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{{Showfacts biography}} One of the top men in ICI. {{Siblings}} {{Showfacts children |children-g1=David Clayton Carrad (1944-2016)+Kathryn Ann Carrad (1947-2013) |children-g1_notes=David was born in Englewood, NJ, and grew up in Smoke Rise. He graduated from Trinity College, Hartford, CT, from Columbia University, NY, and from Harvard Law School. Flt Lt by 1969 after a year in VietNam. In 1995 he was sent by the American Bar Assn to help with reestablishing a legal system in Cambodia. Later he was involved with Stock Exchanges in the Cayman Islands and Guernsey. He has been married four times. <new note>Ann was born in [[Englewood, New Jersey]]. She married Stuart C Schaffner in 1974 in Massachusetts. They had a son. By 1995 she was Head of the Science Library at Brander's University. }}{{showfacts residences}} 1911: Little Bromwich (staying with relatives). {{showfacts awards}}{{showfacts journeys}}{{showfacts workhistory}}{{showfacts military}}{{showfacts religious}}{{showfacts community}} {{footer}}
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