
People of the year 1681 at Familypedia

103 people were born in 1681

 FatherMotherAge mother at birth
Divera Doedes (1681-aft1723)Donatus Jacobus (1644-aft1700)Grietje Hermans (-c1700)
Sarah Alden (1681-1738)Johnathan Alden (1633-1697)Abigail Hallett (1644-1725)
Sarah Alden (1681-1701)John Alden (1622-1701)Elizabeth Phillips (1622-1695)
Mary Allen (1681-1731)Jedidiah Allen (1646-1711)Elizabeth Howland (1647-1711)
William Arnold (1681-1758)Israel Arnold (1649-1718)Mary Barker (1649-1723)
Eleazer Atwood (1681-1729)Stephen Atwood (1651-1722)Apphia Bangs (1651-1722)
John Baker (1681-1750)
John Bigelow (1681-1770)Joshua Bigelow (1655-1745)Elizabeth Flagg (1655-1729)
Sarah Bigelow (1681-1713)Samuel Bigelow (1653-1730)Mary Flagg (1657-1720)
William Botting (1681)Edward Botting (1653)Elizabeth Peters (bef1674)
Gershom Brigham (1680-1749)Thomas Brigham (1641-1717)Mary Rice (1646-1695)
Samuel Broadaway (1681-)Ambrose Broadaway (c1650-)Margaret Unknown (1656-1730)
Hannah Brunsden (1681-1726)John Brunsden (1662-1692)Alice Glover (1665-1709)
Rebecca Bulkeley (1681-1718)Peter Bulkeley (1647-1688)Rebecca Wheeler (1645-1717)
Benajah Bushnell (1681-1762)Richard Bushnell (1652-1727)Elizabeth Adgate (1651-1713)
... further results

52 children were born to the 46 women born in 1681

94 people died in 1681

 FatherMotherAge at death
George Abbot (1615-1681)George Abbot (1587-1647)Elizabeth (c1595-1711)66
Mary Adams (1652-1681)John Adams (1622-1706)Anne Howe (1624-1714)
Elias Agricola (1631-1681)Pieter Eelisz (1595-1669)Reijmerigh Heines (-1666)
Sarah Allen (1611-1681)
Walter Allen (1601-1681)
Lucy Apsley (1620-1681)Allen Apsley (1582-1630)Lucy St. John (c1594-)
Eleonore von Anhalt-Zerbst (1608-1681)Rudolf von Anhalt-Zerbst (1576-1621)Dorothea Hedwig von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel (1587-1609)
Mary Atwood (1606-1681)John Wood (1582-1644)Joan Coleson (1587-1654)
Joane Blanc (1635-1681)
Edmund Bloise (1584-1681)John Bloye (1559-1627)
Mary Tobias Boele (1622-1681)
Elizabeth Bond (1591-1681)Richard Bond (1564-1630)Elle Clarke (1569-1604)
Voršila Borsita von Martinitz (1613-c1681)Jaroslav Borsita von Martinitz (1582-1649)Maria Eusebia von Sternberg (1584-1634)
Christopher W. Branch (1602-1681)Lionel Branch (1566-1605)Valentina Sparke (c1576-c1640)
William Brett (1618-1681)John Brett (1591-)Elizabeth Andrews (1596-)63
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6300 people lived in 1681

Anna Joannis (c1673-aft1706)
Anna Jans (1645-1705)
Cornelis Robberts (1645-1708)Jan Robberts
Anna Hendriks (1663-bef1753)Heinrich Jansz (c1640-)Engel Pieters (c1640-)
Anna Cornelis (c1675-1728)Cornelis Robberts (1645-1708)Perijntien
Dieuwertje Ariens (c1680-1720)Arien (bef1680-)
Divera Doedes (1681-aft1723)Donatus Jacobus (1644-aft1700)Grietje Hermans (-c1700)
Dorothea Gerardi (c1670-1721)
Eth Louwes (1657-1727)Louw Dirksz (bef1657-)Aeff Dircs (bef1657-)
Elisabeth Joannis (1645-)
Geert Jans (c1650-1693)Jan (bef1650-)
Griedt Simons (c1638-bef1699)
Lydia Ann Brown Hodges (1608-1686)
Maartje Cornelis (c1680-aft1717)
Marij Pieters (1674-1743)Pieter Jansz (c1645-1700)Geert Jans (c1650-1693)
... further results

Events of the year 1681 at Familypedia

117 people were married in 1681.

 Joined with
John Adams (1657-1751)Deborah Partridge (1662-1695) + Susannah Breck (1667-1744)
Sarah Adgate (1663-1706)Christopher Huntington (1660-1735)
John Appleton (1652-1724)Elizabeth Rogers (1661-1754)
Orlando Bagley (1658-1727)Sarah Sargent (1651-1701)+ Sarah Annis (1666-1729)
Sarah Bagley (1663-aft1721)John Mack (1653-1721)
William Baker (1655-1702)Elizabeth Dutton (1659-1698)
Mary Bonham (1661-1742)Edmund Dunham (1661-1734)
Sarah Bonham (1664-1737)John FitzRandolph (1653-1726)
Lucretia Bradley (1661-1691)Richard Christophers (1662-1726)
Mary Bridge (1662-1710)Joseph Lyon (1654-1721)
Samuel Brocklebank (1653-1733)Elizabeth Platts (1653-1716)
Heinrich Burbrink (1651-1739)Anneke Koeller (1658-1697) + Margaret Magdalena Sieverman (1661–1722)
György Bánffy de Losoncz (1661-1706)Zsófia Daniel de Vargyas (c1663-c1680) + Klára Bethlen de Bethlen (1666-1706)
James Carey (1652-1706)Mary Standish (1660-1736)
Richard Christophers (1662-1726)Lucretia Bradley (1661-1691) + Grace Turner (1662-1734)
... further results

There were 0 military battles in 1681.

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