[[:Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)/es|Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates. Abraham Lincoln]]
Género: Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.


Nacimiento: Template:Get birth
Bautismo: Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.

Muerte Template:Get death
Entierro: Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.

Padre: [[Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.

Thomas Lincoln (1778-1851)]]

Madre: [[Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.

Nancy Hanks (1784-1818)]]

Esposo: [[Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.

Mary Ann Todd (1818-1882)]]

Unión: Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.

November 4, 1842
SpringfieldWp globe tiny, Illinois

Esposo 2: [[Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.


Unión 2: Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.
Esposo 3: [[Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.


Unión 3: Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.
Esposo 4: [[Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.


Unión 4: Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.
Esposo 5: [[Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.


Unión 5: Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.
Esposo 6: [[Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.


Unión 6: Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.
Esposo 7: [[Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.


Unión 7: Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.
Esposo 8: [[Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.


Unión 8: Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.
Esposo 9: [[Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.


Unión 9: Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.
Esposo 10: [[Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.


Unión 10: Info pages have been replaced with SMW templates.
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[[Category:Articles in Spanish|Template:Get]]Template:Showinfo interwikis


  • Template:Get

Template:Info section-Alternate names (es)


Para una biografía detallada, refiera por favor a este artículo: Abraham Lincoln Biografia.


Niños de [[Template:Get]] y [[Template:Get spouse]]
Nombre Nacimiento Muerte
[[Template:Get]] Template:Get birth Template:Get death
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Template:Get references

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