
People of the year 1607 at Familypedia

61 people were born in 1607

 FatherMotherAge mother at birth
Thomas Andrews (1607-1688)
Dorothea von Anhalt-Zerbst (1607-1634)Rudolf von Anhalt-Zerbst (1576-1621)Dorothea Hedwig von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel (1587-1609)
Humphrey Atherton (1607-1661)Edmund Atherton (c1576-1613)Mary Rudd (c1580-c1611)
Richard Beers (1616-1675)John Beers (1566-1638)Mary Selby (1560-1635)
Francis Billington (1607-1684)John Billington (1580-1630)Elinor Armstrong (c1580-1643)
Jenneke Bouwers (c1607-?)
Thomas Bowes (1607-1661)Thomas Bowes (c1577-c1628)Anne Warcop (c1579)
Albert Andrieszen Bradt (1607-1686)Andries Arentse Bradt (c1578-aft1616)Aeffi Kinetis (c1584-aft1616)
Jan Broers (1607-1665)Jan Broers (1565-1610)Unknown Saal (c1590-)
George Bullard (1607-1689)William Bullard (1563-1610)Grace Bignett (1566-1630)
Elizabeth Bunker (1607-1684)
Anne Busby (1607-1686)Nicholas Busby (1582-1657)Bridget Cocke (1584-1659)
Anne Calvert (1607-1672)
Archibald Campbell, 1st Marquess of Argyll (1607-1661)Archibald Campbell, 7th Earl of Argyll (c1575-1638)Agnes Douglas (1574-1607)
Elizabeth Cogan (1607-1676)Philobert Cogan (1563-1641)Anne Marshall (1579-1650)
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40 children were born to the 20 women born in 1607

21 people died in 1607

 FatherMotherAge at death
Elisabeth von Anhalt (1563-1607)Joachim Ernst von Anhalt-Dessau (1536-1586)Agnes von Barby-Mühlingen (1540-1569)
Ion Bogdan (c1550-c1607)
Mary Browne (1552-1607)Anthony Browne, 1st Viscount Montagu (c1527-1592)Jane Radcliffe (c1532-1552)
Thomas Claiborne (c1560-c1607)Thomas Cleyborne or Claiborne (1535-1582)
Penelope Devereux (c1562-1607)Walter Devereux, 1st Earl of Essex (1539-1576)Lettice Knollys (1543-1634)
Agnes Douglas (1574-1607)William Douglas, 6th Earl of Morton (c1540-1606)Agnes Leslie (aft1541-c1606)
Eleonore von Preußen (1583-1607)Albrecht Friedrich von Preußen (1553-1618)Marie Eleonore von Jülich-Kleve-Berg (1550-1608)24
George Kingsmill (-1607)John Kingsmill (-1536)Constance Goring (c1502-1580)
Thomas Ludlow (1550-1607)George Ludlow (1504-1543)Edith Windsor (1515-1613)
Anne Morgan (1529-1606)Thomas Morgan (c1495-c1562)Anne Whitney (bef1529-)
Edward Prower (c1575-1605)
Ivan Petrovich Romodanovsky (c1540-1607)Pyotr Borisovich Romodanovsky (c1490-c1565)
Anne Roper (c1530-1607)Thomas Roper (c1490-1542)Joan (c1495-)
John Talbot (c1568-c1607)John Talbot (c1535-1611)Catherine Petre
István Teleki de Szék (c1602-c1607)Mihály Teleki de Szék (1576-1615)Anna Garázda (1580-1614)
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2387 people lived in 1607

Griet Germents (bef1595-aft1663)Gerbrand JacobszGuijrte Hillebrants
Neeltje IJsbrandts (c1600-aft1625)IJsbrandt DirkszAef Jans
George Abell (1561-1630)Robert Abell (1531-1587)Helene Abell (1524-1611)
Robert Abell (1605-1663)George Abell (1561-1630)Frances Cotton (1573-1646)
Alexander Abercromby, 1st Baronet (1603-1670)Alexander Abercromby of Birkenbog (-c1645)Elizabeth Bethune (-1623)
Anna Adair (1599-1670)William Adair (1565-1626)Rosina Reilly McClellan (1565-1626)
Archibald Adair (1580-1647)Ninian Adair (1531-1608)Elizabeth Gordon (1535-1608)
Gilbert Adair (1582-1635)Ninian Adair (1531-1608)Elizabeth Gordon (1535-1608)
John Adair (1598-1675)William Adair (1565-1626)Rosina Reilly McClellan (1565-1626)
Marianne Adair (1593-1630)William Adair (1565-1626)Rosina Reilly McClellan (1565-1626)
Ninian Adair (1531-1608)William Adair (1500-1575)Helen Kennedy (1507-1572)
Robert Beatty Adair (1583-1655)William Adair (1565-1626)Rosina Reilly McClellan (1565-1626)
William Adair (1591-1684)William Adair (1565-1626)Rosina Reilly McClellan (1565-1626)
William Adair (1565-1626)Ninian Adair (1531-1608)Elizabeth Gordon (1535-1608)
Henry Adams (1582-1646)Richard Adams (1555-1605)Agnes Stone (1555-1616)
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Events of the year 1607 at Familypedia

36 people were married in 1607.

 Joined with
Ann Allwood (1593-1634)Peter Thatcher (1587-1640)
Michael Bacon (-1648)Alice Blowers (1590-1648)
Thomas Bourne (1582-1664)Elizabeth Rouse (1590-1660)
William Feilding, 1st Earl of Denbigh (c1587-1643)Susan Villiers (1589-1652)
Judith Elizabeth Gater (1588-1684)John Perkins (1583-1654)
Joanna Hincksman (1586-1661)Charles Hoare (1590-1638)
Charles Hoare (1590-1638)Joanna Hincksman (1586-1661)
Magdalena Sibylle von Preußen (1586-1659)Johann Georg I. von Sachsen (1585-1656)
William Knapp (1578-1658)Judith Tue (1589-1649)
Hannah Landford (1600-1658)William Potter (1582-1619)
Christopher Martin (c1582-1621)Mary Prower (c1575-1621)
John Perkins (1583-1654)Judith Elizabeth Gater (1588-1684)
George Potter (c1584-1640)Martha Taylor (1585-1646)
William Potter (1582-1619)Hannah Landford (1600-1658)
Mary Prower (c1575-1621)Edward Prower (c1575-1605) + Christopher Martin (c1582-1621)
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There were 0 military battles in 1607.

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