Catharina (Maria) Salome Ackermann


Catharina (Maria) Salome Ackermann married Johann Daniel Lindauer (bef1747-?).

Known Descendants[]

Daniel and Catharina had at least children, namely Magdalena Salomé, Johann Friedrich and Maria Magdalena. A descendant tree is as follows:

Additional Children[]

While presently unproven, it is possible that Daniel and Catharina were also the parents of Jean Jacques Lindauer (bef1795). The two families are certainly related, but whether the relationship is as direct as parents/child requires further research.

Ackermann Family[]

Catharina had sisters:

  • Maria Barbara Ackermann, born February 19, 1735 in Strasbourg, died February 22, 1735
  • Maria Magdalena Ackermann, born May 20, 1736 in Strasbourg, died May 21, 1736
  • Maria Margaretha Ackermann, born December 24, 1741 in Strasbourg, died December 26, 1741

These sisters' parents are listed as Hieronymus Ackermann and Anna Catharina Huck on their IGI death records. Catharina Huck is presumably Catharina's mother as well.
