
2000 was a good year for genealogists.

Genealogical events[]

U.S. census

See also[]

People of the year 2000 at Familypedia

40 people were born in 2000

 FatherMotherAge mother at birth
Teo Tașcă (2000-)Theodor Tașcă (1947-)Gabriela Califar (1970-)
Maddalena Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga (2000-)Gilberto Arrivabene-Valenti-Gonzaga (1961-)Bianca di Savoia-Aosta (1966-)
Ali Jamal Ashraf (living)Sabahat Ashraf (living)Irmeen Unknown (living)
Halle Lynn Bailey (2000)Douglas Dondell Bailey (1969)Courtney Lynn Singleton (1972)
Noah E. Bateman (2000)Tim Bateman (1955)Jonelle Hassell (1969)
Kevin Stephen Bluth (2000)Jordan Stephen Bluth (1969)Caroline Stevens (1980)
Irina Bradu (2000-)Adrian Bradu (c1965-)Corina Drăgoi (c1965-)
Gioacchino Brandolini d'Adda (2000-)Brandolino Brandolini d'Adda (1957-)Marie Angliviel de la Baumelle (1953-2013)
Christopher Dean Cain (2000)Dean George Tanaka (1966)Samantha Torres (1973)
Joshua Curiel (2000-)Juan Carlos Lizarraga Curiel (1969-)Sophie Westman (1970-)
Leah Day (2000-)Royce Day (bef1997-)Mary Louise Canfield (1965-)
Massai Zhivago Dorsey II (2000)Massai Zhivago Dorsey (1971)Nia Talita Long (1970)
Adelia Douglas-HamiltonAlbert Douglas-HamiltonAlexandria Minot
Lindsay William Alexander Dowden-Mackay (2000)Peter Edmund Dowden (1966)Maria Anne Mackay (1963)
Luisa Dorothea Eben (2000-)Hans Helmut Eben (1958-)Verana Pfersdorf (1962-)
... further results

1 children were born to the 13 women born in 2000

273 people died in 2000

 FatherMotherAge at death
Annabelle Abargil (1922-2000)
Lisa Abramowicz (1933-2000)Leonard Abramowicz (1910-1980)Sadie Aaronson (1908-1970)
Betty Lou Adair (1931-2000)Joseph Adair (1884-1971)Marie Henrie (1902-1979)
Lena Faye Adair (1915-2000)Herman Elisha Adair (1883-1958)Viola Veneable (1887-1920)
Michelle Adler (1929-2000)Xavier Adler (1893-1972)Deborah Berlin (1899-1971)
Virginia Holden Admiral (1915-2000)Donald Admiral (1890-1949)Alice Caroline Groman (1887-1962)
Heather Agyeman (1920-2000)
Albert Alabaster (1920-2000)James Alabaster (1888-1978)Alyssa Mac Sitric (1890-1958)
Sarah Alm (1926-2000)Henry Alm (1899-1964)Frances Blaise (1897-1969)
Addie Pearl Alston (1898-1944)David C. Alston (1863-1940)Jennie Morrick (1881-1920)
Naomi Mardilla Alston (1924-2000)
Rosanna Alves (1917-2000)
Lucy Amorello (1912-2000)
Jose Roberto Andrade (1924-2000)
Joan Arbuthnot (1922-2000)James George Arbuthnot (1883-1964)Harriet (Hattie) Carrie Tache (1887-1951)78
... further results

2215 people lived in 2000

Tsunekichi Yonogi (1905-2015)Shigeru Yonogi (1876-1940)Miyoko Yonogi (1882-1950)
Isabella Abadiano (1930-2003)
Annabelle Abargil (1922-2000)
Alysson Abberton (1935-2012)
Robert Fuller Abell (1919-2010)Clifford Abell (1875-1965)Jennie Ferne Loshbough (1886-1957)
Adam Abernathy (1940-2006)James Abernathy (1912-1979)Arlene McGlinchey (1916-2000)
Melissa Abicht (1939-2009)Arthur Abicht (1900-1980)Amanda Krieger (1899-1959)
Carter Abiko (1957-2001)Eita Abiko (1920-2000)Aina Fukuzawa (1920-1995)
Elanor Abrahams (1939-2004)
Lisa Abramowicz (1933-2000)Leonard Abramowicz (1910-1980)Sadie Aaronson (1908-1970)
Hannah Abs (1930-2006)
Samuel Achs (1919-2014)Morris L. Achs (1890-1958)Etta Schneir (1896-1960)
Bert Junior Adair (1925-2011)Dagbert Moroni Adair (1888-1952)Fiametta Smith (1890-1974)
Betty Lou Adair (1931-2000)Joseph Adair (1884-1971)Marie Henrie (1902-1979)
Darrell Leslie Adair (1964-2022)Delbert William Adair (1934-1976)Janice Rae Holliday (1938-2018)
... further results

Events of the year 2000 at Familypedia

35 people were married in 2000.

 Joined with
John Abernathy (1969)Emmanuelle Ruah (1979)
Jennifer Joanna Aniston (1969)William Bradley Pitt (1963)+ Justin Paul Theroux (1971)
James Gordon Brown (1951)Sarah Macaulay (1963)
Jerrod Troy Carter (living)Joan Helen Renner (living)
Tara Lyn Charendoff (1973)Craig Strong (1968)
Nicholas William Peter Clegg (1967)Miriam González Durántez (1968)
Estelle Cruijff (1978)Ruud Gullit (1962)
Jennifer Amie Crystal (1973)Michael Francis Foley (1970)
Adam Karol Czartoryski (1940-)Nora Piciotto (1942-) + Josette Calil
Peter Edmund Dowden (1966)Maria Anne Mackay
Ivan Simon Cary Elwes (1962)Lisa Marie Kurbikoff (c1970)
Michael Francis Foley (1970)Jennifer Amie Crystal (1973)
Cree Summer (1969)Angelo Pullen (1971)
Andrew Kevin Freudenberg I (1957-2011)Rebecca Hanson ()
Kate Garry Hudson (1979)Christopher Mark Robinson (1966)+ Matthew James Bellamy (1978)+ Daniel Conor Fujikawa (1986)
... further results

There were 0 military battles in 2000.

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External links[]

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