John Alden House in Duxbury, Massachusetts

John Alden House in Duxbury MA. Built in 1653, replacing the first house he built in 1629.

This page collects genealogy for the Alden Family:

Alden Main Articles[]

  • Alden Family - Core family research page
  • Alden Notable People - People of distinction featured in Wikipedia, important migrants and others.
  • Alden Disambiguation List - Alden Family people with identical names sorted.
  • Alden Migrants - listings of notable Alden Migrants.
  • Alden Family Landmarks - Notable castles, cemeteries, monuments and much more.
  • Alden Baronets - Several lines of the Alden family featured in ThePeerage of Great Britain.
  • Alden Family Ancestry - Royal ancestors of the Alden Family - Including English, Norman, Irish, Scottish, French and more.


John Alden (c1599-1687) was one of the single men who traveled on the Mayflower. He was recruited at Southampton to be a cooper on the voyage. John’s parentage and origins are unknown; he was born by 1599 to be old enough to sign the Mayflower Compact. Yet from him extends probably the largest proven progenity in North America today.

Mayflower Pilgrims: John Alden (c1599-1687) and Priscilla Mullins (1602-1680) were both the only of their families to land at Plymouth Colony and leave a posterity. Their daughter Elizabeth Alden (1625-1717) was the first girl born there.

Other uses[]

  • Alden House (disambiguation), various houses on the National Register of Historic Places
  • Alden Research Laboratory, a hydraulic laboratory in Massachusetts
  • Alden Rowing
  • Alden Shoe Company, a men's shoemaker in Middleborough, Massachusetts
  • Alden v. Maine, a 1999 US Supreme Court case
  • USS Alden, a US Navy destroyer

Alden Genealogy by Region[]

See Also[]

Mayflower 2016a

Non-SMW Family Name Pages[]

The following list of Atwood family person articles should be upgraded to SMW format.

