

Adela Mary Elliott was born 24 June 1865 in Penrith, New South Wales, Australia to Robert Elliott (c1825-1868) and Lucy Ann Landers (1833-1908) and died 4 May 1924 Forster, Lang-road, Centennial Park, New South Wales, Australia of unspecified causes. She married Allen Arthur Bate (1864-1940) 19 June 1886 in Annandale, New South Wales, Australia.


Offspring of Allen Arthur Bate (1864-1940) and Adela Mary Elliott
Name Birth Death Joined with
Forster Taylor Bate (1890-1918)


Death of Lady Taylor

Lady Adela Mary Taylor, wife of Sir Allen Taylor (who is now travelling abroad), died on Sunday night last at the age of 58 years.
Deceased was well known to many Penrith folk, inasmuch as she was a native of this town and spent her youthful days here. Lady Taylor was the daughtor of the late Mr. Robert Elliott and Mrs. Elliott (who aftrwards became Mrs. Forster). Mr. Elliott built an hotel on the site opposite the Presbyterian Church, High Street, and hold the license for sometime. It was there that his daughter, the subject of this notice, was born.
Her mother was a member of the Landers family, of Castlereagh. Deceased was only a young girl when her father died. After some years she and her mother removed to the city, where she was married to Sir Allen Taylor. Her mother died some years ago.
In 1908 Sir Allen and Lady Taylor visited the Old Country and attended the Franco-British Exhibition, Sir Allen appearing in an official capacity.
Lady Taylor frequently visited Penrith aftor her marriage, and on one occasion officially opened a bazaar held in tho grounds of 'Buena Vista,' Lemongrove (Mr. Arthur Judges' residonco) in aid of the Methodist Church. For a long time Sir Allen and Lady Taylor resided at Manly, but had a residence at Leura. Their only son was killed at the War.
The funeral took place on Tuesday, and was very largely attended. The interment was in the Church of England portion of the Rookwood cemetery. A service was hold at her late residence, Lang Road, Centennial Park, and was conducted by Rev. Newton Stephen, rector of St. Matthias' Church, Paddington, who, with Rev. F. W. Reeve, of Mosman, officiated at the graveside. Very many beautiful wreaths were forwarded.

Nepean Times, 10 May 1924, page 6

Footnotes (including sources)

‡ General
Ω Birth
  • ELLIOTT—June 24th, at her residence, Penrith, the wife of Robert Elliott, mail contractor, of a daughter.
Sydney Mail, 8 July 1865, page 9
¶ Death
  • TAYLOR.—May 4, 1024, at Forster, Lang-road, Centennial Park, Adela Mary, dearly beloved wife of Sir Allen Taylor, in her 59th year.
The Sydney Morning Herald, 5 May 1924, page 8