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Begon de Paris, Count of Toulouse, Duke of Septimania, Duke of Aquitaine, Margrave of the Hispanic March, Count of Paris, was born circa 757 in Paris to Gerard I de Paris (-779) and Rotrude de Franks (?-?) and died 28 October 816 of unspecified causes. He married Alpaida (794-) .

The name of Begon's first wife is not known. Alpais (?-855) is often listed as his second wife, but that would imply that Louis the Pious (778-840) was a grandfather at the age of 28. It is known though that Charlemagne (747-814)'s daughter Amaudru (?-?) married "a count of Paris". This cannot have been any of Begon's sons, while his father Gerard I de Paris (?-779) was probably too old. Of course, Amaudru could have married one of Begon's brothers but Begon is clearly the most powerful of the three while Etienne de Paris (c754-c813) was probably not married and Leuthard I de Paris (?-813) was married to Grimhilde. On the other hand, Amaudru was probably too old to be the grandmother of Landrade's son, so we here opt for Alpaide, a younger daughter of Charlemagne.


Offspring of Gerard I de Paris (-779) and Rotrude de Franks (?-?)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Etienne de Paris (c754-c813) 754 813
Leuthard I de Paris (?-813) 813 Grimhilde
Begon de Paris (c757-816) 757 Paris 28 October 816 Alpaida (794-)

Relationship with wife

Begon is a great-grandson of Charles Martel (686-741), while Amaudra is his great-granddaughter.  


Offspring of Begon de Paris and unknown parent
Name Birth Death Joined with
Suzanne de Paris (c800-) Wulfhard de Flavigny (?-?)
Engeltrude de Paris (c780-aft814) 780 Unruoch II di Friuli (?-?)

Offspring of Begon de Paris and Alpaida (794-)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Landrade de Paris (815-) 815 Toulouse Donat de Melun (c790-c865)
Leuthard II de Paris (806-858) 806 858
Eberhard de Paris (c808-c865)


Footnotes (including sources)

‡ General

rtol, Robin Patterson
