1336 1337 1338 - 1339 - 1340 1341 1342
1300s 1310s 1320s - 1330s - 1340s 1350s 1360s
13th century - 14th century - 15th century
1339 by topic
State leaders - Sovereign states
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Category: EstablishmentsDisestablishments
1339 in other calendars
Gregorian calendar 1339

Ab urbe condita 2092
Armenian calendar 788
Bahá'í calendar -505 – -504
Buddhist calendar 1883
Coptic calendar 1055 – 1056
Ethiopian calendar 1331 – 1332
Hebrew calendar 5099 5100
Hindu calendars
 - Vikram Samvat 1394 – 1395
 - Shaka Samvat 1261 – 1262
 - Kali Yuga 4440 – 4441
Holocene calendar 11339
Iranian calendar 717 – 718
Islamic calendar 739 – 740
Japanese calendar
 - Imperial Year Kōki 1999
Julian calendar 1384
Korean calendar 3672
Thai solar calendar 1882




This page uses content from the English language Wikipedia. The original content was at 1339. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with this Familypedia wiki, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons License.

People of the year 1339 at Familypedia

21 people were born in 1339

 FatherMotherAge mother at birth
Thomas de Beauchamp, 12th Earl of Warwick (1339-1401)Thomas de Beauchamp, 11th Earl of Warwick (1313-1369)Catherine Mortimer (c1314-1369)
Eric XII of Sweden (1339-1359)Magnus IV of Sweden (1316-1374)Blanche de Namur (1320-1363)
Jean IV de Bretagne (1339-1399)Jean de Montfort (1294-1345)Joanna of Flanders (c1295-1374)
Joanna of Navarre (1339-1403)Philip III of Navarre (1306-1343)Joan II of Navarre (1312-1349)
Louis I of Naples (1339-1384)Jean II de Valois (1319-1364)Bonne of Bohemia (1315-1349)
Walter Devereux (c1339-c1383)William Devereux of Bodenham (c1315-1377)Anne Barre (-)
Juana Manuel (1339-1381)Juan Manuel (1282-1348)Blanca de la Cerda y Lara (c1317-1347)
Teodoras Karijotaitis (c1339-1414)Karijotas (c1307-c1361)
Elizabeth of Bosnia (c1339-1387)Stephen II of Bosnia (1292-1353)Elizabeth of Kuyavia (c1317-aft1345)
Anna of Swidnica (1339-1362)Henry II of Swidnica (c1316-1345)Katherine of Hungary (c1315-1355)
Maud of Lancaster (1339-1362)Henry of Grosmont, 1st Duke of Lancaster (c1310-1361)Isabella de Beaumont (c1320-1361)
Vasili Vasilyevich of Yaroslavl (c1339-c1380)Vasili Davidovich of Yaroslavl (1311-1345)Yevdokiya Ivanovna of Moscow (1324-1342)
Robert de Staunton (c1339-)John de Staunton (-1395)Isabel de Eccleshall (c1312-)
Benedicta Ward (c1339-)Simon Ward (-1383)Maude Unknown
Albrecht I. von Braunschweig-Grubenhagen-Salzderhelden (c1339-1383)Ernst I. von Braunschweig-Grubenhagen-Osterode (1297-1361)Adelheid von Everstein (1324-aft1373)
... further results

8 children were born to the 7 women born in 1339

13 people died in 1339

 FatherMotherAge at death
Eric XII of Sweden (1339-1359)Magnus IV of Sweden (1316-1374)Blanche de Namur (1320-1363)
Thomas de Furnivall, 2nd Baron Furnivall (1301-1339)Thomas de Furnivall, 1st Baron Furnivall (-1332)Joan le Despenser (-1354)38
Hedwig of Poznań (1266-1339)Bolesław the Pious of Poznań (c1225-1279)Ilona of Hungary (1244-aft1303)
Thomas de Poynings, 1st Baron Poynings (c1300-1339)Michael de Poynings (c1270-1314)Margaret
Aleksandr Mikhailovich of Tver (1301-1339)Mikhail Yaroslavich of Tver (1271-1318)Anna Dmitriyevna of Kashin (c1280-1368)
Roman Mikhailovich of Beloozero (c1290-1339)Mikhail Glebovich of Beloozero (1263-1293)Younger Daughter of Fyodor Rostislavich (c1263-c1315)
Marie de Dreux (1268-1339)Jean II de Bretagne (1239-1305)Beatrice of England (1242-1275)
Brunissende de Foix (1280-1339)Roger-Bernard III de Foix (1243-1303)Marguerite de Béarn (c1247-aft1310)
Ebles X de Ventadour (c1265-1339)Ebles VIII de Ventadour (1240-1297)Blanche d'Apchier (c1245-1292)
Jeanne de Montmorency (1286-1339)Erard de Montmorency (c1260-bef1334)Jeanne de Longueval
Aymar V de Poitiers-Valentinois (1270-1339)Aymar IV de Poitiers, Comte de Valentinois (-1329)Hippolyte de Bourgogne (1245-c1292)
Aldona of Lithuania (c1309-1339)Gediminas (c1275-1341)Jewna of Polotsk (c1280-c1344)
Sophia von Werle (c1300-1339)Nikolaus II. zu Werle (bef1275-1316)Richeza of Denmark (c1279-bef1308)

918 people lived in 1339

Aleksandr Mikhailovich of Pronsk (c1295-1340)Mikhail Yaroslavich of Pronsk (c1277-1307)Yevdokiya
Andrei Fyodorovich of Rostov (1330-1409)Fyodor Vasilyevich of Rostov (1311-1331)Mariya Fyodorovna
Anna Ivanovna of Drutsk (c1335-c1375)
Boris Konstantinovich of Gorodets (c1325-1394)Konstantin Vasilyevich of Suzdal (c1300-1355)
Casimir of Warsaw (c1325-1355)Trojden I of Masovia (c1285-1341)Maria Yuryevna of Halych (c1292-1341)
Ivan Fyorodorovich of Starodub (c1315-c1370)Fyodor Ivanovich of Starodub (c1285-1330)
Ivan Ivanovich Korotopol (c1305-1343)Ivan Yaroslavich of Ryazan (c1275-1327)Vasilisa
Konstantin Vasilyevich of Rostov (1312-1365)Vasili Konstantinovich of Rostov (1291-1316)
Mariya Ordynskaya (1313-c1360)Toqta Khan (c1270-1312)Maria Palaiologina (1297-c1340)
Olga Ivanovna of Ryazan (c1300-c1350)Ivan Yaroslavich of Ryazan (c1275-1327)Vasilisa
Sofya Yuryevna of Moscow (c1299-c1355)Yuri Danilovich of Moscow (1281-1325)Unknown Konstantinovna of Rostov (c1282-1299)
Uzbek Khan (c1283-1341)Togru Khan (c1265-c1320)
Vasili Aleksandrovich of Ryazan (1320-1351)
Vasili Mikhailovich of Tver (c1304-1368)Mikhail Yaroslavich of Tver (1271-1318)Anna Dmitriyevna of Kashin (c1280-1368)
Guigues VII de Forez (1299-1358)Jean I de Forez (1275-1334)Alix de la Tour du Pin (1280-1309)
... further results

Events of the year 1339 at Familypedia

12 people were married in 1339.

 Joined with
Bernhard III. von Anhalt-Bernburg (c1303-1348)Agnes von Sachsen-Wittenberg (c1309-1338) + Mathilde von Anhalt-Zerbst (-bef1339) + Matilda von Braunschweig-Göttingen (-c1354).
Ernst I. von Braunschweig-Göttingen (c1305-1366)Elisabeth von Hessen (c1329-1390)
Mathilde von Braunschweig-Lüneburg (c1315-1357)Otto II. von Waldeck (bef1307-1369)
Pedro I of Portugal (1320-1367)Blanca of Castile (aft1315-1375)+Constance of Peñafiel (c1323-1345)+Inés de Castro (1320-1355)+Teresa Lourenço (c1330-)
Jacques de Piémont (1315-1367)Béatrice d'Este (?-1339)+Sibylle des Baux (?-c1361)+Marguerite de Beaujeu (1346-1402)
Margery de Verdun (1310-1363)William le Blount (-bef1338)+Mark Husee (-bef1347)+John de Crophill (c1322-1383)
Elisabeth von Hessen (c1329-1390)Ernst I. von Braunschweig-Göttingen (c1305-1366)
Herman VII. von Münster (bef1322-1359)Oda von Lüdinghausen (bef1322-aft1351)
Heinrich I. von Nassau-Beilstein (c1307-1378)Imagina von Westerburg (1316-1388)
Johann II. von Stein-Dhaun (-1383)Margareta von Kirburg (-1368)+Jutta von Leiningen-Dagsburg (-aft1389)
Otto II. von Waldeck (bef1307-1369)Mathilde von Braunschweig-Lüneburg (c1315-1357) + Margarethe von Löwenberg
Imagina von Westerburg (1316-1388)Heinrich I. von Nassau-Beilstein (c1307-1378)

There were 0 military battles in 1339.

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