Centuries: 10th century - 11th century - 12th century
Decades: 1060s  1070s  1080s  - 1090s -  1100s  1110s  1120s

Years: 1094 1095 1096 - 1097 - 1098 1099 1100
1097 by topic
Lists of leaders
State leaders
Birth and death categories
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1097 in other calendars
Gregorian calendar 1097

Ab urbe condita 1850
Armenian calendar 546
Bahá'í calendar -747 – -746
Buddhist calendar 1641
Coptic calendar 813 – 814
Ethiopian calendar 1089 – 1090
Hebrew calendar 4857 4858
Hindu calendars
 - Vikram Samvat 1152 – 1153
 - Shaka Samvat 1019 – 1020
 - Kali Yuga 4198 – 4199
Holocene calendar 11097
Iranian calendar 475 – 476
Islamic calendar 490 – 491
Japanese calendar
 - Imperial Year Kōki 1757
Julian calendar 1142
Korean calendar 3430
Thai solar calendar 1640




People of the year 1097 at Familypedia

16 people were born in 1097

 FatherMotherAge mother at birth
Guiscard Borsa (c1097-1108)Roger Borsa (c1060-1111)Adela of Flanders (?-1115)
Robert de Lisours (c1097-)Fauques de Lisours
William de Mainwaring (c1097-)Roger de Mainwaring (c1075-c1119)
Sarah de Munchensy (-1175)Hubwert de Munchensy (-1145)Muriel de Valognes (-1149)
Izyaslav II Mstislavich of Kiev (c1097-1154)Mstislav I Vladimirovich of Kiev (1076-1132)Christina Ingesdotter of Sweden (c1080-1122)
Svyatoslav Yaroslavich of Ryazan (c1097-1145)Yaroslav Svyatoslavich of Chernigov (1074-1129)
Gero von Seeburg (1097-1133)Wichmann von Seeburg (-c1115)Bertha von Camburg (c1075-bef1152)
Maud of Blois (c1097-1120)Stephen II, Count of Blois (c1045-1102)Adela of Normandy (c1062-1138)
Geoffroi de Bretagne (c1097-1116)Alain Fergent de Bretagne (c1060-1119)Ermengarde d'Anjou (c1068-1146)
Maud of Hanslape (c1097-)Michael of Hanslape (c1072-c1131)
Guillaume de Savoie (c1097-1130)Humbert II de Savoie (aft1065-1103)Gisele de Bourgogne (1075-aft1133)
Raoul IV de Tosny (1079-1125)Raoul III de Tosny (bef1030-1103)Isabeau de Montfort (c1058-c1123)
Norman de Verdun (-c1153)Bertram II de Verdun (-c1129)
Agafiya Vladimirovna of Kiev (c1097-1144)Vladimir II Vsevolodovich Monomakh of Kiev (1053-1125)Yefimiya
Pere of Urgell (c1097-c1144)Ermengol V of Urgell (1078-1102)Maria Ansúrez (?-?)
... further results

6 children were born to the 4 women born in 1097

30 people died in 1097

 FatherMotherAge at death
Skule Tostisson (c1052-c1097)Tostig Godwineson (1026-1066)Judith of Flanders (1033-1094)
Eldeburge de Bourges (1050-c1097)Geoffroi IV, Vicomte de Bourges (-1061)
Adelaide de Soissons (1026-1097)Renaud I de Soissons (990-1057)Adelaide de Roucy (?-?)
Berthe de Bourgogne (c1076-1097)Guillaume I de Bourgogne (1020-1087)Etiennette (given name)
Renaud II de Bourgogne (1061-1097)Guillaume I de Bourgogne (1020-1087)Etiennette (given name)
Renauld II of Nevers (1059-1097)William I of Nevers (c1030-c1090)Ermengarde of Tonnerre (c1032-1083)
Agnes of Aquitaine (?-1097)William VIII, Duke of Aquitaine (1025-1086)Hildegard de Bourgogne (c1056-1104)
Odo of Bayeux (c1030-1097)Herluin de Conteville (c1001-1066)Herleva of Falaise (1003-1050)
Gauzbert de Beaugency (c1040-aft1097)Jean de Beaugency (?-1097)Paule du Maine (c1012-c1059)
Geoffroy de Beaugency (c1046-aft1097)Jean de Beaugency (?-1097)Paule du Maine (c1012-c1059)
Milon de Beaugency (c01050-c1097)Jean de Beaugency (?-1097)Paule du Maine (c1012-c1059)
Almodis de Blois (c1020-1097)Odo II de Blois (c983-1037)Irmengarde d'Auvergne (c995-1040)
Henri de Grandpré (c1025-1097)Herman de Grandpré (c1014-aft1064)Judith
Mélisende de Lusignan (1050-c1097)Hugues V de Lusignan (1016-1060)Almodis de La Marche (c1020-1075)
Guillaume de Lyon (c1050-1097)Artaud V de Lyon (c1020-1076)Ida-Raimunde Geilin (c1024-?)
... further results

1013 people lived in 1097

Anna Vsevolodovna of Kiev (c1055-1112)Vsevolod I Yaroslavich of Kiev (1030-1093)Anastasia Monomachos (c1035-1067)
Atrak Khan (c1075-1125)Sharu Khan (c1045-c1110)
Davyd Vseslavich of Polotsk (c1052-c1129)Vseslav Bryachislavich of Polotsk (c1039-1101)
Ketil Tostisson (c1054-c1101)Tostig Godwineson (1026-1066)Judith of Flanders (1033-1094)
Pseudo-Leo Diogenes II (c1070-1116)
Maritsa Vladimirovna (c1085-1146)Vladimir II Vsevolodovich Monomakh of Kiev (1053-1125)Gytha of Wessex (1053-1098)
Roger (1057-1120)Anschitil (bef1040-bef1086)
Sharu Khan (c1045-c1110)
Skule Tostisson (c1052-c1097)Tostig Godwineson (1026-1066)Judith of Flanders (1033-1094)
Sofiya Vladimirovna (c1078-c1140)Vladimir II Vsevolodovich Monomakh of Kiev (1053-1125)Gytha of Wessex (1053-1098)
Theodosia (c1060-c1110)
Volodar Glebovich of Gorodets (c1195-1167)Gleb Vseslavich of Minsk (c1055-1119)
Vsevolod Davydovich of Murom (c1085-c1127)Davyd Svyatoslavich of Chernigov (c1052-1123)Theodosia (c1060-c1110)
Yaroslav Yaropolchich of Berestya (c1070-1102)Yaropolk Izyaslavich of Kiev (c1044-1087)Unknown concubine
Yefimiya (c1078-1107)
... further results

Events of the year 1097 at Familypedia

6 people were married in 1097.

 Joined with
Elisabeth von Österreich (c1067-c1109)Otakar II. von Steiermark (c1055-1122)
Estefania de Besalú (c1070-c1117)Roger II de Foix (c1053-1124)
Roger II de Foix (c1053-1124)Sicarde + Estefania de Besalú (c1070-c1117)
Felicia of Sicily (c1078-c1102)Coloman of Hungary (c1070-1116)
Otakar II. von Steiermark (c1055-1122)Tochter von Wels-Lambach (?-?) + Elisabeth von Österreich (c1067-c1109)
Coloman of Hungary (c1070-1116)Felicia of Sicily (c1078-c1102) + Yefimiya Vladimirovna of Kiev (c1095-1139)

There were 0 military battles in 1097.

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