Charles H. Messerly
Sex: Male
Birth: 8 May 1920 Canton, Stark County, Ohio
Death: 31 Oct 2000, Canton, Stark County, Ohio[1]
Father: Max Messerly (1894)
Mother: Miriam Bonnell (c1896)
Spouse/Partner: Mary R Messerly (1917) [2]

Charles H. Messerly

Both Charles and wife Mary R are known to be deceased, according to Social Security Death Index.

Essential information on this individual has not been located; therefore this article needs attention. Feel free to edit this page to help everyone learn more about this person.
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  • Unless indicated otherwise, data is from federal censuses and may be verified online by running searches on the given names and dates.
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Name Birthdate Birthplace Death date Death place
Children of Charles Messerly (1920) and Mary R Messerly (1917)
Hidden Messerly (1949M-Z44720) 1949


  1. ^ Birth and death dates given in Ohio Deaths 1958-2002 Certificate: 086048. Gives Charles' mother's maiden name of Bonnell.
  2. ^ Social Security death index states Mary R was born 23 Jan 1917, and died 1 Jul 2004