People of the year 1800 at Familypedia
279 people were born in 1800
156 children were born to the 109 women born in 1800
191 people died in 1800
9581 people lived in 1800
Events of the year 1800 at Familypedia
131 people were married in 1800.
Joined with | |
James Adair (1781-1862) | Delilah Eliza Holland (1783-1864) |
Olive Aldrich (1778-1831) | Charles Angell (1774-1821) |
Sarah Allred (1786-1862) | Anderson Ivie (1774-1852) |
Charles Angell (1774-1821) | Olive Aldrich (1778-1831) |
Jesse Appleton (1772-1819) | Elizabeth Means (1780-1844) |
William Arbuthnot, 1st Baronet (1766-1829) | Anne Alves (-1846) |
Sarah Catherine Archer (1762-1838) | Other Hickman Windsor (1751-1799) + William Pitt Amherst (1773-1857) |
Elizabeth Davenport Ashford (1777-1825) | Robert Hobbes (1773-1817) |
Lidia Baditz | Sándor Takó |
Jonathan Barlow (1769-1820) | Margaret Root (1766-1804) + Annis Gillett (1784-1853) |
Phineas Barnes (1770-1855) | Abigail Smith (1777-1849) |
Thomas Bates (c1772-1836) | Ann Griffin (1784-1864) |
Samuel Beers (1779-1820) | Rissa Hard (1773-1842) |
Elizabeth Beverly (1780-1856) | John Holden Greene (1777-1850) |
Anica Bogdan (c1770-1852) | Enache Rosetti (1762-1794) + Iordache Rosetti-Roznovanu (1764-1836) |
... further results |
There were 0 military battles in 1800.