
Anna (Yanka) Vsevolodovna was born 1055 to Vsevolod I Yaroslavich of Kiev (1030-1093) and Anastasia Monomachos (c1035-1067) and died 3 November 1112 Kiev, Ukraine of unspecified causes.

Anna (Yanka) Vsevolododovna (second half of the XI century [1] - November 3, 1112 [1] or 1113 [2] ) - princess, daughter of the Grand Prince of Kiev Vsevolod I Yaroslavich, allegedly from his first marriage with the Greek princess Anastasia Monomachos. Anna was the sister of Grand Prince of Kiev Vladimir Monomakh [3]. Listed as a reverend [4], memory: May 18 (finding the relics), November 3, and in the Council of all the reverend .


Anna Vsevolodna

School at St. Andrew Monastery in Kiev, which was organized by Anna Vsevolodovna

According to the hypothesis of Vasily Grigorievich Vasilyevsky, in her youth, Anna was engaged to Konstantios Doukas, the son of the Byzantine emperor Constantine X Doukas (1006-1067), but the marriage did not take place because the groom was forced to become a monk [5]. This version is also supported by N. A. Baumgarten [6], G. V. Vernadsky [7], N. L. Pushkareva [8] and L. Voitovich [9]. According to another version, which V.G, Vasilyevsky opposed, Konstantios Doukas was engaged to the daughter of Robert Guiscard .

Together with her mother, Anna Vsevolodovna visited Byzantium [2].

Around 1086 in Kiev Grand Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich for daughter [9] Women was founded by St. Andrew's Monastery , the first abbess of which was Anna Vsevolodovna, on the basis of the monastery [4] shorn a nun at the church of St. Andrew, who was there [2]. Having taken the monastery under her jurisdiction, she made considerable efforts to improve it [1]. She opened at the monastery the first in Europe [10] school for girls, in which she “gathered a girl, taught them writing, such as handicrafts, pnіyu and shvenіyu” [1]. The primary source of information about Anna’s school is the History of Russia V.N. Tatischeva [4].

Anna Vsevolodovna took part in the church-political activities of her father: in 1089, after the death of Metropolitan John II, she herself “ruled the embassy” in Byzantium for the new lord of the Russian Church, John III [4] . Legends of a later origin about her high art of healing are associated with the name of Anna Vsevolodovna [11].

She was buried in Yanchin Monastery, which was later destroyed by Batu Khan [1]. Time of canonization is unknown [4]. The memory of Anna Vsevolodovna is honored by the church on November 3 ( November 16 ) [12] (on the day of death) and on May 18 (31) [4] (according to Filaret Chernigovsky [13], on the day of the relics ).


  1. ^ a b c d e Трубачёв С. С. - ВТ-РБС - Анна Всеволодовна}
  2. ^ a b c ВТ-ЭСБЕ - Анна — имя святых русских
  3. ^ ВТ-МЭСБЕ - Анна (имя жен и дочерей русских князей и государей)
  4. ^ a b c d e f Назаренко А. В.| Православная энциклопедия -Анна - vol. 2, p.453
  5. ^ Васильевский, В. Г. (1909). "Два письма Византийского императора Михаила VII Дуки к Всеволоду Ярославичу". Труды В. Г. Васильевского (в 4 т.). 2: Русско-византийские отрывки. Вып. 1. 
  6. ^ Baumgarten, N.. Orientalia Christiana. Roma: Pont. Institutum Orientalium Studiorum. pp. 94. 
  7. ^ Вернадский, Г. В. (1996). "Глава XI. Русь и внешний мир в киевский период. Русь и Византия". История России. 2: Киевская Русь. Tver-Моscow: Леан-Аграф. pp. 448. ISBN 5-85929-024-1. 
  8. ^ Пушкарева, Н. Л. (1989). "Анна-Янка и Евпраксия-Адельгейда Всеволодовны". Женщины Древней Руси. Библиотечная серия. Мoscow: «Мысль». pp. 286. ISBN 5-244-00281-3. 
  9. ^ a b {{cite book|last1=Войтович|first1= Л.|title=Княжеские_династии_Восточной_Европы|url= Всеволодовичи
  10. ^ Хмыров, М. Д. (1870). "Анна Всеволодовна". Алфавитно-справочный перечень государей русских и замечательнейших особ их крови. Sankt Petersburg: Обёртка печ. в тип. А. Бенке. pp. 98. 
  11. ^ Котляр, М. Ф. (2003). "Анна Всеволодівна". Енциклопедія історії України: В 5 т.. 1: А-В. Кiev: «Наукова думка». pp. 688. ISBN 966-00-0734-5. 
  12. ^ ВТ-ЭСБЕ - Янчин монастырь
  13. ^ Гумилевский, Архиепископ Филарет (2011). "Житие преподобной княжны Анны Всеволодовны". Избранные жития святых на русском языке, изложенные по руководству Четьих-Миней. 2: July-December. Мoscow: Сибирская Благозвонница. p. 596. ISBN 978-5-91362-492-5. 


Offspring of Vsevolod I Yaroslavich of Kiev (1030-1093) and Anastasia Monomachos (c1035-1067)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Vladimir II Vsevolodovich Monomakh of Kiev (1053-1125) 1053 19 May 1125 Gytha of Wessex (1053-1098)
Yefimiya (c1078-1107)
Unknown Cuman
Anna Vsevolodovna of Kiev (c1055-1112) 1055 3 November 1112 Kiev, Ukraine

Offspring of Vsevolod I Yaroslavich of Kiev (1030-1093) and Anna Polovetskaya (c1050-1111)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Rostislav Vsevolodich of Kiev (1070-1093)
Eupraxia of Kiev (1071-1109) 1071 20 July 1109 Heinrich IV of the Holy Roman Empire (1050-1106)
Yekaterina Vsevolodovna of Kiev (c1073-1108) 1073 1108
Mariya Vsevolodovna of Kiev (c1075-1089) 1075 1089


Footnotes (including sources)

