Genealogy research for the Atwood Family members known to have lived in Salt Lake County, Utah
- See also Atwood in Utah for more related family history:
Notable Individuals
Notable Landmarks
- This is the Place Heritage Park
- Utah Pioneer Companies
- Pioneer Childrens Monument - Monument at This is the Place Park to remember 650 children known to have died on the pioneer trail.
- Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos Veterans Memorial - Monument located outside the Utah State Capitol in Salt Lake City.
See Also
- Atwood in Utah
- Atwood Family
- Early History of Utah
- Salt Lake County, Utah/First families
- Salt Lake County, Utah/Monuments and Memorials
- Salt Lake County Church - (
- Salt Lake County Attractions and Events - (ScoutHut)
External Links
- Salt Lake, Utah - Wikipedia
- Salt Lake County Genealogy -
- Salt Lake County Archives
- History of Salt Lake County
:Note, for the following tables, that there may be more than one county or district of this name and that some contributors may have entered a different (possibly shorter and/or ambiguous) name when this one was meant. Search for similar names to get a more complete result. Common abbreviations are "Co." and "Cty", but there may have been no word for "county" (or equivalent) included, or such a word may have been wrongly included.
Familypedia people with surname Atwood in Salt Lake County, Utah
Readers can sort columns using the triangles at top.
Born in Salt Lake County, Utah
Baptised in Salt Lake County, Utah
Married in Salt Lake County, Utah
Grouping is for "first marriage", "second marriage", etc as indicated in column headings
Died in Salt Lake County, Utah
Buried in Salt Lake County, Utah
Non-SMW Family Name Pages
The following list of Atwood family person articles should be upgraded to SMW format.
- Alanzo Terrell Atwood (1837-1908)
- Ann Atwood (bef1466-aft1493)
- Hezekiah Atwood (1786-1868)
- Marion Elizabeth Atwood (1867-1950)
- Simeon Atwood (1814-1889)