Semantic genealogy logo-med
Facts Pages

Semantic MediaWiki is a software "extension" that allows improved searches, inline queries, "drilldowns", and easier data entry using forms.

New namespaces[]

The system introduced five new namespaces (each with a matching "talk" namespace):


SMW Advantages

Advantages of an opensource Semantic Media Wiki system

Pages whose page names start with "Property:".

Many properties are the bases of boxes ("fields") encountered on forms, primarily Form:Person, and are listed at the bottom of sensor pages, where the combination of a property and its "value" (which someone entered in the box) produces a "fact". Templates (such as "{{Showfacts biography}}") collect and display such facts in prepared formats.

It is desirable to have a separate property for every field that can be encountered in GEDCOM files, in preparation for the day when we have an easy reliable system of uploading them.

Examples of our properties:

An early snapshot showed a list of 199 properties, starting with:
  1. Baptism notes of type Text This type is among the standard datatypes of this wiki. (Baptism notes) This property is hardly used within the wiki!
  2. Birth date of type Date (followed by the same explanation as the first)
  3. Description-ru of type Text
  4. birth coord of type Geographic coordinate
  5. Birth date-calendar of type String

By mid-2010 we had over 900 properties, a few of them having been abandoned for reasons such as not fitting easily-remembered naming patterns.

See also[]

External links[]
