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Albion, Illinois on Familypedia

Born in Albion, Illinois

 Birth dateBirth placeFatherMother
Gilbert Hunt (1825-1858)11 April 1825Albion, Edwards County, IllinoisJefferson Hunt (1803-1879)Celia Mounts (1805-1897)
Harriet Hunt (1835-1918)9 February 1835Albion, Edwards County, IllinoisJefferson Hunt (1803-1879)Celia Mounts (1805-1897)
Jane Hunt (1831-1899)1 October 1831Albion, Edwards County, IllinoisJefferson Hunt (1803-1879)Celia Mounts (1805-1897)
Jefferson Hunt (1839-1839)1839Albion, Edwards County, IllinoisJefferson Hunt (1803-1879)Celia Mounts (1805-1897)
John Hunt (1833-1917)9 March 1833Albion, Edwards County, IllinoisJefferson Hunt (1803-1879)Celia Mounts (1805-1897)
Marshall Hunt (1829-1915)12 April 1829Albion, Edwards County, IllinoisJefferson Hunt (1803-1879)Celia Mounts (1805-1897)

Baptised in Albion, Illinois

Married in Albion, Illinois

Note that these have separate lists for second and subsequent marriages of an individual.

 Wedding1 dateWedding1 placeBirth placeJoined with-g1
Malinda Allison (1815-1881)10 January 1836Albion, Edwards County, IllinoisBracken County, KentuckyMilton Kelley (1807-1846)

Died in Albion, Illinois

 Death dateBirth placeDeath placeFatherMotherJoined with
Jefferson Hunt (1839-1839)1839Albion, Edwards County, IllinoisAlbion, Edwards County, IllinoisJefferson Hunt (1803-1879)Celia Mounts (1805-1897)
John Hunt (1757-1821)6 June 1821Virginia, United StatesAlbion, Edwards County, Illinois, United StatesChristopher Hunt (1724-1781)Caty Blassingham (1735-)Martha Jenkins (1760-1850)
Martha Jenkins (1760-1850)1850South Carolina, United StatesAlbion, Edwards County, Illinois, United StatesThomas L Jenkins (1735-)Martha Webstray (1732-)John Hunt (1757-1821)

Buried in Albion, Illinois

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