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Cemeteries in Barnstable County, Massachusetts; check from time to time and copy as desired.

Cemeteries in Barnstable County, Massachusetts, United States.

The main article for this category is Cemeteries in Barnstable County, Massachusetts. Please create and/or use it for appropriate text and to list qualifying people, places, sources, etc that may not yet have their own pages.

Notable Cemeteries[]

  1. Cove Burying Ground is an historic cemetery located in Eastham, Massachusetts. It is Eastham's oldest cemetery, dating to c. 1646 and is the final resting place of four of the Mayflower pilgrims.


  • History of Cape Cod by Frederick Freeman (2 Vol, 1600+ pages, Publ 2017) - The Annals of Barnstable County, and of Its Several Towns, State of the art technology restores many rare local records and histories.

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