
Argentina in the 21st century has several residents with surname "Forlong" or "Forlonge", some of them Facebook friends of Forlonges and Forlongs in Australasia. By January 2021, no genealogical link had been found.

One in Argentina is Facundo Forlong. He was asked if he could clarify the relationship by giving the names of his father and father's father and so on. His first response included this:

Tengo 30 años y la abuela de mi papá vino de islanda
Crío solo sus hijos
Eso se del apellido
Que tengo

Web translation was:

I'm 30 years old and my dad's grandmother came from Iceland
I raise only your children
I know the last name
That I have produces no results. could be searched for similar names but seems to have no "Forlong". says an Anastasia Forlong was married in Argentina between 1722 and 1911. has several christenings between 1858 and 1899: Maria Brigida Forlong bap 1859; Juana Forlong had a daughter bap 1891; Mariana Forlong had a daughter bap 1859; Mateo Forlong also had daughter bap 1859; Elena Forlong had son bap 1894; Maria Brigida Forlong was born and bap 1859; Elena Forlong had son bap 1858; Mariana Forlong had daughter born and bap 1859; Elena Forlong had son bap 1864; Mateo Forlong had dau bap 1859. There are also a Forling, a Foerlong, and many Furlong, with some names and dates so similar that they could be the same people as the Forlongs. (Check during next free period?) searches the 1869 census. Nine people (though some apparent duplicates), with (probably estimated) birth years from 1809 to 1864:

Miguel Forlong 1803
Juana Forlong 1833
Juana Forlong 1833
Miguel Forlong 1803
Santiago Forlong 1829
Santiago Forlong 1839
Isabel Forlong 1864
Juan Forlong 1842
Santiago Forlong 1839

Allowing similar surnames adds only Gillermo Forlang 1844 and Eduardo Forlang 1848. Including similar-sounding names takes the total to 144, including Forlon and Furlong plus a few Forlan, Forlani, Ferlano,and so on. As with the christenings, some of the spelling variants seem likely to be the same family. (Check during next free period?)

FamilySearch has freely searchable censuses from the 19th century.

Census of Capital Federal, 1855[] has 14 hits, all "Furlong", three duplicates. All at "Cañuelas, Buenos Aires".

Biggest household:

  • Jose, 40, England
  • Maria N de F.., 37, England
  • Guillermo, 17, England
  • Ana, 15, England
  • Jose, 5, Argentina
  • Maria, 2, Argentina

Another household:

  • Marica, 60, England
  • Miguel, 25, England

Another household:

  • Marica, 35, England
  • Miguel, 60, England

1869 census (the nation's first)[] has 19 hits, nearly all Forlong or Furlong. Several names that are more British than Spanish:

  • John, 38, single, Ireland (no others listed with him)
  • Edward, 29, single, England (no others listed with him)
  • Isabel, 5 (no others listed with her)

1895 census[] has 53 hits with wide variety of spelling, no actual "Forlonge"; lots of Furlong, many from Ireland. Several from England, a handful from the Continent.
