
The term Banate (not to be confused with term Banat) can refer to:


  • A territory ruled by a ban; term "banate" is corresponding to Hungarian: bánság and Serbian: бановина / banovina; in English also (less commonly): bannate or even banovina.
  • An alternate term for "banovina" (specially for largest administrative units in Kingdom of Yugoslavia from 1929 to 1941).


  • Banate of Slavonia, a province of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary, today in Croatia.
  • Banate of Croatia, a province of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary, in coastal regions of modern Croatia.
  • Banate of Bosnia, a province of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary, today in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Banate of Usora, a province of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary, today in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Banate of Soli, a province of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary, today in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Banate of Jajce, a province of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary, today in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Banate of Srebrenik, a province of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary, today in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Banate of Mačva, a province of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary, today in Serbia.
  • Banate of Belgrade, a province of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary, today in Serbia.
  • Banate of Kučevo, a province of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary, today in Serbia.
  • Banate of Braničevo, a province of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary, today in Serbia.
  • Banate of Severin, a province of the medieval Kingdom of Hungary, today in Romania.
  • Banate of Lugoj and Caransebeș, a province of the early modern Kingdom of Hungary and Principality of Transylvania.
  • Banate of Craiova, a province in western parts of Wallachia.
  • Banate of Leitha, was a short-lived western Hungarian state that existed in 1921.
  • Banate of Danube (Dunavska banovina), 1929-1941; capital: Novi Sad
  • Banate of Drava (Dravska banovina), 1929-1941; capital: Ljubljana
  • Banate of Drina (Drinska banovina), 1929-1941; capital: Sarajevo
  • Banate of Primorje (Primorska banovina), 1929-1939; capital: Split
  • Banate of Morava (Moravska banovina), 1929-1941; capital: Niš
  • Banate of Sava (Savska banovina), 1929-1939; capital: Zagreb
  • Banate of Vardar (Vardarska banovina), 1929-1941; capital: Skopje
  • Banate of Vrbas (Vrbaska banovina), 1929-1941; capital: in Banja Luka
  • Banate of Zeta (Zetska banovina), 1929-1941; capital: in Cetinje
  • Banate of Croatia (Banovina Hrvatska), 1939-1941; capital: in Zagreb



  • Banate or Bannock, Native American people.

See also[]

  • Banovina (disambiguation)
  • Banat (disambiguation)
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