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1221 in other calendars
Gregorian calendar 1221

Ab urbe condita 1974
Armenian calendar 670
Bahá'í calendar -623 – -622
Buddhist calendar 1765
Coptic calendar 937 – 938
Ethiopian calendar 1213 – 1214
Hebrew calendar 4981 4982
Hindu calendars
 - Vikram Samvat 1276 – 1277
 - Shaka Samvat 1143 – 1144
 - Kali Yuga 4322 – 4323
Holocene calendar 11221
Iranian calendar 599 – 600
Islamic calendar 617 – 618
Japanese calendar
 - Imperial Year Kōki 1881
Julian calendar 1266
Korean calendar 3554
Thai solar calendar 1764




This page uses content from the English language Wikipedia. The original content was at 1221. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with this Familypedia wiki, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons License.

People of the year 1221 at Familypedia

15 people were born in 1221

 FatherMotherAge mother at birth
Alfonso X of Castile (1221-1284)Ferdinand III, King of Castile (1199-1252)Elisabeth von Staufen (1203-1235)
Isabel de Maudit (c1221-c1268)William de MauditAlice de Beaumont (c1200-bef1263)
Clémence de Orreby (-1258)Philip de Orreby (-1230)Leuca de Mohaut (-1227)
Constance of Poland (c1221-1257)Henry II the Pious of Poland (c1196-1241)Anne of Bohemia (1204-1265)
Przemysł I of Poznań (c1221-1257)Władysław Odonic of Poznań (c1190-1239)Hedwig Unknown (?-1249)
Aleksandra Bryachislavna of Polotsk (c1221-c1265)Bryachislav Vasilkovich of Polotsk (c1200-c1250)
Vasili Andreyevich of Vyazma (c1221-c1250)Andrei Vladimirovich Dolgaya Ruka of Vyazma (c1205-1223)
Thiébaut II de Bar (c1221-1291)Henri II de Bar (1190-1239)Philippa de Dreux (1192-1242)
Richard de Verney (c1221-)Harvey de Verney (c1188-)
Béatrice de Beaujeu (1221-c1268)Humbert V de Beaujeu (1198-1250)Marguerite de Baugé (1200-1252)
Hugues XI de Lusignan (1221-1250)Hugues X de Lusignan (c1189-1249)Isabelle of Angoulême (1186-1246)
Mathieu III de Montmorency (1221-1270)Bouchard VI de Montmorency (1201-1243)Isabeau de Laval (1201-1244)
Marguerite de Provence (1221-1295)Ramon Berenguer IV de Provence (1195-1245)Béatrice de Savoie (1205-1266)
Olga Olgovna of Kursk (c1211-c1270)Oleg Svyatoslavich of Kursk (c1185-c1230)
Friedrich von Vianden (1221-1247)Heinrich I. von Vianden (c1175-1252)Marguerite de Courtenay (1194-1270)

21 children were born to the 6 women born in 1221

24 people died in 1221

 FatherMotherAge at death
Hoelun of Olkhunud (c1140-c1221)
Roger Bigod, 2nd Earl of Norfolk (c1144-1221)Hugh Bigod, 1st Earl of Norfolk (1095-1177)Juliana de Vere (c1116-1199)
Thierry de Mellier (c1143-bef1221)Albert I de Chiny (c1086-bef1162)Agnès de Bar (c1120-c1167)
Enrico II del Carretto (1165-1231)Enrico del Vasto (1115-1184)Beatrice de Montferrat (1142-1228)
Walter de Lindsay, 1st of Lamberton (-1221)William de Lindsay (c1148-c1200)Aleanore de Limesay (-1200)
Marie de Tournai (c1185-aft1221)Baudouin de Tournai (c1150-aft1208)Hildrade de Wavrin
Iaroslava Ryurikovna (c1174-c1221)Ryurik II Rostislavich of Kiev (c1137-1212)Anna Yuryevna of Turov (c1152-c1209)
Mariya Mstislavna of Smolensk (c1187-1220)Mstislav III Romanovich of Kiev (c1160-1223)
Dietrich von Meißen (1162-1221)Otto von Meißen (c1116-1190)Hedwig von Brandenburg (-1203)
Friedrich II. von Brehna und Wettin (c1165-1221)Friedrich I. von Brehna (c1142-1191)Hedwig von Böhmen-Jamnitz (c1154-1211)
William of Aubigny (c1175-1221)William of Aubigny (c1139-1193)Maud de St. Hilary (c1136-1195)
Alix of Alençon (1150-1221)Jean I of Alençon (c1117-1191)Béatrix du Maine (1133-c1190)
William IV of Ponthieu (1179-1221)Jean de Ponthieu (c1140-1191)Béatrix de Saint-Pol (c1155-c1202)
Berengária of Portugal (c1195-1221)Sancho I of Portugal (1154-1212)Dulce of Aragon (1160-1198)
Guy de Chappes (c1165-1221)Clérambaud III de ChappesErmengarde de Montlhéry (1135-1175)
... further results

1027 people lived in 1221

Aleksandr Vsevolodovich of Belz (c1180-c1235)Vsevolod Mstislavich of Volhynia (c1160-1196)
Danilo Kobyakovich (c1180-1223)Konchak Khan (c1120-c1203)
Dervorguilla of Galloway (c1210-1290)Alan, Lord of Galloway (c1175-1234)Margaret of Huntingdon (c1194-aft1233)
Hoelun of Olkhunud (c1140-c1221)
John fitzRobert (c1190-1240)Robert fitzRoger (-1214)Margaret de Chesney
Kirill II, Bishop of Rostov (c1180-1262)
Maria of Cumania (c1185-c1260)Kotyan Khan (c1165-1241)
Marina Vladimirovna (1215-1238)Vladimir IV Ryurikovich of Kiev (1187-1239)
Morta (c1210-1262)
Oleg Ingvarevich Krasnyi (c1215-1258)Ingvar Igoryevich of Ryazan (c1190-1235)
Oleg Yuryevich (c1190-1237)Yuri Yuryevich of Murom (c1170-c1224)
Rostislav Mstislavich of Smolensk (c1212-c1241)Mstislav Davydovich of Smolensk (the younger) (1193-1230)
Ryngold (c1175-c1236)Algimantas
Treniota (c1210-1264)Vykintas (c1200-1253)
Tverdislav Mikhalkovich (c1165-c1125)Mikhalko Stepanich (c1140-c1215)
... further results

Events of the year 1221 at Familypedia

19 people were married in 1221.

 Joined with
Alexander II of Scotland (1198-1249)Joan of England (1210-1238) + Marie de Coucy (c1218-1285)
Joan of England (1210-1238)Alexander II of Scotland (1198-1249)
Philippe I de Poitiers (c1201-1226)Isabella I of Armenia (c1217-1252)
Isabella I of Armenia (c1217-1252)Philippe I de Poitiers (c1201-1226) + Hethum I of Barbaron (1215-1270)
Marguerite de Bar (c1195-c1242)Heinrich von Salm (c1190-aft1228) + Henri de Dampierre
Jaime I de Aragón (1208-1276)Eleanor of Castile (1202-1244) + Violant of Hungary (c1216-1253) + Teresa Gil de Vidaure (?-?) + Blanca d'Antillón (?-?) + Berenguela Fernández (?-?) + Elvira Sarroca (?-?)
Agnes de Beaujeu (1200-1231)Teobaldo I de Navarra (1201-1253)
Teobaldo I de Navarra (1201-1253)Gertrude of Dagsburg (c1190-1225) + Agnes of Beaujeu (1200-1231) + Marguerite de Bourbon (1211-1256)
Agnès II de Donzy (c1205-1225)Guy I de Châtillon (c1196-1226)
Guy I de Châtillon (c1196-1226)Agnès II de Donzy (c1205-1225)
Petronille de Bigorre (c1190-1251)Gaston VI de Béarn (c1165-1214) + Nuno de Aragon + Guy de Montfort + Aymar de Rancon + Boson de Matha
Elisabeth de La Guerche (1210-c1257)Pierre de Chemillé (1204-1248)
Jean II de Pierrepont (c1184-1251)Isabelle de Dreux (1188-aft1242) + Maria de Dammartin (c1220-c1279)
Pierre de Chemillé (1204-1248)Elisabeth de La Guerche (1210-c1257)
Eleanor of Castile (1202-1244)Jaime I de Aragón (1208-1276)
... further results

There were 0 military battles in 1221.

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