
The Council of Gorodetsk - military congress, arranged on the initiative of Vladimir Monomakh with Davyd and Oleg against Svyatopolk Izyaslavich, after he unceremoniously violated the agreement of the Council of Lyubech and imprisoned Vasilko Rostislavich, and then allowed Davyd Igorevich to blind him. The brothers gathered together with the guards in the forest near Gorodets and sent ambassadors to Svyatopolk with the words:

"Why did you do this evil in the Russian land and put a knife in us? Why did he blind his brother? If you had any accusation against him, then you would have convicted him before us, and having proved his guilt, then you would have acted with him like that " [1].

Not accepting Svyatopolk's excuse the next morning the brothers crossed the Dnieper and moved to Kiev. Svyatopolk wanted to escape from the city, but the people of Kiev did not allow him to do this. The bloodshed was avoided with the mediation of of Vladimir Monomakh's mother and the Metropolitan. Svyatopolk expelled Davyd Igorevich in front of the brothers, but appropriated his possessions.

