Stub-sorting Wikiproject

This category is maintained by WikiProject Stub sorting.
Please propose new stub categories before creating fresh categories and templates.

Please use the following, more specific, stub tags where appropriate:

Karte Deutsche Bundesländer (nummeriert)
  1. {{BadenWurttemberg-geo-stub}} for Baden-Württemberg geography stubs
  2. {{Bavaria-geo-stub}} for Bavaria geography stubs
  3. {{Berlin-geo-stub}} for Berlin geography stubs
  4. {{Brandenburg-geo-stub}} for Brandenburg geography stubs
  5. {{Bremen-geo-stub}} for Bremen geography stubs
  6. {{Hamburg-geo-stub}} for Hamburg geography stubs
  7. {{Hesse-geo-stub}} for Hesse geography stubs
  8. {{Mecklenburg-geo-stub}} for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern geography stubs
  9. {{LowerSaxony-geo-stub}} for Lower Saxony geography stubs
  10. {{NorthRhineWestphalia-geo-stub}} for North Rhine-Westphalia geography stubs
  11. {{RhinelandPalatinate-geo-stub}} for Rhineland-Palatinate geography stubs
  12. {{Saarland-geo-stub}} for Saarland geography stubs
  13. {{Saxony-geo-stub}} for Saxony geography stubs
  14. {{SaxonyAnhalt-geo-stub}} for Saxony-Anhalt geography stubs
  15. {{SchleswigHolstein-geo-stub}} for Schleswig-Holstein geography stubs
  16. {{Thuringia-geo-stub}} for Thuringia geography stubs

This page uses content from the English language Wikipedia. The original content was at Category:Germany geography stubs. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with this Familypedia wiki, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons License.

All items (12)
