§ Remains
- ARCHER.—The Relatives and Frlends of Mrs. LILA ARCHER of 7 Malta-street, North Strathfield, are invited to attend the Funeral of her beloved HUSBAND Alfred Edward; to leave Wood Coffill's Mortuary Chapel, Railway-parade, Burwood. THIS THURSDAY at 1.45p.m., for Church of England Cemetery, Rookwood, via Burwood Station. Friends alight at No. 4 Mortuary in Cemetery.
- ARCHER.—The Relatives and Friends of Mr and Mrs. F. F. ARCHER, of Moate-avenue, Brighton-le-Sands, and late of Vaucluse, are invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved youngest SON, Alfred EDWARD; to leave Wood Coffill's Mortuary Chapel, Railway-parade, Burwood, THIS THURSDAY, at 1.45 p.m., for Church of England Cemetery, Rookwood.
- ARCHER.—The Relatives and Friends of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. ARCHER, of Gordon-street, Brighton-le-Sands. Mr. and Mr P. G. Archer of Austin-avenue, Croydon, Mr. and Mrs W. L. ARCHER, of Parnell-street, Strathfield, Mr. and Mrs. A. THEW, of Edwin street, Mortlake, Mr. and Mrs. A. ANDREW, of Moate-avenue, Brighton-le-Sands, are invited to attend the Funeral of their beloved BROTHER, Alfred Edward Archer; to leave Wood Coffill's Mortuary Chapel, Railway-parade. Burwood, THIS THURSDAY, at 1.45 p.m., for Church of England Cemetery, Rookwood .
- ARCHER.—HOMEBUSH LODGE No. 489, U.A.O.D The Officers and Members ol the above Lodge are invited to attend the Funeral of their late Bro., ALFRED E. ARCHER; to leave Wood Coffill's Mortuary Chapel, Railway Parade, Burwood, THIS THURSDAY, at 1.45 p.m., for Church of England Cemetery, Rookwood, via Burwoood.
- H. COX A.D; J. McMILLAN, Sec.
- The Sydney Morning Herald, 25 August 1927, page 9