

Boniface del Vasto, Marchese del Vasto, Marchese della Liguria Occidentale, was born circa 1060 to Oddone di Savona (-c1084) and Berta di Susa (-aft1065) and died circa 1131 of unspecified causes.


BONIFAZIO, son of ODDONE Marchese della Liguria Occidentale & his wife Berta di Susa ([1060]-[1127/35]).

Born around the middle of the 11th century, he was the son (probably second son) of the Marquis Aleramico Tete and of Berta, daughter of the Marquis of Turin Olderico Manfredi. He is known in historiography as Bonifacio del Vasto because his sons briefly assumed the title of 'Marquis of Vasto', but in the sources he is always attested as Bonifaciusbrand .

His family origin placed him at the crossroads of two great dynasties and two important political structures: through his father's line, he descended from the Aleramici, owners since the mid-10th century of the brand that united the territories of Acqui and Savona; on the other hand, through his mother he was connected to the Arduinici, owners of the great march of Turin, which united a large part of Piedmont and western Liguria, from Asti to Ventimiglia. This dynastic placement had a heavy impact on his political career.

Bonifacio is attested starting from 1064, when with his brothers he signed his mother's donations first to the monastery of S. Siro in Genoa and then, the following year, to the bishop's church in Asti; the first document is incomplete, but the second presents the family group as a whole: «nos Berta comitissa, et Manfredus, et Bonifacius, atque Anselmus marchines et Henricus et Otto germani, mater et filii», a list on the basis of which it was considered that Bonifacio was the second son of the couple ( Codex Astensis... , edited by Q. Sella - P. Vayra, II, 1887, p. 118).


  • "Berta comitissa filia quondam Maginfredi et item Maginfredus et Anselmus, Bonifacius, Oto clericus germani et filii quondam Toto itemque marchionis, mater et filii" donated property to the monastery of San Silo near Genoa by charter dated 31 Aug 1064.
  • "Berta comitissa et Manfredus, Bonifacius et Anselmus marchioness et Henricus et Oto germani, mater et filii" donated property to the church of Santa Maria "de episcopatu Astensi" by charter dated 22 Apr 1065. Marchese del Vasto.
  • "Bonifacius marchio filius quondam Othonis" donated property to the church of Acqui by charter dated 22 Jul 1090 "in castro de Ceva".
  • "Bonifacius marchio filius quondam Teutonis…marchio et Henrico nepos suus" donated property to the canons of the church "in valle Burmia in loco…Ferranica" by charter dated 1097.
  • "Bonifacius marchio filius Teutonis…marchio…cum Alice cometissa filia qd. d. Petri marchio atque Theotone, Petro, Magnifredo, Hugone et Willielmo filiis eorum" donated property to "monasterio sancti Petri…in…villa Saviliani" by charter dated 21 Dec 1093.
  • "Bonifacius marchio cum filiis suis Manfredo atque Ugone" donated property to "ecclesie S. Donati de Monte" by charter dated 1121.
  • "Bonifacius marchio" appointed "filiis suos Maginfredum et Wilielmum adque Ugonem necnon Anselmum…et Anricum et Bonefacium minorem atque Odonem" as his heirs and provided dowries for "filiabus…Sibilie et Adalaxia et alie filie si ex hac uxore nata fuit", but disinherited "Bonifacium…incixie nominatum", by charter dated 1125.
  • "Bonifatius marchio…Agnes comitissa uxor ipsius marchionis…filii eius Mainfredus et Ugo" donated "domum sancti Laurentii" to Lérins by charter dated 1127.

Marriage and Family Life

1st Marriage: Alix de Savoie

[m firstly ALIX de Savoie, daughter of PIERRE I Comte de Savoie & his wife Agnès de Poitou. "Bonifacius marchio filius Teutonis…marchio…cum Alice cometissa filia qd. d. Petri marchio atque Theotone, Petro, Magnifredo, Hugone et Willielmo filiis eorum" donated property to "monasterio sancti Petri…in…villa Saviliani" by charter dated 21 Dec 1099[438]. Szabolcs de Vajay dismisses this individual as an imaginary person designed to explain the claims of Marchese Bonifazio to Turin, which he in fact inherited through his mother who was the younger sister of Adelaida di Susa, mother of Comte Pierre[439]. It is uncertain whether he was aware of the charter quoted above when he made this suggestion. Even if the charter in question was spurious, it is unclear what purpose would have been served by fabricating the ancestry of Marchese Bonifazio´s wife. It should be noted that Bonifazio´s [second] wife Agnes de Vermandois was considerably younger than her husband. An earlier marriage would therefore be likely.]

2nd Marriage: Agnes de Vermandos

m [secondly] AGNES de Vermandois, daughter of HUGUES de France Comte de Vermandois et de Valois [Capet] & his wife Adelais Ctss de Vermandois [Carolingian] ([1085]-after 1127). (Direct descendant of Hugh Capet and Charlemagne.)

The Genealogiæ Scriptoris Fusniacensis refers to (but does not name) the first of the daughters of "Hugonem Magnum [et] Adelaide comitissa Veromandensium" as wife of "Bonefacius marchio", parents of "Bonefacium archidiaconum Noviomensem et filios et filias, quarum una nupsit Guilelmo de Monte-pessulano"[440]. "Bonifatius marchio…Agnes comitissa uxor ipsius marchionis…filii eius Mainfredus et Ugo" donated "domum sancti Laurentii" to Lérins by charter dated 1127[441].


Offspring of Boniface del Vasto and Alix de Savoie (c1076-1111)¢
Name Birth Death Joined with
Ottone del Vasto (-c1110)
Pietro del Vasto (-c1110)
Manfredo del Vasto (-c1176)
Ugo del Vasto (-aft1161)
Guglielmo del Vasto (-aft1160)
Anselmo del Vasto (-aft1140)
Bonifazio del Vasto (-bef1138)

Offspring of Boniface del Vasto and Agnes de Vermandois (1083-aft1125)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Enrico del Vasto (1115-1184) 1115 Clavesana, Cuneo, Piedmont, Italy 1184 Finale Ligure, Savona, Liguria, Italy Beatrice de Montferrat (1142-1228)
Bonifazio del Vasto (-1189)
Ottone del Vasto (-bef1188)
Sibilla del Vasto (1105-1149) 1105 1149 Guillaume VI de Montpellier (1102-1171)
Adelaide del Vasto (-aft1125)

See Also

External Links


Footnotes (including sources)

‡ General
¢ Children
  • there seems to be some doubt about who mothered which children. This version follows FMG
¶ Death
  • "d 1125/35"

Thurstan, MainTour
