

Andrei Glebovich - Prince of Ryazan, the eldest of the sons Gleb Rostislavich - Prince of Ryazan and Yevfrosiniya Rostislavovna, daughter of Rostislav Yuryevich..

Mentioned in the annals only once, in 1184 , as a participant in the successful battle of Igor Svyatoslavich prince of Novgorod-Seversky against the Polovtsians on the Khiriya River.

Some researchers believe that Andrei Glebovich died before 1186 .



Gleb Rostislavich - Prince of Ryazan (1145-1177 with interruptions).


Yevfrosiniya Rostislavovna (died 1179), daughter of Rostislav Yuryevich.

Brothers and sisters

  1. Roman Glebovich of Ryazan (c1152-1216) - Grand Prince of Ryazan (1180-1207). - Prince of Ryazan.
  2. Igor Glebovich of Ryazan (c1154-1194) - the appanage prince of Ryazan.
  3. Feodosya Glebovna of Ryazan (c1156-c1200) - married Mstislav Rostislavich the Brave [1]
  4. Vladimir Glebovich of Pronsk (c1158-c1186) - Prince of Pronsk (1180-1186).
  5. Vsevolod Glebovich of Pronsk (c1160-1207) - the Prince of Pronsk (up to 1186, 1188-1207) and Kolomna (1186-1,188).
  6. Svyatoslav Glebovich of Pronsk (c1162-1207) appanage Prince of Pronsk.
  7. Yaroslav Glebovich of Ryazan (c1164-c1199) - the prince of Ryazan.


  1. ^ Славянская энциклопедия. Киевская Русь - Московия|, Vol 1. pp.768}}


Offspring of Gleb Rostislavich of Ryazan (c1127-1177) and Yevfrosiniya Rostislavovna of Pereyaslavl (c1130-1179)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Andrei Glebovich of Ryazan (c1150-c1185) 1150 1185
Roman Glebovich of Ryazan (c1152-1216) 1152 1216 Unnamed daughter of Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich (c1163-c1225)
Igor Glebovich of Ryazan (c1154-1194) 1154 1194 Agrafena Rostislavna of Smolensk (c1165-1234)
Feodosya Glebovna of Ryazan (c1156-c1200) 1156 1200 Mstislav Rostislavich of Novgorod (c1143-1180)
Vladimir Glebovich of Pronsk (c1158-c1186)
Vsevolod Glebovich of Pronsk (c1160-1207) 1160 1207
Svyatoslav Glebovich of Pronsk (c1162-1207) 1162 1207
Yaroslav Glebovich of Ryazan (c1164-c1199) 1164 1199 Vseslava Ryurikovna (c1180-c1220)


Footnotes (including sources)

