
  • Comtesse of Dammmartin
  • Princess of France

Constance Capet was born 1014 to Robert II of France (972-1031) and Constance of Arles (986-1034) and died 1042 Dammartin-en-Goële, Île-de-France, France of unspecified causes. She married Manasses de Montdidier (c1000-1037) 1032 JL in Orléans, Loiret, France.

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Constance Capet (1014-1042) = She married Manasses de Montdidier (c1000-1037) and had several children. "Constance de France, heritiere de Dammartin"

Research Notes

There is no proof that Constance, wife of Manassès de Dammartin, was the daughter of King Robert II, the affiliation being proposed for onomastic reasons only[206]. It is, however, suggested by the presence of the king and queen at a donation by "Manasses comes" dated 4 Feb 1031[207]. Rodolfus Glaber records that King Robert had two daughters by his wife Constance[208], presumably referring to Hedwige and Adela. According to Europäische Stammtafeln[209], the wife of Manassès was "Constance [de Dammartin]", presumably on the theory that she brought her husband the county of Dammartin.


Offspring of Manasses de Montdidier (c1000-1037) and Constance Capet
Name Birth Death Joined with
Eudes de Dammartin (c1030-1067) 1030 1067
Hugues de Dammartin (c1055-1103) 1055 1103 Roharde de Clare (c1060-?)
Eustachie de Dammartin (?-aft1060)
Agnes de Dammartin (?-?) Guillaume de Mantes (?-?)
Basilie de Dammartin (1034-c1081) 1034 1081 Hugues II de Gournay (1025-1074)


Offspring of Robert II of France (972-1031) and Constance of Arles (986-1034)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Hedwig Capet (1003-aft1063) 1003 1063 Renaud I de Nevers (1000-1040)
Hugh Magnus of France (1007-1025) 1007 17 September 1025
Henry I of France (1008-1060) 4 May 1008 Reims, Marne, Grand Est, France 4 August 1060 Vitry-aux-Loges, Loiret, Centre-Val de Loire, France Mathilde von Friesland (c1024-1044)
Anna Yaroslavna of Kiev (c1028-1075)
Adèle of France (1009-1079) 1009 Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, Midi-Pyrénées, France 8 January 1079 Mesen, West Flanders, Flanders, Belgium Richard III of Normandy (997-1027)
Baldwin V of Flanders (1012-1067)
Robert I de Bourgogne (1011-1076) 1011 21 March 1076 Hélie de Semur (1016-aft1055)
Ermengarde of Anjou (c1020-?)
Odo Capet (c1013-1056) 1013 France 15 May 1056 France
Constance Capet (1014-1042) 1014 1042 Dammartin-en-Goële, Île-de-France, France Manasses de Montdidier (c1000-1037)

See Also


Footnotes (including sources)

‡ General

Phlox, Rtol, Thurstan, MainTour, Ozesoldier
