
Elizabeth Cutter Robinson was born 13 July 1643 in Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts to Richard Cutter (1621-1693) and Elizabeth Williams (1620-1662) and died 10 January 1693 Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts of unspecified causes.


She married William Robinson (1640-93) of Watertown on 10 Jan 1667 in Cambridge. She was born to Richard Cutter (1621-93), who arrived on the ship "John and Dorothy" in 1637 and was admitted freeman June 2, 1641, and was made a member of the "Ancient and Honorable Artillery Co." of Boston in 1643.

The "Town Records of Cambridge mention Richard Cutter thirty-eight times. He was a wheel-wright by trade, as -one of the entries state that the town grants timber to Richard Cutter for a "payre of wheeles." Again he is granted permission to fell "foure trees for his trade on the South side the river." Again a grant of land was divided among the freemen and Richard Cutter receives eighty acres.

Elizabeth Williams (1620-62), was admitted to the church in Roxbury, MA in 1644 and married about the same time to Richard Cutter, of Cambridge, and he died June 15, 1693. In his will, Richard Cutter asked to be buried by the side of his wife Elizabeth. Their gravestones are still standing in the graveyard, near Harvard Square, Cambridge, Mass.


Offspring of William Robinson (1640-1693) and Elizabeth Cutter Robinson
Name Birth Death Joined with
Elizabeth Robinson (1669-1749)
Hannah Robinson (1671-1672)
William Robinson (1673-1754) 10 July 1673 Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, United States 28 January 1754 Newton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Elizabeth Upham (1677-1747)
Mercy Robinson (1676-1740) 7 August 1676 Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts 31 December 1740 Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Nathaniel Whitney (1675-1730)
David Robinson (1678-1773)
Samuel Robinson (1680-1724) 20 April 1680 Marlborough, Middlesex County, Massachusetts 24 April 1724 Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Sarah Manning (1681-1709)
Elizabeth Brigham (1685-1733)
Jonathan Robinson (1682-1754)


Offspring of Richard Cutter (1621-1693) and Elizabeth Williams (1620-1662)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Elizabeth Cutter (1643-1692) 13 July 1643 Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts 10 January 1693 Watertown, Middlesex County, Massachusetts William Robinson (1640-1693)
Ephraim Cutter (1646-1731)
Samuel Cutter (1647-1722)
Thomas Cutter (1648-1690)
William Cutter (1649-1723) 22 February 1649 Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts 1 April 1723 Cambridge, Middlesex County, Massachusetts Rebecca Rolfe (1662-1751)
Gershom Cutter (1653-1738)
Mary Cutter (1656-1711)
Marah Cutter (1657-1711)

Offspring of Richard Cutter (1621-1693) and Frances Perriman (1624-1728)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Nathaniel Cutter (1663-1713)
Rebecca CUtter (1665-1741)
Hepzhibah Cutter (1667-1668)
Hepzhibah Cutter (1671-1746)
Sarah Cutter (1671-1745)
Rehamah Cutter (1675-1756)


Footnotes (including sources)

