostislav Vladimirovich of Tmutarakan (c1038-1067)Anna Lanke of Hungary (1047-1095)
Guillemette de Matha (1045-c1092)Guillaume de Matha (1021-1075)
Ermengol IV of Urgell (1056-1092)Ermengol III of Urgell (1032-1066)Clémence de Bigorre (c1036-bef1065)
Sanche I d'Astarac (1045-c1092)Guillaume I d'Astarac (1010-c1057)
Amélius II de Chambon (1020-1092)Albert de Chambon (980-?)Dea de la Queille (1000-?)
Aude de Rumigny (c1045-c1092)Godefroi IV de Florennes (c1010-1078)Hedwige de Roucy (c1010-c1080)
Jordan of Sicily (-c1092)Roger I of Sicily (1031-1101)Judith of Évreux (1040-1076)
... further results

1024 people lived in 1092

Anna Vsevolodovna of Kiev (c1055-1112)Vsevolod I Yaroslavich of Kiev (1030-1093)Anastasia Monomachos (c1035-1067)
Atrak Khan (c1075-1125)Sharu Khan (c1045-c1110)
Davyd Vseslavich of Polotsk (c1052-c1129)Vseslav Bryachislavich of Polotsk (c1039-1101)
Ketil Tostisson (c1054-c1101)Tostig Godwineson (1026-1066)Judith of Flanders (1033-1094)
Pseudo-Leo Diogenes II (c1070-1116)
Maritsa Vladimirovna (c1085-1146)Vladimir II Vsevolodovich Monomakh of Kiev (1053-1125)Gytha of Wessex (1053-1098)
Roger (1057-1120)Anschitil (bef1040-bef1086)
Sharu Khan (c1045-c1110)
Skule Tostisson (c1052-c1097)Tostig Godwineson (1026-1066)Judith of Flanders (1033-1094)
Sofiya Vladimirovna (c1078-c1140)Vladimir II Vsevolodovich Monomakh of Kiev (1053-1125)Gytha of Wessex (1053-1098)
Theodosia (c1060-c1110)
Tugorkhan (1028-1096)
Volodar Glebovich of Gorodets (c1195-1167)Gleb Vseslavich of Minsk (c1055-1119)
Vsevolod Davydovich of Murom (c1085-c1127)Davyd Svyatoslavich of Chernigov (c1052-1123)Theodosia (c1060-c1110)
Yaroslav Yaropolchich of Berestya (c1070-1102)Yaropolk Izyaslavich of Kiev (c1044-1087)Unknown concubine
... further results

Events of the year 1092 at Familypedia

8 people were married in 1092.

 Joined with
Roger of Montgomery (c1065-bef1140)Almodis de la Marche (1075-1110)
Gilbert Fitz Richard (c1066-c1117)Adelaïde de Clermont (1076-c1120)
Adelaïde de Clermont (1076-c1120)Gilbert Fitz Richard (c1066-c1117) + Hervé de Montemorentino de Marisco
Gilbert I de Gevaudan (1065-1112)Gerberge de Provence (1060-1118)
Bertrade de Montfort (c1059-1117)Fulk IV, Count of Anjou (1043-1109)+Philip I of France (1052-1108)
Gerberge de Provence (1060-1118)Gilbert I de Gevaudan (1065-1112)
Almodis de la Marche (1075-1110)Roger of Montgomery (c1065-bef1140) + Ramon Berenguer III of Barcelona (1082-1132)
Adela of Flanders (?-1115)Canute IV of Denmark (c1043-1086)+Roger Borsa (c1060-1111)

There were 0 military battles in 1092.

0.0166015625 3 0.03515625

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