
Anna Maria Fuchs was born 1866 in Biebrich, Germany to Adam Fuchs and died 7 February 1945 Chicago, Illinois, United States of unspecified causes. She married Jacob Herman Glatt (1862-1931) 1889 .


Offspring of Jacob Herman Glatt (1862-1931) and Anna Fuchs
Name Birth Death Joined with
Catherine E. Glatt (1891-1913) 26 April 1891 Chicago, Illinois, United States 27 August 1913 Chicago, Illinois, United States Frederick John Klein (c1888-aft1930)
William Edward Glatt (1893-1967) 6 January 1893 Chicago, Illinois, United States 13 December 1967 Chicago, Illinois, United States Elizabeth Wilhemach (1894-1960)

The 1930 census states that she had four children, two were living.


1900 census: Says she and Jacob both immigrated in 1886.
1910 census: Says she immigrated in 1887. Jacob in 1886.
1920 census: Says she and Jacob both immigrated in 1886.
1930 census: Says she immigrated in 1887. Jacob in 1886.


The 1910 census shows a mark that seems to be M2 next to Anna and a definite M1 next to Jacob. If Anna was married before, her immigration papers might be under a different name. Or the 2 is actually just a smudge on the census. Further research required.


  • Ellis Island lists Anna Glatt, a US Citizens aged 47, traveling aboard the Cleveland from Hamburg, Germany to the New York in 1913
  • Ellis Island lists Jacob and Anna Glatt, both US Citizens ages 60 and 57, traveling on the Albert Ballin from Hamburg, Germany to the New York in 1923.


Burial Date: 10 Feb 1945
Burial Place: River Grove, Cook, Illinois
Cemetery: St Joseph


Footnotes (including sources)

¶ Death
  • Death Certificate

