Centuries: 20th century - 21st century - 22nd century
Decades: 1970s  1980s  1990s  - 2000s -  2010s  2020s  2030s

Years: 2002 2003 2004 - 2005 - 2006 2007 2008
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2005 was a good year for genealogists.

Genealogical events[]

People of the year 2005 at Familypedia

39 people were born in 2005

 FatherMotherAge mother at birth
Pearl Minnie Anderson (2005)Paul Thomas Anderson (1970)Maya Khabira Rudolph (1972)
Cruz David Beckham (2005)David Robert Joseph Beckham (1975)Victoria Caroline Adams (1974)
Leonard Kevin Blankenburg (2005)Louis Blankenburg (1982)Jennifer Rodriguez (1980)
Jessica Rose Sylvia Boyce (2005)Daniel John Boyce (1964)Maryann Rose Ferrigno (1967)
Mateo Bravery Bratt (2005)Benjamin Bratt (1963)Miriam Talisa Soto (1967)
Nicholas Canfield (2005)
Yori Cosby (2005)Theodore Campbell (1974)Evin Harrah Cosby (1976)
Augustin Crépy (2006-)Edouard Yves Corneille Crépy (1969-)Clothilde d'Orléans (1968-)
Grace Rose Cummings (2005)James Jonah Cummings (1952)Stephanie Lane Jardon (1969)
Timothy Alan Davlin (2005)Alvin Alan Davlin (1975)Jordan Allison Porter (1983)
Oliver Henry Milton Elfman (2005)Daniel Robert Elfman (1953)Bridget Jane Fonda (1964)
Sean Preston Federline (2005)Kevin Earl Federline (1978)Britney Jean Spears (1981)
Dylan John Ferreira (2005)Douglas Ferreira (1976)Beatrice Verne (1973)
Piper Gooding (2005)Cuba Michael Gooding (1968)Sara Kapfer (1969)
Stephanie Debby Graham (2005)Gregory Graham (1962)Denise Shar (1964-2010)
... further results

0 children were born to the 21 women born in 2005

105 people died in 2005

 FatherMotherAge at death
Robert Achs (c1951-2005)Samuel Achs (1919-2014)Ruth Silbowitz (c1920-1968)
Álvaro Carlos Alsogaray (1913-2005)Álvaro Enrique Alsogaray (1881-1935)Julia Elisa Bosch (1885-1976)
Anna Anderson (1924-2005)Joseph Henry Anderson (1880-1953)Anna Meyer (1885-1952)
Erzsébet Apor de Altorja (1924-2005)Péter Apor de Altorja (1888-1982)Irma Farkas de Borberek (1894-1982)
William James Ashworth (1917-2005)Albert P. Ashworth (1872-1934)Jessie C. Patterson (1885-1965)
Edmund Norwood Bacon (1910-2005)Ellis Williams Bacon (1874-1961)Helen Atkinson Comly (1872-1964)
Robert Edward Badham (1929-2005)Byron Jack Badham (1903-1990)Elizabeth Hammill Kissinger (1903-1960)
Charles Baginski (1929-2005)Abraham Baginski (1900-1959)Jane Heilbron (1901-1957)
Edith Condie Baird (1920-2005)James Alexander Baird (1891-1956)Ada Condie (1894-1965)
Melanie Barenboim (1930-2005)
Michael Barsky (1944-2005)
Brandolino Brandolini d'Adda (1918-2005)Carlo Brandolini d'Adda (1887-1942)María José Álvares Pereira de Melo (1893-1947)
Rosemary Brassard (1927-2005)Jean-Claude Brassard (1900-1968)Fifi Gex (1902-1958)
Cătălin Bucuroiu (c1947-c2005)Dumitru Bucuroiu (c1919-c1993)Aneta NN (c1919-1992)
Nicolae Bucuroiu (1921-c2005)Constantin Bucuroiu (c1895-c1970)Elena Coșoreanu (1899-1974)
... further results

1466 people lived in 2005

Tsunekichi Yonogi (1905-2015)Shigeru Yonogi (1876-1940)Miyoko Yonogi (1882-1950)
Alysson Abberton (1935-2012)
Robert Fuller Abell (1919-2010)Clifford Abell (1875-1965)Jennie Ferne Loshbough (1886-1957)
Adam Abernathy (1940-2006)James Abernathy (1912-1979)Arlene McGlinchey (1916-2000)
Melissa Abicht (1939-2009)Arthur Abicht (1900-1980)Amanda Krieger (1899-1959)
Hannah Abs (1930-2006)
Samuel Achs (1919-2014)Morris L. Achs (1890-1958)Etta Schneir (1896-1960)
Bert Junior Adair (1925-2011)Dagbert Moroni Adair (1888-1952)Fiametta Smith (1890-1974)
Darrell Leslie Adair (1964-2022)Delbert William Adair (1934-1976)Janice Rae Holliday (1938-2018)
J Brent Adair (1935-2020)Gerald Wayne Adair (1908-1989)Ina Johnson (1912-1993)
Sharon Mariece Adair (1935-2012)Vivian Adair (1914-1959)Rhea Cope (1917-2010)
William Dawson Adair (1947-2014)William Dawson Adair (1917-1991)Edith Lucile Stephens (1921-2004)
Helen Adamski (1948-2017)George Adamski (1925-1998)Sylvia Fazekas (1928-2000)
Bhumibol Adulyadej (1927-2016)Mahidol Adulyadej (1892-1929)Sangwan Talapat (1900-1995)
Dnyaneshwar AgasheChandrashekhar AgasheDwarka Gokhale
... further results

Events of the year 2005 at Familypedia

30 people were married in 2005.

 Joined with
Ben Affleck (1972)Jennifer Garner (1972)
Christina Maria Aguilera (1980)Jordan Phillip Bratman (1977)+ Matthew David Rutler (1985)
Steven Thomas Borland II (1981)Carrie Masch (living)
Jordan Phillip Bratman (1977)Christina Maria Aguilera (1980)
Laura Elizabeth Dern (1967)Benjamin Chase Harper (1969)
Stanley Bert Eisen (1952)Pamela Bowen (1959)+Erin Sutton (1973)
Paul StanleyPamela Bowen (1959)+Eric Sutton (1973)
Demi Gene Guynes (1962)Frederick George Moore (1950-2022)+ Walter Bruce Willis (1955)+ Christopher Ashton Kutcher (1978)
Jeffrey Douglas Klein (1973)Erin Shelby (1975)
Christopher Ashton Kutcher (1978)Demi Gene Guynes (1962)+ Milena Markovna Kunis (1983)
Pamela Désirée Lloyd (1958)Richard Powell (1958-2006)+Living Grotegut
Juracy Morais da SilvaCarlos Ribeiro Nabhan
Michael Joseph Piazza (1968)Alicia Rickter (1972)
Sandra June Poynter (1976)Richard Tadashi Wong (1973)
Carlos Ribeiro NabhanJuracy Morais da Silva + Dianamir Barreto de Melo
... further results

There were 0 military battles in 2005.

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See also[]

External links[]

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