The Genealogy Wiki is based on the concepts developed for the Wikipedia.
Keep in mind that others can edit any article created. We depend on good manners, and mutual respect, to resolve different views. If you don't agree with someone's view, as presented in one of these articles, discuss your viewpoint with them.
- Use the article's "discussion" page,
- Contact them through their UserPage,
- Email them!
Work out a compromise that meets both viewpoints. The section "Alternative Viewpoints" is there to assist with the presentation of other viewpoints. If someone has already created an article on a particular person, and you think it should say something different, consider putting your views in "Alternative Viewpoints". If you are starting an article, and know that there are other viewpoints on a particular subject, consider expressing those alternative viewpoints in the "Alternative Viewpoint" section. Nothing improves understanding like trying to make the other guy's case. Ultimately, the key admonition on this is "be polite, be courteous, and be respectful". You can disagree with someone's viewpoint, and still meet those admonitions.
And in the words of our late friend, Jerry Penley
"Good Hunting to All My Cousins"
--Bill 23:17, 21 August 2006 (UTC)