
Adelaide of Italy was born on an unknown date to Pepin of Italy (773-810) and Bertha of Gellone (-) . She married Lambert I de Nantes (-c836) .

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Offspring of Lambert I de Nantes (-c836) and Adelaide Carolingian
Name Birth Death Joined with
Guido I di Spoleto (?-860) 860 Ita di Benevento (?-?)


Offspring of Pepin of Italy (773-810) and Ingeltrude (c780-)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Bernard of Italy (797-818) 797 Vermandois 17 April 818 Chalon Cunigunda of Laon (c797-)
Adelaide of Italy (?-?) Lambert I de Nantes (-c836)
Adula of Italy (?-?)
Goundrade of Italy (?-?)
Berthe of Italy (?-?)
Theodrade of Italy (?-?) Lambert II de Nantes (-852)

Footnotes (including sources)
