Dmitri Zavidich, Posadnik of Novgorod, was born 1080 to Zavid and died 9 June 1118 of unspecified causes.
Dmitri Zavidich (c1080-9 June 1118), posadnik of Novgorod in 1117 -1118.
The chronicle does not specify when exactly Dmitri Zavidich was appointed to the post, but it was immediately after the death of the posadnik Dobrynia on December 6, 1117. Dmitri Zavidich died on June (or July) 9, 1118. The Chronicler mentions seven months of his sole control over the Principality of Novgorod not only as posadnik, but also as a substitute for the functions of the prince. After him, Konstantin Moiseyevich was appointed posadnik [1].
Dmitri Zavidich had a son Zavid Dmitriyevich who was also posadnik of Novgorod. He also had a daughter who, in 1122 married Prince Mstislav Vladimirovich (immediately after the death of his first wife Christina) [2]. The chronicles do not mention her name, but V.N. Tatishchev has had identified her name. He notes that "Mstislav Vladimirovich married, in Novgorod, Lyubava, the daughter of posadnik Dmitri Zavidich" [3]. It is proved that Luybava's father of had the christian name of Eustace not Dmitri, therefore Lyubava's patronimic name indicated by Tatishchev is incorrect. [4]. However, even older studies [5], or more recent ones [6], still use the name indicated by Tatishchev.
- ^ Новгородская первая летопись старшего и младшего изводов / Под ред. А. Н. Насонова. — М.—Л.: Академия наук СССР, 1950. — С. 20—21, 204.
- ^ Новгородская первая летопись старшего и младшего изводов / Под ред. А. Н. Насонова. — М.—Л.: Академия наук СССР, 1950. — С. 21, 205.
- ^ История Российская с самых древнейших времен неусыпными трудами через тридцать лет собранная и описанная Покойным Тайным Советником и Астраханским Губернатором, Василием Никитичем Татищевым. — М.: Напечатана при Московском Университете, 1773. — Кн. 2. — С. 226.
- ^ Янин В. Л. Новгородские посадники. — М.: Языки славянских культур, 2003. — С. 85—87.
- ^ Например, Карамзин Н. М. Примечания ко II тому Истории государства Российского // Он же. История государства Российского. — СПб.: Тип. Н. Греча, 1818. — Т. II. — С. 143, прим. 254.
- ^ Например, Морозова Л. Великие и неизвестные женщины Древней Руси. — М.: АСТ, 2009. — С. 344—355.
- Morozova L. The great and unknown women of Ancient Rus. - Moscow: AST, 2009. - 585 p.
- Tikhomirov MN Peasant and urban uprisings in Russia XI-XIII centuries. // It's the same. Ancient Russia. - Moscow: Nauka, 1975. - P. 42-232.
- Yanin VL. Act presses of Ancient Russia X-XV centuries. - Moscow: Nauka, 1970. - T. I. - 326 p.
- Yanin VL Novgorod Posadniks. - Moscow: Languages of Slavic Cultures, 2003. - 512 p.
Name | Birth | Death | Joined with |
Zavid Dmitriyevich (c1100-1128) | 1100 | ||
Lyubava Dmitrievna (c1104-c1170) |
Footnotes (including sources)
Dmitri Zavidich Born: 1080 Died: 14 April 1118
| ||
Regnal titles | ||
Preceded by Dobrynia |
Posadnik of Novgorod 1117–1118 |
Succeeded by Konstantin Moiseyevich |