Forums: Index > Watercooler > Rodovid

I'm surprised we don't have Rodovid listed anywhere here (or our search function isn't very good).

User:Bergsmit seems to have decided it's the place for him. See:

It has a long page (and a long talk page) on "Meta" as a potential Wikimedia project: m:Rodovid. A bit out of date. But is it a real competitor of ours despite being bigger and more multilingual?

Robin Patterson (Talk) 11:44, February 21, 2010 (UTC)

It is under the CC-BY License 2.5.

It has no Forum namespace (and seems not to have updated its MediaWiki to have a File namespace) but has separate namespaces for:

Robin Patterson (Talk) (a little later, February 21, 2010 (UTC))

The problem of Rodovid is a one man leadership user:Baya, who has no time enough to maintain all.
Now there is a very good team of sysops in the french language section, who are founding a Rodovid foundation to take over Rodovid from Baya and continue in the real Wiki Sphere.
as a sysop on Rodovid I am busy to update and catogorize the dutch language section of Rodovid, helped by all I learned here, among others from Richard Tol.
Multilingually is Rodovid very good but in other way not so good.
It should be the best if Rodovid and Familypedia could go together !
--Fred Bergman 19:43, March 7, 2010 (UTC)

With new template Rodovid becomes closer to our community, you can add links to the page of the person on the For Rudolf this is -


Rudolf is HR Emperor Rudolf II.. It would be good to return the favour, and create Rodovid links to Familypedia. There is one already at Wikipedia: rtol 07:15, September 5, 2010 (UTC)

Statistics Rodovid[]

Number of Persons and Families