
Chroma of Burgundy was born circa 470 in Burgundy, France . She married Chloderic der Franken (c470-509) in Germany.

Some sources suggest that she married Chloderic the Parricide. However, this marriage is highly speculative. The sources show only that she was a nun but might have been the widow of an unknown king.

SEDELEUBE [Chroma] ([481]-). Gregory of Tours names "Chroma" as the elder daughter of Chilperich, records that she and her sister were driven into exile by their paternal uncle King Gundobad, and that Chroma became a nun[38]. The Liber Historiæ Francorum also records that "filia…senior…Chrona" was sent into exile after her parents were murdered[39]. Fredegar names "Sædeleuba" as the older daughter of Chilperich[40]. Fredegar records that "Sideleuba regina" had founded the church at Geneva to which the body of St Victor was taken[41]. Presumably this refers to the daughter of Chilperich King of Burgundy as no other reference to this name has been found. However, the text implies that Sedeleube was married to, or was the widow of, a king at the time, no other reference having been identified in Fredegar to an unmarried daughter of a monarch being referred to as "regina". If this is correct, the identity of her husband is not known. It is not known which of her names was her baptismal and which her ecclesiastical name.


Offspring of Chloderic der Franken (c470-509) and Chroma of Burgundy¢
Name Birth Death Joined with
Munderic der Franken (c495-532) 495 France 532 Vitry-en-Perthois, Marne, France
Dode, Abbess of Saint Pierre de Reims (bef509-?) Ferreolus, Senator of Narbonne (470-)


See Also


Footnotes (including sources)

¢ Children
  • Gregory of Tours

