
People of the year 1760 at Familypedia

175 people were born in 1760

 FatherMotherAge mother at birth
Isabella Adair (1760-1836)James Adair (1725-1825)Isabella Lowery (c1725-)
Laferty Adair (c1760-)James Adair (1714-1796)Eleanor Adair (1726-1803)
Samuel Adams (1760-1828)Joseph Adams (1730-1809)Abigail Perrin (1734-1807)
Sarah Alden (1760-1803)John Alden (1731-1793)Mary Adams (1735-1774)
Elizabeth Anderson (1760-1832)
Helena Margaretha Ansink (c1760-1821)
Miles Avery (1760-1850)Solomon Avery (1729-1798)Hannah Punderson (1733-1775)
Klaas Baan (1760-1823)Gijsbert Baan (1733-1796)Marijtje Koster (1738-1786)
Amelia Baglin (1760-1815)Nehemiah Baglin (1730-1818)Betty Adlam (c1732-1773)
Elizabeth Balaam (1760-)William Balaam (c1730-)Sarah Muncaster (c1735-)
Anky Ballard (1760-1842)Philip Ballard (c1722-1778)Nancy Ann Johnson (c1724-?)
John Barton (c1760-)John Barton (c1730-aft1785)Elizabeth Harrison (1732-)
Rebecca Barton (1760-)Bezaleel Barton (1722-1775)Phebe Carleton (1724-1842)
William Beattie (1760-1860)John Beattie (1718-1790)Ellen Gilmore (1722-1790)
William Thomas Beckford (1760-1844)William Beckford (c1709-1770)Maria Hamilton (1725-1798)
... further results

114 children were born to the 68 women born in 1760

123 people died in 1760

 FatherMotherAge at death
Thomas Adgate (1669-1760)Thomas Adgate (c1620-1707)Mary Marvin (c1628-1713)
Thomas Amsden (1685-1760)Isaac Amsden (1655-1727)Jane Rutter (1659-1739)
Abiah Angell (1715-1760)Hope Angell (1685-1760)Lydia Olney (1688-1749)
Hope Angell (1685-1760)John Angell (1646-1720)Ruth Field (1649-1727)
Todirașcu Balaban (c1700-c1760)Vasile Balaban (c1660-c1720)Tudoșca Mișihănescu (c1670-c1730)
Mary Ball (1673-1760)Samuel Ball (1648-1689)Mary Graves (1654-1727)
John Bemis (1686-1760)John Bemis (1659-1732)Mary Harrington (1663-1716)
Judit Berky (c1735-c1760)
Edward Bigland (1710-1760)Henry Bigland (1670-1714)Orme Whinyates (1685-1755)
Samuel Bishop (1678-1760)Samuel Bishop (1644-1722)Hester Cogswell (1655-1703)
Sarah Blundell (-1760)John Blundell (-1732)Sarah Winchester (-1733)
Jane Borland (1732-1760)Francis Borland (1691-1763)Jane Lindall (1707-1749)
George Bowes (1701-1760)William Bowes (1656-1706)Elizabeth Blakiston (c1660-1736)
Israel Bradford (1678-1760)William Bradford (1624-1704)Mary Atwood (1643-1714)
Joseph Brewster (1709-1760)Timothy Brewster (1658-1747)Mary Hawkins (1658-1749)
... further results

7331 people lived in 1760

Grietje Jans (-1775)
Niesje Jans (1699-1764)Jan Bartsz (1666-1728)Lijsebeth Jans (-)
Reijnouwtje Davids (c1723-aft1753)
Arien Ariensz Abbenes (c1740-1806)Aarjen Hendriksz Abbenes (c1709-1788)Trijntje Gerrits (c1709-1800)
Abiel Abbot (1741-1809)John Abbot (1704-1793)Phebe Fiske (1712-1802)
Abigail Abbot (1734-1807)Benjamin Abbot (1686-1748)Abigail Abbot (1699-1753)
Dorcas Abbot (1744-1829)Benjamin Abbot (1686-1748)Abigail Abbot (1699-1753)
John Abbot (1704-1793)John Abbot (1674-1754)Elizabeth Harnden (1756-1693)
John Abbot (1735-1818)John Abbot (1704-1793)Phebe Fiske (1712-1802)
William Abbot (1748-1793)John Abbot (1704-1793)Phebe Fiske (1712-1802)
Elizabeth Abbott (1721-1782)John Abbott (-)Elizabeth Birege (-)
Joyce Abbott (1706-1770)Samuel Abbott (1678-1739)Joyce Rice (1681-1739)
Nehemiah Abbott (1692-1767)Nehemiah Abbott (1667-1750)Abigail Lovejoy (1669-1747)
Sarah Abbott (1718-1789)Nehemiah Abbott (1692-1767)Sarah Foster (1693-1755)
Sarah Abbott (1729-1815)Obediah Abbott (1697-1773)Elizabeth Tarbell (1693-1752)
... further results

Events of the year 1760 at Familypedia

108 people were married in 1760.

 Joined with
Mary Adams (1741-1827)Isaac Appleton (1731-1806)
Hannah Annis (1740-1823)Reuben Kimball (1738-1811)
Isaac Appleton (1731-1806)Mary Adams (1741-1827)
John Arbuthnot (c1728-1797)Sally Margaret Cecil (?-1759)+Ursula Fitzgerald (?-1761)+Anne Stone (c1733-1782)+Helen O'Halloran (?-?)+Anne Elizabeth Heard (?-?)
Edward Aris (c1736-1797)Ann Allison (c1736-1769)+Jane Packer (1744-1791)
Stephen Arnold (1739-1810)Martha Gardiner (1739-1819)
Bethiah Baker (1737-1820)John Perkins (1736-1800)
Remember Baker (1737-1775)Desire Hurlbut (1743-1778)
Samuel Ballinger (1733-1822)Elizabeth Groff (-1786)+Mary Corbet (1741-1822)
Elizabeth Bayley (c1730-1797)John Parker Mosley, 1st Bart (1732-1798)
James Beckett (1737-1785)Mary Cooper (1740-1826)
David Bigelow (1732-1820)Patience Foote (1737-1791) + Priscilla Eames (1747-1815)
Thamezin Bigelow (c1742-1830)William Davenport (1737-1805)
Charles Bingham, 1st Earl of Lucan (1735-1799)Margaret Smith (1739-1814)
Jonathan Bingham (1735-1812)Rachel Mudge (1738-1762) + Elizabeth Abigail Warner (1738-1812)
... further results

There were 0 military battles in 1760.

0.023871231755559 1.6764705882353 0.016778065748193
