Forums: Index > Watercooler > Policy on Living people

I don't know if I read of a policy here on privacy issues regarding currently living people. Anyone doing Genealogy research knows how easy it is to find info on living people, but just the same, I personally decline to do anthing more than refer to someone by the first name "Living", birth year & parents. I only give full info only on deceased relatives.

I know the idea of wikia's are to promote community, but it seems to me that only a living individual should be able to add full info their article.

Whole can of worms there, and I don't really care when you come up with a policy, or do I really care to participate in deciding what it is. But it's an issue to think about, and be clear on regarding notices. That is- We have DO NOT SUBMIT COPYRIGHTED..., and privacy issues dictate we have a similar warning on private info- whatever that warning is.

-Mak 21:41, 1 September 2007 (UTC)
