
Euphrosyne of Murom was born circa 1175 in Village of Laskovo, Ryazan Governorate, Kievan Rus' and died 25 June 1228 Principality of Murom, Kievan Rus' of unspecified causes. She married Davyd Yuryevich of Murom (c1167-1228) .


Euphrosyne is the wife of prince Davyd Yuryevich of Murom [1] She was the daughter of a bee-keeper and a peasant from the rural Village of Laskovo in Ryazan Governorate, [2] After she healed the prince they married.

Towards the end of their lives, Prince David Yuryevich and Princess Euphrosyne took their vows and entered monastic life, Prince David taking the monastic name of Peter and Princess Euphrosyne the name of Fevronia. According to the Kormchaia book only the simultaneous cutting of spouses into monasticism could be regarded condescendingly as a reason for the dissolution of the marriage union [3][4]. Both prayed that they would die the same day and their wish was fulfilled and they both died on Easter Sunday, 25 June 1228 at the same hour. According to legends, they had expressed their desire to be buried together in the same coffin. Finding the burial in one coffin incompatible with the monastic rites, their bodies were placed in different coffins, but, by miracle the next day they were found together. This happened several times until their wish of being interred together was fulfilled.

The simultaneous death of members of the Murom princely dynasty fell during the service in Murom of the bishop of Murom and Ryazan, Yephrosyn Svyatogorets, who allegedly was the performer of the monastic tonsure of the prince couple, as well as their Christian burial.

In 1547, at the initiative of Metropolitan Macarius, the canonization of the prince and his wife as locally venerated saints was held at the Macarius Sobors. In this regard, the writer Monk Yermolai-Erazm, based on Murom folk legends, compiled the story of their life.

Revered today as saints Peter and Fevronia (their monastic names). They are considered the patrons of family and marriage in the Russian Orthodox Church and they are celebrated on June 25 (o.s.) (July 8).

  1. Daughter - Yevdokiya Davydovna of Murom (c1205-c1240) , the spouse of the Grand Prince of Vladimir-Suzdal Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich [5] .
  2. Son - Yuri Davydovich of Murom (c1195-1237) [6]))
  3. The son - Svyatoslav Davydovich of Murom (c1200-c1228) - participant of the campaign on the Volga Bulgarians in 1220 .


  1. ^ В. П. Бутромеева, ed (2001). Мoscow: Олма-Пресс. p. 503. ISBN 5-224-00625-2. 
  2. ^ Ермолай-Еразм (16th century). Повесть о Петре и Февронии Муромских.. 
  3. ^ Цатурова М. К. Прекращение брака по русскому семейному праву XVIII в. // Вестник Московского университета. Право. 1990. № 5.
  4. ^ А. С. Павлов. Курс церковнаго права. Свято-Троицкая Сергиева лавра, 1902. С. 388
  5. ^ Юрьев-Польский: Три монаха, не считая музея.


Offspring of Davyd Yuryevich of Murom (c1167-1228) and Euphrosyne of Murom
Name Birth Death Joined with
Yuri Davydovich of Murom (c1195-1237) 1195 1237
Svyatoslav Davydovich of Murom (c1200-c1228) 1200 1228
Yevdokiya Davydovna of Murom (c1205-c1240) 1205 1240 Dmitri Svyatoslavich of Yuryev (c1225-1269)



Footnotes (including sources)
