
Cloderic the Patricide was born 470 in Koln, Germany to Sigernerus I d'Auvergne (419-) and died 509 Germany of Murdered. He married Chroma, daughter of Chilpericito of Burgundy .


Offspring of Cloderic the Patricide and Chroma, daughter of Chilpericito of Burgundy¢
Name Birth Death Joined with
Munderic der Franken (c495-532) 495 France 532 Vitry-en-Perthois, Marne, France


Geboren voor 491 ;Gestorven

Koning der Franken (508-509) in Keulen

vader: Sigernerus I der FRANKEN 419


Dode van Montfaucon ca 509

Munderic der FRANKEN voor 531

Footnotes (including sources)

‡ General
  • He killed his father Siegbert the lame.
  • History of the Franks by Gregory of Tours
2 Wedding 2
  • Chroma of Burgundy is the mother of Munderic. St. Clothilde is his stepmother. Ste. Clothilde was the mother of the sons of King Clovis i.
¢2 Children 2
  • Gregory of Tours
¶ Death
  • He was persuaded by Clovis I to kill his old lame father in order to get his riches. Then Clovis had Cloderic killed and took all of his father's lands and possessions. It seems that Clovis also took Saint Clothilde as his wife.

Bergsmit, Robin Patterson, Phlox, Rtol, Thurstan, Cwalbins, MainTour
