
Archibald Wiseman (1813-1853) was from Ballywatermoy Townland in County Antrim.

Wiseman bwtermy

Wiseman farm in Ballywatermoy

He left there in 1833, 'bound for America', and in 1836, shipped over from Liverpool to New York City on the bark "Lanark," with a Wiseman lady who may have been his first wife. He soon after came to Newburgh, New York to join his married brother James, who was operating a grocery. In 1838, on Christmas Day, he married Susan Clyde (181?-188?), a daughter of David Clyde, at the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in Newburgh. (In 1840, he was censused as "Achabad" Wiseman in Newburgh.) Archie and Susan became the parents of Elizabeth Wiseman (1842-1875), Samuel Dunlap Wiseman (1844-1917) and at least two other male siblings, David and Archibald Jr, who grew to adulthood. In 1850, Archibald was censused as a "brewer", but in 1853, aboard ship somewhere, he "died at sea" on May 9th. Archie's widow, Susan, remarried in 1860 in Newburgh to James McCord, a widower with children who was a leather dresser(and in 1869, Susan and Archie's son, David, married James' eldest daughter). In 1863, also in Newburgh, Elizabeth Wiseman married John McNeal Jr (1840-1923), a native of Paisley, Scotland.
