
Bryachislav Vasilkovich of Polotsk (c1200-c1250) was born 1200 to Vasilko Bryachislavich of Vitebsk (c1165-c1216) and Unknown Davydovna of Smolensk (c1172-c1220) and died 1250 of unspecified causes.

Bryachislav Vasilkovich (c1200-c1250) - Prince of Vitebsk c1221-1232, Prince of Polotsk (1232-c1250).


It is known about him very little. Bryachislav was, apparently, from the Vitebsk line of the Princes of Polotsk. His father was probably [[Vasilko Bryachislavich, prince of Vitebsk, and his mother was the daughter of Davyd Rostislavich, prince of Smolensk. S.V. Maksimov calls him the first Christian prince in the land of Kriviches, mentioning the construction of three churches in Polotsk in 1203 dedicated to Saint Sofia, Saint Boris and Saint Paraskeva [1].

Around 1221, Vasilko succeded his father as Prince of Vitebsk and about 1232 he became prince of Polotsk .

In the Russian chronicles, he is mentioned without a patronymic in 1239, when his daughter married the son of Grand Prince of Vladimir-Suzdal of Aleksandr Nevsky. The year of Bryachislav's death is unknown.

Marriage and children

His wife's name is unknown. Information about the children is quite contradictory, it is known only about one daughter, Aleksandra. As children of Bryachislav are called:


  1. ^ Максимов С.В. (1899). Крылатыя слова. Sankt Petersburg: Изд. А.С. Суворина. pp. 89-90. 


  • Алексеев Л. В. Полоцкая земля // Древнерусские княжества X—XIII вв. — Moscow, 1975. — С. 202—239.
  • Славянская энциклопедия. Киевская Русь — Московия: в 2 т. / Автор-составитель В. В. Богуславский. —Moscow.: ОЛМА-ПРЕСС, 2001. — Т. 1. — 784 с. — 5000 экз. — ISBN 5-224-02249-5.
  • Войтович Л. В. Рюриковичі. Ізяславичі полоцькі // Князівські династії Східної Європи (кінець IX — початок XVI ст.): склад, суспільна і політична роль. Історико-генеалогічне дослідження. — Львів: Інститут українознавства ім. І.Крип’якевича, 2000. — 649 с. — ISBN 966-02-1683-1. (укр.)
  • Н. В—н—в. Полоцкие князья // Русский биографический словарь : в 25 томах. — Sankt Petersburg—Moscow, 1896—1918.
  • Рудаков В. Е. Брячислав // Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона : в 86 т. (82 т. и 4 доп.). — Sankt Petersburg, 1890—1907.
  • Максимов С. В. Крылатыя слова / Sankt Petersburg, Изд. А. С. Суворина, 1899. – 500 с.


Offspring of Bryachislav Vasilkovich of Polotsk (c1200-c1250) and unknown parent
Name Birth Death Joined with
Aleksandra Bryachislavna of Polotsk (c1221-c1265) 1221 1265 Aleksandr Nevsky (1220-1263)
Izyaslav Bryachislavich of Vitebsk (c1225-c1264) 1225 1264
Daughter of Bryachislav Vasilkovich (c1228-c1270) 1228 1270 Tautvilas (c1225-1263)
Vasilko Bryachislavich of Vitebsk (c1230-1297) 1230 1297


Offspring of Vasilko Bryachislavich of Vitebsk (c1165-c1216) and Unknown Davydovna of Smolensk (c1172-c1220)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Lyubov Vasilkovna (c1192-c1240) 1192 1240 Vsevolod III Yuryevich of Vladimir (1154-1212)
Bryachislav Vasilkovich of Polotsk (c1200-c1250) 1200 1250


Footnotes (including sources)


Bryachislav Vasilkovich of Polotsk (c1200-c1250)
Born: c1200 Died: c1250
Preceded by
Vasiko Bryachislavich
Prince of Vitebsk
Succeeded by
Izyaslav Bryachislavich
Preceded by
Svyatoslav Mstislavich
Prince of Polotsk
Succeeded by

Template:Principality of Polotsk
