
Number of people[]

Status Number
SMW articles 83535
Non-SMW articles 10024
Articles in both 4
TOTAL 93555

The wiki will be distinctly improved with every Non-SMW article we upgrade: see Help:Upgrading old-style person articles for why and how.



See Category:Surnames

  • 1 January 2013: 9,903
  • 1 April 2013: 10,176
  • 29 August 2014: 11,700

Top surnames[]

"Top" 30 surnames on Familypedia in July 2016 (Caution: by 2024 the bottom few had been overtaken by a dozen upstarts!)

Numbers apart from the "baseline" are "dynamic" and therefore fairly much up to date. The different numbers for each surname are derived slightly differently, as noted in the headings. Where there is a significant difference in size order, you may (carefully) rearrange paragraphs of code based on the second-last column, which is the most accurate.
Surname Person pages
(7 April 2013)
Person pages now
(including subcategories)
Total items
in category
  SMW   non-SMW   Total  
Smith 221 568 61 629 688
Rurik 235 571 0 571 571
Fáy 413 0 413 414
Brown 157 269 67 336 389
Cramp 237 185 132 317 318
Capet 297 311 0 311 311
Wettin 68 271 0 271 271
Konkoly-Thege 263 0 263 263
Walker 160 144 112 256 267
Adams 72 238 20 258 304
Williams 89 233 18 251 281
Freudenberg 212 3 216 219 257
Doty 206 212 1 213 252
Welf 72 212 0 212 212
Lathrop 207 0 207 242
Wittelsbach 56 211 0 211 213
Stewart 52 189 10 199 232
Carolingian 192 196 0 196 198
Taylor 52 174 24 198 216
Miller 131 84 109 193 214
Jones 96 155 35 190 204
Ascania 179 0 179 178
Bánffy de Losoncz 178 0 178 178
Howard 71 157 15 172 175
Hohenzollern 162 0 162 164
Korver 152 153 0 153 162
Piast 72 153 0 153 154
Eldert 137 2 136 138 147
Magee 135 138 0 138 143
Oldenburg 147 0 147 156

This report may not reflect recent changes: purge this page.

People with ten or more marriages[]

See also[]
