
George Edward Nicholas Weston was born 31 October 1796 in West Horsley, Sussex, England to Henry Perkins Weston (1748-1826) and Jeanne Marie Bergier de Mont (-1804) and died 25 November 1856 Horsley Park, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia of unspecified causes. He married Blanche Johnston (1806-1904) 19 May 1829 in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.

Alternative Name

George Edward Nicholas Weston, having an elder brother by the name of George, was also known as Edward Weston. Many references to him in newspapers of the day refer to him as Edward Weston. The records of birth for 2 of his children are under the name of Edward Weston. The record of death for his eldest child, Emma Pryce nee Weston shows her father's name as Edward Weston. He was also so well known around Sydney that he was often refered to as just Captain Weston.

Sorting Fact from Fiction

Of what is written about George Edward Nicholas Weston, some is fact, some if fiction, and some needs further research before a decision of fact or fiction can be made.


  • It has been said that "Captain Edward Weston" was Superintendent of the Hyde Park Barracks, in relation to today's suburb of Weston in the A.C.T. named for a land grant in the area of today's Canberra[1][2]. This is not true. References and newspapers of the day to the man who was Superintendant of the Hyde Park Barracks show his name to have been John Weston[3], a different man to Captain Edward Weston (George Edward Nicholas Weston). The newspaper references include a birth announcement for a son born to "Mrs Weston, wife of Mr John Weston, Superintendant of Hyde Park Barrackes" on 16 Aug 1830[4], a time when Edward Weston (George Edward Nicholas Weston) was in India. In relation to the land grant in the area of today's Canberra, George Edward Nicholas Weston did own a land grant there on the Yarrow-lumba (Yarralumba) plains. Weston Creek on this grant was named after him, and consequently the suburb of Weston in the A.C.T. He obtained this grant on 18 Oct 1831.[5][6]
  • It was been said that George Edward Nicholas Weston was a Major[7][8]. This is not true. In May 1829 when George Edward Nicholas Weston married Blanche Johnston in Sydney he held the rank of Lieutenant (records re his marriage[9]) in the Honourable East India Company's Forces. When he returned from India in Jul 1831 after nearly 2 years there from about Sep 1829 to about Apr 1831 he had obtained the rank of Captain (records re the "Caroline" on which he and his family returned[10]). He never obtained the rank of Major.
  • It has been said that George Edward Nicholas Weston served as a judge in India[7][11][12]. This is not true. On 23 Jan 1818 there was a Lieut. Weston, of the Native Infantry of the East India Company's Forces, who was made a Deputy Judge Advocate General, initially at Calcutta[13]. On 19 Mar 1823 he was also to act as secretary and Persian interpretor to Colonel Adams during the absence of a Captain Beckett[14]. Then on 1 Oct 1828, now a Captain (and now of the Saugor division), he was absent from his duties and replaced during his time of absence by a Capt. J.T. Croft[15]. It is clear that this Captain Weston is not George Edward Nicholas Weston as he was still a Lietenant in October 1828. It becomes even clearer that these are 2 different men when Capt. Weston, Deputy Judge Advocate General to the Saugor Division, fathers a daughter born in India on 8 Aug 1829 (when George Edward Nicholas Weston was still at sea travelling to India with his new bride), and he is identified as Capt. H.J.S. Weston[16]. Further references can also be found in The Asiatic Journal & Monthly Register and The Oriental Herald, which use both the other man's initials of H.J.S., J.S.H., or J.H.S., and his job title, to this man's transfer from the Calcutta to the Saugor Division and later to the Meerut Division, his marriage, births of other children, and his continuation of service in India after George Edward Nicholas Weston is living in Australia. Applying references of Lieut. Weston without initials, and then Capt. Weston without initials, to the wrong man (in this case George Edward Nicholas Weston) without first checking if these references belong to another is inappropriate, but unfortunately a common genealogical mistake. Captain J.S.H. Weston, the Deputy Judge Advocate General, was his elder brother John Samuel Henry Weston (1791-1850).
  • It is said that George Edward Nicholas Weston arrived in Sydney on the "Vesper" from Mauritius via Hobart on 14 Mar 1829[17] or this claim can be condensed to his arrival in Sydney in 1829[18][11][19]. This is not true. The man who arrived on the "Vesper" was variously described as "Major Weston of the Bengal Army"[20] or "Captain Weston and lady"[21]. This is not George Edward Nicholas Weston who at that time was a Lieutenant and unmarried. There is no known record of when George Edward Nicholas Weston, on furlough from the East India Company's Forces, arrived in New South Wales. His most likely reason for having taken a furlough from his military duties was the death of his brother William Francis Weston (1793-1826) on 26 April 1828 at Dapto near Wollongong. After receiving word of his brother's death (a letter would have taken at least 3 months to reach him) he would have had to request a furlough to come to New South Wales to assist his sister-in-law (leaving behind his Indian mistress and his 2 daughters, 1 of whom may have still been in the womb) and then obtain passage to Sydney (again at least 3 months). The earliest that he could have arrived in New South Wales under these circumstances is near the end of 1826. (However, as furloughs were usually for 2 years, allowing only 18 months in New South Wales after taking off sailing time at both ends, he could well have arrived 12 months later than this.) That Lieutenant George Edward Nicholas Weston was already in New South Wales on 14 Mar 1829 when the "Vesper" arrived is evidenced by his marriage just 2 months later on 19 May 1829 in Sydney. He then almost immediately sailed back to India to resume his military service.
  • It is said (in an obituary of his wife) that George Edward Nicholas Weston "introduced the first pack of hounds to Australia (in Aug 1837). The hounds were kept at a place on the Western-road, still known as the Dog Kennels."[22]. The part about introducing the first pack of hounds to Australia is not true. "Hunting to hounds began in Australia in 1811"[23][24] with, in 1811, the first pack of hounds belonging to the Sydney Hunt. In 1834 the Sydney Hunt had its kennels in George Street, Sydney[25]. Newspapers of the day reveal that the Sydney Hunt hunted kangaroo, wallaby, native dogs (dingo), and deer. On 20 Jun 1834 Francis Mowatt (1803-1891), Weston's neighbour at Yarralumla, advertised to purchase breeding pairs of fox hounds and beagles in The Sydney Monitor (25 Jun 1834, p3). Mowatt is known to have used the fox hounds to hunt kangaroo and dingo at Yarralumla from 1834 to 1837, and is believed to have imported some of these dogs.[26][27] The fox hounds that George Edward Nicholas Weston imported arrived in Sydney on 3 Aug 1837. These hounds, together with hounds obtained from the Sydney Hunt, were to form the nucleus of a pack for the about to be formed Cumberland Hunt. Weston may have imported some hounds in Aug 1837, but it was om behalf Cumberland Hunt to whom they belonged. The kennels of the Cumberland Hunt were located "on the Western-road, still known as the Dog Kennels". Weston, reported as the instigator for the formation of the Cumberland Hunt, was given management and control of the kennel.
  • It is said that George Edward Nicholas Weston lived in a large Indian tent during the time that his house at Horsley Park was being built in 1832, that he had "brought a number of servants with"[18][11] him from India, and that he was "tended by many Indian servants" whilst living in the tent[19][28] The first part, about living in a tent whilst the house was being built, is correct, and is verified in an article written shortly after the death of his wife Blanche in 1904 (see entry for Blanche Johnston (1806-1904)). The part about bringing a large number of servants from India with them, and then being attended by them whilst they lived in the tent, is incorrect. When "Capt. Weston, Mrs Weston and 2 children" (his 2 half-indian illegitimate daughters, Emma & Mary) arrived in Sydney on 31 Jul 1831 aboard the "Caroline" they had with them "1 servant"[10]. Subsequent research (refer to the entry of Alexander Davidson (c1792-1856)) reveals this to be a male native servant from India. That there was only 1 Indian servant is also verified in the article written shortly after the death of his wife Blanche in 1904 (see entry for Blanche Johnston (1806-1904)). This article refers to the time after the house was completed and only mentions the 1 Indian servant. Specifically referred to is a punkah (a large Indian fan) attached to the ceiling of the house that was kept constantly moving by a "black boy", with "black" referring to the colour of his skin (but not aboriginal as the same article refers to aboriginals as "blackfellows"), and "boy" being the patronising way of refering to a adult male native servant.

It is interesting to compare the facts of George Edward Nicholas Weston (1796-1856) with those of Alexander Davidson (c1792-1856)

Name George Edward Nicholas Weston Alexander Davidson
Immigration Place Sydney Melbourne
Immigration Year 1831 1843
No. times in Australia previous 1 (c1827-1829) 2 (1831-1832) & (1838-1839)
Rank obtained in H.E.I.C.(1) at immigration Captain Major
Family members at immigration Wife & 2 illegitimate ango-indian daughters from previous liason Wife & 1 daughter of the marriage
Place of abode Large Indian Tent Large Indian Tent(2) & additional tents for Indian servants
No. Indian Servants brought out at immigration 1 adult male 11 or 14 (reports vary) adult males (3)

(1) Honourable East India Company (2) Described as scarlet lined (3) Described as dressed in turbans and white dresses

  • It is said that while living in the house at Horsely Park that the family of George Edward Nicholas Weston was attended by "a team"[7] of Indian servants, or alternatively that "Mrs Blanche Weston...employed a retinue of Indian servants at Horsley"[29]. The reference[7] for this claim is the article written shortly after the death of his wife Blanche in 1904, which makes no such assertion (see entry for Blanche Johnston (1806-1904)). The article instead talks about the many servants that she had in her employ for long periods of 20, 30 or 40 years with no mention of any of these servants having come from India. Based on this article alone the claim is unsubstantiated. If the family did employ more Indian servants than the 1 adult male that they brought out on the "Caroline" with them in 1831 they would have to have been imported for the family on later ships. Nothing is found in the newspapers of the day to support a claim of "a team" of Indian servants, or to suggest the importation of servants from India for the family. This claim of many Indian servants being employed by the Weston family at Horsley Park is an exaggeration where 1 indian servant has become many.


  • It is said that prior to joining the forces of the East India Company that George Weston joined the Royal Navy as a Midshipman and was serving on the warship "HMS Shannon" when it engaged and defeated the American ship "Chesapeake" in a violent sea battle off Boston in 1813[18][11] (when he would have been 16 years old). It was not usual for a navy man to transfer to the army, and may even have been impossible. This could be a mixing up of the details of two different individuals, a common genealogical mistake, and requires further research.

Furlough in Sydney (c1827-1829)

The first time that Lieutenant George Edward Nicholas Weston of the Honourable East India Company's Forces is found in Australian records is at his marriage to Blanche Johnston at Sydney on 19 May 1829. When he arrived in Sydney is unknown.

To be in Sydney, where he met, wooed, and married Blanche Johnston, George Edward Nicholas Weston had first to obtain a furlough from his duties in India. Furloughs were usually for 2 years which would have allowed him no more than 18 months in the Colony. He would have visited his sister-in-law Elizabeth Crouch (c1795-1853), recently widowed to his late brother William Francis Weston (1793-1826) who had died in April 1826, his 2 nephews and 3 nieces, during his furlough in the colony. He may have obtained his furlough specifically to be able to assist them. His surprise would have been when his sister-in-law presented him with her new illegitimate daughter born in October 1827.

At the time of his marriage Lieutenant Weston's furlough was soon to end, and he had to return to his military duties in India. In May 1831, prior to his marrige, he had obtained passage for himself and his bride-to-be on the next ship to be sailing from Sydney to Calcutta. On 2 Jun 1829[30] (delayed from 22 May)[31], Lieutenant Weston and his new bride were aboard the merchant vessel Reliance which was sailing out of Sydney Heads for Calcutta via Ceylon and Madras[32].

A Familypedia Exclusive

George Edward Nicholas Weston, artist and book illustrator

Aboriginals dancing raffles bay

"Dance of the Aborigines at Raffles Bay" by Lieutenant George Edward Nicholas Weston (1796-1856), drawn on 30 Jul 1829. Published in the book "Narrative of a Voyage round the World" by Thomas Braidwood Wilson in 1835.

Wreck of the Ship 'Governor Ready’ in Torres Straits

"Wreck of the Ship 'Governor Ready’ in Torres Straits" by Lieutenant George Edward Nicholas Weston (1796-1856). Published in the book "Narrative of a Voyage round the World" by Thomas Braidwood Wilson in 1835.

Jolly boat

"Jolly Boat’s Crew Soliciting To Be Received into the Long Boats" by Lieutenant George Edward Nicholas Weston (1796-1856). Published in the book "Narrative of a Voyage round the World" by Thomas Braidwood Wilson in 1835.

On 29 Jul 1829 the Reliance, enroute to Calcutta, sailed into Raffles Bay at the top end of the Northern Territory, along with the Thompson and the man-of-war HMS Satellite. The Reliance and the Thompson had both stopped in at Raffles Bay to obtain a supply of water.[33]

Whilst at Raffles Bay Lieutenant Weston spent some of his time ashore, and on the evening of 30 Jul "Lieutenant Weston, of the East India Company's service, took a very spirited and correct sketch"[33] in black & white, which may contain the earliest depiction of a digeridoo[34], called "Dance of the Aborigines at Raffles Bay"[33]. This sketch was later published in "Narrative of a Voyage round the World" by Thomas Braidwood Wilson (1792-1843), Sherwood, Gilbert, & Piper, London, 1835. (Thomas Braidwood Wilson being "Surgeon Braidwood Wilson" who was depicted in the sketch, and is the man after whom Braidwood in New South Wales is named.)[34]

Thomas Braidwood Wilson also noted in his book that on 3 Aug Captain Laws had "a d é jeun é à la fourchette on board the Satellite, Captain Barker, Dr. Davis, Lieutenants Weston and Gray, and three ladies were present’[33]. Presumably one of the ladies was Lieutenant Weston's bride Blanche.

The drawings for the two colour plates in Wilson's 1835 book: "Wreck of the Ship 'Governor Ready’ in Torres Straits"; and "Jolly Boat’s Crew Soliciting To Be Received into the Long Boats"[33] were imaginative reconstructions from Wilson’s descriptions skillfully drawn by Weston, and identified as drawings by Weston in the published book.[35] As Wilson did not return to New South Wales until 1836 after his book was published in London[36], it is likely that the 2 pictures were drawn by Weston in Jul 1829 at Raffles Bay.

The Reliance is also recorded as having stopped over at Raffles Bay enroute to Calcutta in the Journal of Captain Collet Barker. Captain Collet Barker was the Commandant of the short-lived Raffles Bay Settlement (1827-1829), a settlement that was abandoned on 28 Aug 1829. Lieutenant Weston's wife Blanche is specifically mentioned: "Took natives to the Reliance after they were dressed & shewed them to Mrs Hays & Mrs Weston."[37]

The Reliance sailed from Raffles Bay on 7 Aug 1829 to continue its journey to Calcutta.[33]

Some Interesting Newspaper References

An employer of assigned convicts

  • "James Coley, assigned to Mr. Edward Weston", The Sydney Monitor, 2 Jul 1834, p4
  • " company with an assigned servant to Captain Weston, named John Keep", The Sydney Herald, 19 Jun 1837, p2
  • "ASSIGNED SERVANTS. WE insert in another column some correspondence relative to the withdrawal, by the Government, of one of Captain WESTON'S assigned servants (Matthew Keogh). There does not appear to us any sufficient ground for the withdrawal of this man ; and if there were, we do not think that the GOVERNOR or the COLONIAL SECRETARY had any right to withhold from Captain WESTON the reason why he was to be punished because one of his assigned servants behaved improperly. As the number of convicts in private service is now very small, and is daily becoming less, the Assignment Regulations are not of that paramount importance that they formerly were ; but the case is instructive, as showing one of those acts of arbitrary disregard of private rights which occasionally disgrace Sir GEORGE GIPP'S administration of the government of this colony.", The Sydney Morning Herald, 13 Apr 1843, p2

In 1850 proposes resumption of transportation of convicts to N.S.W.

  • "ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE. To the Editors of the Sydney Morning Herald. GENTLEMEN,-I am aware you are opposed to the reception of convicts on any terms, but a large portion of the up-country settlers, subscribers to your paper, are brought by necessity to a different way of thinking, and have a right to expect that as impartial journalists you must respect their opinions, if you do not advocate thom. I therefore request you will give publicity to this letter. Your obedient servant, E. WESTON. Horsley, February 8.", The Sydney Morning Herald, 13 Feb 1850, p2
  • "CAPTAIN WESTON'S LETTER. To the Editors of the Sydney Morning Herald. GENTLEMEN,-That portion of the public of New South Wales who advocate the resumption of transportation (that is to say, 'transportation to the north and west of old New South Wales, in which former territory the squatters reside, and which territory, excluding all the towns in old New South Wales') ought to feel much indebted to Captain Weston for placing an unpopular subject once more before the public...THE CONVICT'S FAST FRIEND", The Sydney Morning Herald, 15 Feb 1850, p3
  • "THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1650. "Sworn to no Master, of no Sect am I" THE PRO-CONVICT MOVEMENT AT "HORSLEY." In noticing a few days ago the infatuated attempt at Moreton Hay to revive the pro-convict cry, we expressed our strong sense of the shame and degradation which such conduct must bring upon the colony. If we blushed then, we must now blush a deeper crimson. The folly of Moreton Bay has found abettors nearer home, "Horsley," a spot some three hours' ride from our metropolis, has produced a champion in the dirty cause-a champion who, though once bearing a commission in the British army, is not ashamed to place himself in the van of this despicable struggle for British convicts. In a letter addressed to us from this "Horsley," and subscribed by the proper name of "E. Weston," and published in our number of the day before yesterday, we are challenged, as "impartial journalists," to "respect the opinion of certain up-country settlers," who are "brought by necessity" to think that a recurrence to transportation, and even to assignment, would be a blessing to the colony, And subjoined to this audacious avowal is the copy of a memorial "to the Right Honorable Earl Grey, &c, &c," drawn up we suppose by this same E. Weston, and intended for the signature of as many "parties" as can be induced thus to dishonour themselves, and insult their country. The memorial is worthy of its theme. It is a bungle all through. It bungles in its form of address ; it bungles miserably in its attempt at argument ; and, happily, it bungles so entirely in the stipulations it lays down as to preclude the possibility of its own success. Its writer knew well that he was asking for a thing which ought not to be either asked or granted, and therefore his prayer is qualified with conditions which, though craftily intended to vindicate his patriotism, must cause the boon to be indignantly refused. So much the better...", The Sydney Morning Herald, 16 Feb 1850, p2
  • "ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE. To the Editors of the Sydney Morning Herald. Gentlemen,-If the settlers' letter to Lord Grey, which appeared in your columns last week, is of so contemptible a nature as your notice of it in Saturday's paper asserts it to be, the more such contemptible efforts are exposed the better for the cause you advocate. Ou the other hand, as I doubt not your willingness to give fair play, and let people judge for themselves, I request you will again publish this letter, finally corrected, and now lying for signature at the Café Parisien. Your obedient servant, E. WESTON. Horsley, February 21...(Letter printed here)...N. B.-As much time must be lost in sending copies of the above to different parts of the colony for signature, it is again that some person in each district will take the trouble to collect the names of parties willing to subscribe the above letter (adding the place of residence of each, and the number of servants he is willing or able to employ in the event the terms proposed are acceeded to) and forward the list without delay to tthe care of Messrs. Perrier, at the Café Parisien, Sydney.", The Sydney Morning Herald, 23 Feb 1850, p4
  • (THE LETTER) "To the Right Honorable Earl Grey, &c. Mv Lord, Your Lordships Despatch, of the 14th July, 1849, has attracted the attention of the principal employers of labour in this colong, more especially of those engaged in pastoral and agricultural pursuits, who aro in fact, with trifling exceptions, the producers of our only valuable exports and upon whose prosperity, therefore, that of all classes of the community must eventually in a great measure depend. We find from the despatch alluded to that your Lordship is prepared to grant certain concessions to those colonies which consent to receive convicts, and we think that our present position warrants the proposal to make certain sacrifices in order to procure a sufficiency of labour, without being drained of the means to employ that labour advantageously. We freely admit that since the abolition of transportation to this eolony we have gradually fallen from a state of unexampled prosperity to one of comparative poverty and distress. This state of things is the result of various causes beyond our power to control, The two most prominent of which are- 1st. Insufficiency of labour, with consequent high wages. 2nd. The want of influx of capitalists. The colony offering but few inducements to the investment of capital since tho Crown lands have become virtually locked up by the unapproachable price set upon them. The consequence is, that while we are without the means of extending our pastoral operations, we are totally without a market for our surplus stock. We believe the introduction of convict labour if accompanied by certain concessions which we consider may with propriety be asked and granted, would tend materially to restore us to something approaching our former prosporous condition, while it relieved the parent state from a pressing difficulty, but on the other hand, the moral sacrifice, in name though not in substance, which in that case our necessities would prompt us to make, is of so serious a nature that we cannot consent to receive convicts except on the folllowing conditions - 1st. That an equal number ot free persons adults and capable of performing useful labour, be sent also at the expense of the Home Government, exclusivo of the families of the prisoners. 2nd. That the system of assignment, in such modified form as our legislature may find advisable, be again adopted. All expenses attendant upon the management of convicts to be burne by the Home Government as formerly. 3rd. That an efficent guard of regular troops be sent with each convict ship, such guard to remain in the colony until two regiments of one thousand men each be completed and that strength kept up so long as convicts are sent. 4th. That the minimum price of Crown land be reduced to half a crown per acre, the squatting interests being protected in such manner as our legislature here may find advisable. Ihe first of these conditions is little more than an echo of your lordship's own proposal. The second has been found from experience to offer greater prospects of reformation to the convicts themselves than any other mode of disposal. While it is free from the charge of holding out a premium for crime, by granting to criminals advantages which thousands of our unoffending countrymen would gladly avail themselve of. The third is a mere matter of justice to the community here, and, in fact an indespensible attendant upon the system of transportation. The fourth is merely an opening for the sale of Crown lands, which are at present completely locked up, for it is evident that however low tho minimum price may be fixed at, the lands will certainly realise their full value if sold by public auction; and the sum named is still high enough to secure theim from being purchased extensively for mere grazing purposes. In order that your lordship may be fully apprised of tho precise source from which this communication is derived, we have thought it advisable to append our place of residence to our respective names, and to add the number of servant, each is willing or able to employ. We have the honour to subscribe ourselves, Your Lord's most obedient servants.", The Sydney Morning Herald, 23 Feb 1850, p4

Hired servants

  • "Joseph Ross...lived adjoining the Meadows; and was in the service of Captain Weston...Joseph Ross (speaking): Lived at Captain Weston's (Albion) park, at Illawarra; lived there in 1843; Duncan Beatson was superintendent at Albion Park at the time; remembered he had a red and white bull, said to be imported at the time; remembered Beatson giving the bull into his possession, and it was put in an enclosed paddock on Captain Weston's estate ; it was before the sale at Albion Park that the bull was given into his possession...",, 9 Mar 1843, p2
  • "HIRED SERVANTS" ACT.-Michael Brown, in the service of Captain Weston, was apprehended by warrant, and charged with running away from his master clandestinely in the night. The case was clearly proved, and the Bench sent Michael for two months to Gaol and afterwards to serve the residue of his agreement.", The Sydney Morning Herald, 30 Oct 1851, p3


  • "Michael Byrnes, watchhouse-keeper, at Concord, deposed — Last night I received information that a person had been robbed at Iron Cove Bridge, by a man on horseback. In the course of my enquiries I learnt that a servant of Captain Western's had also been robbed by a man on horseback, and that a coat and some half-pence had been taken from him.", The Australian, 11 Mar 1844, p3. "William Brown, in tho service of Captain Weston, J.P., of Liverpool, examined — I was proceeding to Sydney on Thursday evening last on Captain Weston's business; I was driving a cart, and when I was a few hundred yards on the Sydney side of Iron Cove Bridge Road, a man on horseback rode up to me, desired me to stop tho cart, and said, 'hand us what money you have got.' I replied, that I had only a few coppers in a letter bag with some letters. He replied, 'D— the letters, I don't want them.' I gave him the bag ; he took the money out of it, and flung the bag back into the cart. He then bid me give him the coat I had, and I did so. The coat now produced in Court (dropped by the prisoner in his apprehension) is the same. The prisoner then turned his horse round, and went in tho direction of Parramatta. He was dressed in a blue jacket, straw hat, and light trousers, and I have no doubt he is the man who robbed me.", The Australian, 12 Mar 1844, p3


  • "Bush fires were also observed on Saturday night in the direction of the Liverpool district, and apparently in the vicinity of Captain Weston's estate. At 4 p.m., on Sunday there was still a large volume of smoke in the Kissing Point direction, and it is to be feared that the fiie is still raging." The Sydney Morning Herald, 14 Apr 1846, p2

Relationship with his brother-in-law Robert Johnston (1792-1882)

  • "NOTICE. WANTED, an OVERSEER to undertake the Management and charge of a Sheep Establishment in Argyleshire. He must be capable of keeping Accounts, and to produce satisfactory testimonials of good conduct. Application to be made to Mr. Johnston, at Annandale, or Edward Weston, Esq., Horsly, (District of Melville, near Abbotsbury)", The Sydney Herald, 12 Nov 1832, p1
  • "James Coley, assigned to Mr. Edward Weston was put to the bar on a charge of assaulting Mr. Robert Johnson's overseer at Annandale.", The Sydney Monitor, 2 Jul 1834, p4
  • See also "Magistrate (J.P.)"
  • See also "Interest in Horses"

Relationship with his brother-in-law David Johnston (1800-1866)

  • "landholders and free inhabitants of the district of Illawarra...Edward Weston, David Johnston", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 1 May 1834, p2
  • "Marriage. By special license, on Wednesday last (10 Feb 1836), at St. Lukes Church, Liverpool, by the Rev. Richard Cartwright, David Johnston, Esq., of Georges Hall, Banks Town, to Miss Selina Wiltey, neice(sic) of Major Antill, of Jarvisfield. The bridal party set off for Horsely the seat of Edward Weston, Esq.", The Australian, Tue 16 Feb 1836, p2
  • "Colonial Secretary's Office, Sydney,14th November, 1840 TITLE DEEDS. The undermentioned Deeds have been transmitted from this Office to the Registrar of the Supreme Court, to be by him forwarded through the Surveyor-General, to the Colonial Treasurer. by whom notification of their receipt at his Office, will be made to the Grantees by Letter, after which they will be delivered on application, vis:- Purchases under the existing Regulations....MARRIAGE PORTION GRANTS...Deeds dated 30th April, 1840...165 George Edward Nicholas Weston and David Johnson, in trust for Mrs Fanny Johnson. 1280 acres, Murray", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser, 1 Dec 1840, p2-3
  • "4.-Two Farms on the Navigable Banks of George's River, near the Horse Shoe Bend, being opposite to the Estates of David Johnstone, Esq., Captain Weston, C. Tompson, Esq., and others, and contain in the aggregate seventy acres, as per deed of Grant.", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser, 16 Aug 1841, p4
  • See also "Nominated for 1st Council for Liverpool, but declined"
  • See also "Interest in Horses"

Magistrate (J.P.)

  • "The following is the list of the Magistracy for the ensuing year :—...Edward Weston", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 11 Dec 1838, p2
  • "ELECTION OF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE QUARTER SESSIONS. Tuesday being the day appointed for the election of a fit and proper person to fill the office of Chairman of the Courts of Quarter Sessions for the ensuing year, a strong muster of the Justices acting in and for the district of Sydney, took place at the Police-office, in George-street, about 12 o'clock...Mr J. E. Manning then made a similar objection to Captain Weston, which at the request of Mr Scott was reduced to writing. It was as follows — 'Moved, that as Sydney is not the district for Captain Weston, nor his usual place of sitting in Quarter Sessions, that he be deemed not qualified to vote in Sydney this day, on the election of a Chairman.' After a short discussion upon the subject, in which it was admitted that Captain Weston could not now vote elsewhere, as the election at the respective districts took place at one and the same time, the motion was put and negatived without a division.", The Australian, 10 Nov 1837, p2
  • "Captain Weston and Mr (Robert) Johnston of Annandale, who were both magistrates of the territory...went to the asylum for the purpose of seeing him...Captain Henry(sic) Weston", The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 Nov 1843, p2
  • "PUBLIC MEETING.-DISTRESS IN IRELAND AND SCOTLAND...City Theatre, Market-street, (Sydney)...Captain Weston, J.P...", Sydney Chronicle,9 Jun 1847, p2

Nominated for 1st Council for Liverpool, but declined

  • "DISTRICT COUNCILS....Colonial Secretarys Office, Sydney 9th October, 1843...establishing within each of the said Districts a Council for the local Government thereof...Charters dated 10th September, 1843...Liverpool...COUNCILLORS...Edward Weston; David Johnston;" The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 11 Oct 1843, p3
  • "Liverpool District Council...Captain Weston, resigned...nomination...declines on the score of disqualification', The Sydney Morning Herald, 23 Dec 1843, p4

Interest in Local Politics

  • "AUSTRALIAN Immigration Association. The following is a list of the names of the Officers and central Committee of The Australian Immigration Association, together with the names of those gentlemen resident in the country districts, whose operation in this most important undertaking it is hoped will be readily afforded. Doubtless some gentlemen are omitted, from their names not suggesting themselves when the lists were drawn up; an omission that will, we are sure, be most readily amended...Liverpool...Captain Weston...", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser, 8 Dec 1840, p3
  • (Election for the first Government of New South Wales) "CUMBERLAND. Tuesday last was the day appointed for the nomination of candidates for the representation of the county of Cumberland. About twelve o'clock the Returning Officer, Patrick Hill, Esq., appeared upon the hustings, which had been erected in front of the court-house, Parramatta ; and shortly afterwards the several candidates and their friends, bearing appropriate banners, arrived...Captain WESTON then proposed William Lawson, Esq. (William Lawson (1774-1850)). Mr. W. C. WENTWORTH (William Charles Wentworth (1790-1872)) seconded the nomination...", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser, 1 Jul 1843, p2
  • (Election for the first Government of New South Wales) "CUMBERLAND ELECTION. DECLARATION OF THE POLL. According to announcement made by the Returning Officer for the County of Cumberland, the final state of the Poll was declared at the chief Polling place, Paframatta, on Thursday last. A very larsje number of persons were assembled in front and around the Hustings, while on the latter were the candidates for the County and their immediate friends. The police and a body of special constables who had been sworn in for the occasion, were present to prevent any confusion or riot, and the order observed on this as on other occasions, was creditable to the authorities, the police, and all other parties concerned. Mr. J. R. Brenan arrived from Sydney in the Comet steamer, shortly before twelve; Mr Nichols came from Sydney by land, attended by a few friends; Mr. Macarthur (James Macarthur (1798-1867)) was escorted to the hustings from his residence, by a large number of electors; Mr. Lawson (William Lawson (1774-1850)), who is still confined by illness, was represented by Captain Weston; and Mr. Cowper, with a strong cavalry force from Sydney, most profusely decorated with crimson, drove into Parramatta in a carriage and four, two postilions in scarlet jackets conducting the horses. When all the candidates had arrived on the hustings, Dr. Patrick Hill, the Returning Officer, came forward. It now became his duty to declare the result of the Polling of Electors for the County of Cumberland, and the final result of llie voting at the various places was as follows : for Cowper..............504; Lawson..............383; Macarthur..........372; Nichols..............334; Brenan.............134. He therefore declared Charles Cowper,Esq , of Wivenhoe,and William Lawson, Esq., of Veteran Hall, Prospect, duly elected to serve as Members for the Electoral District of Cumberland in the New Legislative Council. He believed the Candidates were all present, and were desirous of addressing the assemblage. He would call on them in the order in which he had just read their names, and had to request that the Meeting would listen quietly to what they had to say...The Returning Officer next called upon Mr. Lawson, and Captain Weston came forward to address the meeting, but it was with great difficulty that he could obtain even a brief hearing. Captain Weston said that he appeared in consequence of the absence of Mr. Lawson, who was still confined to his bed from the effects of a serious accient; he was therefore deputed; by Mr. Lawson to return his sincere and grateful thanks for the honour which they had done him, in electing him as one of their representatives. Mr. Lawson regretted exceedingly that he was himself unable to appear before them; but he entertained a deep feeling of gratitude towards them for the responsible, the high, and honourable situation in which they had placed him; and assured them that he would constantly study not only to return the confidence of his friends, but also to gain that of those who had supported his adversaries. They would find in Mr. Lawson a friend ever ready to devote his time and energies in promoting their best interests to the utmost of his ability. They might rely upon his being constantly at his post in the Council, and voting upon the right side. Dissensions had arisen between Mr. James Macarthur and Mr.Lawson, which rendered it necessary that he (Captain Weston) should say a few words. It was well known that a friendly feeling had subsisted between them up to the 29th, when Mr. Macarthur had placed himself in an adverse position, by issuing placards calling upon his friends to withdraw their support from Mr. Lawson, and plump for him. (Cries of 'No — you began it.') Mr. Macarthur had been defeated, and Mr. Lawson possessed too much genuine British feeling to admit of his exulting over an unsuccessful candidate, and had therefore desired him (Captain Weston) to avoid saying a word which could be painful to Mr. Macarlhur; still, as Mr. Lawson had been accused of deserting his friend in the hour of his need, he should be doing an injustice to his character if he did not publicly, in. the name of Mr. Lawson, utterly deny the charge. Mr. Macarlhur had staled that Mr. Lawson had virtually dissolved the coalition which existed between them on the day of the nomination, and that his proposers and seconders were the first to strike the blow. If such were the case, how came it that Mr. Macarthur did not upon that day separate from Mr. Lawson? (Mr. Macarthur— I ought to have done so.) The very circumstance that the two candidates were drawn together in the some carriage through the town, was a proof that they were then upon amicable terms. It was not until the third day after the nomination, that Mr. Macarthur's friends, seeing that it would require their utmost efforts to succeed against Mr. Cowper, to strengthen their own party, attempted to throw Mr. Lawson overboard. (Cries of ' No, no,' Up to three o'clock on .the day of nomition Macartbur's friends supported Lawson.) As to what was said by him (Captain Weston) on the hustings on the day of nomination, he was led to infer from the declaration made publicly by Mr. Macarthur, at a meeting, that he merely canvassed jointly with Mr. Lawson as a matter of convenience, and not from any actual political coalition that existed between them. Under these circumstances he had felt justified in saying what he did, which amounted to little more than a statement of his own motives for not giving his vote to Mr. Macarthur. Mr. Lawson had nothing to do with that, any more than he had to do with what was said by Mr. Wentworlh, who referred to matters entirely unconnected with the election. Mr. Lawson must therefore be acquitted of any participation in what was said from the hustings. He had observed before, that Mr, Lawson had particularly wished that nothing of an irritating nature should be brought forward, and he sliould therefore conclude by repeating his sincere and hearty thanks to all for their support...", The Australian, 10 Jul 1843, p3
  • "LIVERPOOL. MARCH 1 - A public meeting was held yesterday, at the Ship Inn, Liverpool, for the purpose of considering a memorial to His Excellency the Governor, and another of similar import to the Legislative Council, praying an extension of the present system of District Councils to County Councils, as well as a repeal ot certain clauses in the Charter. The chair as taken by Captain Weston, J.P...", The Sydney Morning Herald, 5 Mar 1844, p2
  • "THE NEW CONSTITUTION. A Public meeting was held at the Courthouse in Liverpool, yesterday, in compliance with a requisition addressed to the Warden of the District, requesting that a public meeting might be convened for the purpose of taking into consideration Earl Grey's Despatch of 31st July, 1847, proposing important alterations in the constitution of the colony...The petition being read, some discussion ensued as to whether or no it was sufficiently strong, and a further argument occurred between Captain Weston, J.P. and Messrs. Harpur and Gordon, upon mere verbal alterations...Captain Weston having moved, and Mr. Gordon seconded, that the Petition be addressed to Her Majebty the Queen, and to the Houses of Lords and Commons, and be forwarded with as little delay as possible...", The Sydney Morning Herald, 19 Jan 1848, p2. "the following gentlemen be appointed a Committee to procure signatures to the petition, viz.:-...Captain Weston, J.P...", Sydney Chronicle, 20 Jan 1848,p3
  • "NOMINATION FOR CUMBERLAND...On Wednesday the nomination of two members for the county of Cumberland took place at Parramatta...Captain Weston proposed Mr. Cowper (Charles Cowper (1807-1875)). Mr. George Cox seconded the nomination.", The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser, 29 Jul 1848, p2. "Captain WESTON next came forword : He said, he had to propose a gentleman for their choice whose name need only be mentioned to ensure the universal approbation of the electors of the county of Cumberland. They had had a five years experience of the gentleman to whom he alluded, and his acts spoke more strongly on his behalf than any arguments he could address to the meeting, for they knew that during the last Council he had been consistantly at his post, and executed the trust confided to turn with fidelity, efficiency, and honesty. His task therefore on the present occasion was a very easy one, and would not require a lengthened speech from him. Many electors there were, no doubt-and he confessed himself to be of the number-who did not entirely coincide with every vote given by the gentleman on whose behalf he was addressing them, but every one must acknowledge that however on some points their own views had not been expressed by Mr. Charles Cowper, his whole carter in the Legislative Council of the colony had been distinguished by honesty of purposo pnd consistency of conduct. Of all the members composing the late Council, not one had been found more industrious, efficient, and honest than Mr. Charles Cowper, and if envy were a commendable feeling, one might well envy Mr. Cowper the high honour he had earned by the manner in which he had discharged the duties which hnd devolved upon him as one of the representatives of the colony. Standing conspicuously forward was the masterly manner in which he had conducted the inquiry which had been instituted into the applicability and practicability of railroads to the circumstantes ot tht colony, which if it stood alone, would, he conceived entitle him to expect universal support. Mr. Cowper evidently had so made himself master of the whole subject of railroads, and every possible objection to their introduction so proved for and met, that every one who purposed urging those objections was completely fixed, and but for the unavoidable delay which had taken place in the neccesary breaking up of the legislature, and in preparing for another, he had no doubt that measures would there now have been in progress for the immediate carrying out of the object. With these remarks he begged to propose Mr. Charles Cowper us a fit and proper person to represent the county of Cumberland in tho ensuing Legislative Council.", The Sydney Morning Herald, 27 Jul 1848, p2
  • "Pursuant to the writ issued by His Excellency the Governor-General, to Thomas Barker, Esq., the Returning Officer for this County, a meeting of the electors was held before the Court House, Parramatta, for the purpose of nominating the Candidates for the representation of the county. Mr. Wentworth proposed, and Mr. Joseph Kenyon, of Woodlands, seconded, Mr. Robert Fitzgerald, as a fit and proper, person to represent the county of Cumberland in the Legislative Council...Captain Weston proposed, and Mr. James Pye seconded, Mr. J. B. Darvall (John Bayley Darvall (1809-1883)).", Freeman's Journal, 25 Sep 1851, p9. "Captain WESTON proposod Mr. J. B. Darvall as a fit and proper person to represent the County of Cumberland. The nomination wus seconded by Mr. James PYE.", Empire, 19 Sep 1851, p3. "PROGRESS of the ELECTIONS. THE COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND. ON Thursday the electors of the metropolitan county assembled at the hustings erected before the Court-house, Parramatta, for the purpose of placing in nomination the candidates for the representation of the county in the Legislative Council...Captain WESTON then came forward to propose Mr. J. B. Darvall, whose name was received with great applause, mingled with a few hisses. He said, that on the last occasion when the electors met for the purpose for which they had met again that day, they had far different motives to guide them in the performance of the onerous duty of choosing their representatives. The colony then was known to possess many most valuable elements of prosperity ; but it lacked a population adequate to develope its full resources. From its geographical position to those countries whose surplus population it desired to attract, from the expense of transit, and from other obvious causes, it then appeared that time alone could supply Australia with a population adequate to the demands of her many departments of industry and enterprise. But with the discovery of her gold fields the prospects of the colony were entirely changed. A few short months would do what but for this discovery a century would scarcely have achieved. This would now be recognised as the most valuable possession of the British Crown, and it was therefore most essential to have men in Council who were in every respect able to deal with the difficult and complicated questions which arose from the present extraordinary change in our position. It had been formerly argued, that in selecting a representative honesty and good intentions were sufficient qualifications. But now, it could not be doubted that in a legislator additional qualities must be looked for. Men of superior education and studious habits, of sound judgment and of reasoning powers, of standing in society — and with knowledge of the world — men whose opinions would be received with respect both here and elsewhere. He (Captain Weston) felt satisfied that such a man the colonists had already found in Mr. Darvall, whose career in Council, as one of its ablest debaters, and whose high professional reputation as one of the leading barristers of the Supreme Court, were well known to the colonists. (Loud cheers.) A very mischievous practice had too long prevailed amongst constituencies of promising votes to the first candidate who presented himself, and this generally on personal grounds. This practice could not be too severely deprecated. Neither friendship nor prejudice ought to have weight when the claims of a public man were under consideration. With us the vexed question of transportation was now set at rest, and the many important subjects which must now engage the earnest attention of the Council demanded that the qualifications of a legislator should be of the highest order. (Hear, hear.) Again, he (Captain Weston) had to remind the electors that a violent democratic spirit had appeared in Sydney, which would be strengthened by the arrival of many lawless adventurers, who would doubtless soon flock hither in search of gold. Strong efforts to weaken our loyalty by the mischievous fire-brands who prated about substituting a paltry rag of our own for the glorious flag of our forefathers. (Hear, hear.) It required men of tact and ability to meet such fire-brands, and in Mr Darvall the loyal and peaceful people would find an eloquent champion, and an able defender of their rights, liberties, and property. (Tremendous cheer.)", The Sydney Morning Herald, 20 Sep 1851, p2
  • "SOUTH RIDING OF CUMBERLAND ELECTION.-PUBLIC MEETING. On Thursday evening last a public meeting was held in the long-room of the Red Cow Hote1, Parramatta, to hear an exposition of the political opinions of Mr. J. R. Brenan (John Ryan Brenan(1798-1868)). There was a good attendance. Captain Weston presided. The Chairman explained tho object of the meeting, and the duties of the electors...", The Sydney Morning Herald, 25 Feb 1856, p3. "There were from 150 to 200 present. On the motion of Mr. Fitzsimmons, seconded by Mr. J. F. Plunkett, Captain Weston was called to take the chair.", Empire, 23 Feb 1856, p5
  • COUNTY OF CUMBERLAND ELECTION. Tho nomination of Candidates for the South Riding of the County of Cumberland, vacant by the resignation of E. 0. Weeks, Esq., took place at Parramatta on Monday last. J.F.Downes, Esq., the Returning Officer opened the proceedings by reading the writ of the nomination and election, after which tho following Candidates were nominated. Mr. Ryan Brenan, proposed by Mr. W. Lawson (William Lawson (1804-1861)) and seconded by Captain Weston..." Bathurst Free Press and Mining Journal, 23 Aug 1856, p2

Interest in Horses

  • "CUMBERLAND TURF CLUB. A MEETING oFthe Committee of MAnagement, held nt Forbes' Hotel. Campbell Town, for the purpose of REGULATING the ensuing Races,...JUDGE - CAPTAIN WESTON," The Australian, 14 Oct 1834, p4
  • "THE BALL. Forbes Hotel, Campbell Town, was in the evening the scene of great gaiety, a Fancy Dress Ball taking place under the management of the Stewards...Captain Weston as an Arab Horse-Master...", The Australian, 1 Apr 1836, p2
  • "Cumberland Turf Club...Stewards,...Edward Weston, Esq.", The Sydney Herald, 3 Aug 1837, p1
  • "Cumberland Turf Club...Judge, Edward Weston, Esq." The Australian, 17 Jul 1838, p1
  • "THE AUSTRALIAN RACE COMMITTEE - At a Meeting held at Sydney, on the 26th May 1840, for the purpose of establishing Annual Subscription Race Meetings in the county of Cumberland, with a view to the improvement of the breed of Horses, in the colony generally,...the Committee :...Mr Lawson, Senior,(William Lawson (1774-1850))...Captain Weston,...", The Sydney Monitor and Commercial Advertiser, 5 Feb 1841, p2
  • "PENRITH AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION...Paid to...Edward Weston, Esq., for best coaching stallion (£)3", The Sydney Morning Herald, 30 Apr 1844, p3 "Penrith Agricultural Society...Best three-year-old colonial bred coaching stallion-Captain Weston, £3", The Sydney Morning Herald, 24 Apr 1844, p2
  • "The Blundell commenced taking in her horses yesterday for Calcutta...The total number will amount to eighty, of which thirty-one will belong to Messrs. R. and D. Johnson, and Captain Weston", The Sydney Morning Herald, 29 Aug 1844, p2
  • "CUMBERLAND TURF CLUB...Captain Weston has been requested to act as Judge, but his reply has not as yet been received.", Bell’s Life in Sydney and Sporting Reviewer,5 Feb 1848, p2
  • "EXPORTS. August 21 (1849)...for Calcutta...11 horses, Captain Weston", The Sydney Morning Herald, 22 Aug 1849, p2
  • "ILLAWARRA...agricultural exhibition...The award of superior merit Captain Weston, for best draught mare...," The Sydney Morning Herald, 21 Jan 1851, p3
  • "A HANDSOME CARRIAGE OR GIG HORSE. MR. C. MARTYN will sell by auction, at the Horse and Carriage Bazaar, 240, Pitt-street, on FRIDAY next, November 4th, at 11 o'clock, A handsome bay gelding, 6 years old, stands 15 hands 3 inches high, with good action, and thoroughly broken to double and single harness and saddle, and perfectly quiet. Bred by Captain Weston, by the imported thorough bred horse AEther, out of a well bred mare. Any gentleman requiring a match carriage or first-rate gig horse will not often meet with his equal in Sydney.", The Sydney Morning Herald, 3 Nov 1853, p6
  • "SALES BY AUCTION. GREAT HORSE SALE, WESTERN ROAD. Horses, for Carriage, Gig, LAdies' and Gentlemen's Saddle, and hEavy Draught, On WEDNESDAY, 16th May. MR. J. F. STAFF has been honoured with instructions from Captain Weston, of Horsley, to offer for sale, by auction, at Pike's (formerly Bean's), on the Western Road, a truley choice selection of horses, from Captain Weston's celebrated and extensive stud. It is many a day since so advantageous a sale presented Itself to the publie-a sale of FORTY HORSES, of all ages, sizes, and capabilities. The whole of them are broken in to either saddle or harness, and scientifically handled, so as to cultivate temper, docility, and superiority of action. These beautiful animals have all been trained under the personal inspection of the respected vendor, and intending purchasers may suit themselves with either a thorough bred entire (stallion), for the improvement of their stock,-a pair for the city equipage, the steady trotter for the gig, the sleek canterer for the lady or gent, the schoolbay's cob, or the poor man's heavy draught horse. In conclusion, the auctioneer can recommend Captain Weston's horses from a personal Knowledge, in having selected for private sales...", The Sydney Morning Herald, 4 May 1855, p8. "PARRAMATTA...Mr. Staff's sale of Captain Weston's horse stock. The horses sold at the Market-place, on Wednesday last, fetched from £20 to £40 each.", The Sydney Morning Herald, 11 Jun 1855, p5

Interest in the Hunt

  • "...My attention was however caught the other day by a paragraph inserted in your valuable Journal, headed 'Sporting Intelligence'; and then proceeded to advertise a Meeting of the 'Sydney Hunt' in the 'Petersham Country,'...And can it be, said I, that a pack of hounds is now hunting that miserable scrub in the neighbourhood of Sydney,...", The Australian, 21 Apr 1837, p2. "POETRY...Written on hearing that the Sydney Hunt was defunct (this is not true as the Sydney Hunt still exists today)[23], and a new Club was being formed under the auspices of "Captain Weston, of Horsely"...", The Sydney Herald, 6 Jul 1838, p4
  • "FOX HOUNDS. SEVERAL Members of the Cumberland Turf Club having agreed that it would be highly desirable to establish s Pack of Fox Hounds, to hunt that extensive tract of first-rate sporting country lying betweon Campbell Town and Richmond, one of their number (Weston) wrote home upon the subject some short time since, and is now informed that a selection of five couple of Hounds has been made from some of the best blood in England, and that the CHARMERS will be shipped in the Surry, expected to arrive here about the end of next month. This, with a little assistance from friends of the Sydney Hunt, will be sufficient to form the nucleus of the Cumberland Pack. As it is absolutely necessary now that immediate steps be taken to prepare for the reception of the expected interesting immigrants, by selecting a piece of ground for a Kennel, the erection of that edifice thereon, with Stables, &c. Gentlemen, lovers of the sport, who may be desirous of assisting in the furtherance of so davout a consummation, are invited to meet in tho Coffee Rooms of the Pulteney, on the KING'S BIRTH DAY, after the Levee, to arrange matters. It is probable that a site for the Kennel may be chosen within a mile or two of Lumpy Deans, on the Western Road. A capital locality, half-way between Campbell Town and Richmond, North and South, and half-way between Parramatta and Penrith, East and West. W.R.Kenny. May 3, 1837.", The Australian, 26 May 1837, p3
  • "Stolen or Strayed, FROM HORSLEY, near Liverpool, on the Morning of Tuesday last, a couple of Fox Hounds, (dog and bitch) lately imported by the Achilles (arrived 3 Aug 1837). A reward shall be given to any person restoring them, or giving any information which may discover them, either to myself at Horsley; Mr. D. Johnston, at George's River, Liverpool; or, Messrs. Dacre and Wilkes, Pitt Street, Sydney. The dog is large, marked white and black, very red about the head, ears rounded— the bitch mostly black, no red whatever, ears not rounded, branded P on off flank. I hereby caution the Public, that any person in whose possession they may bo found, shall be prosecuted to the utmost rigour of the law. These Hounds are well known to many individuals who will spare no trouble or expense to discover them in any part of tho Colony, or out of the Colony they may have been taken to. E. Weston, Horsley, 2nd September, 1837. N. B. — A couple of dogs, answering the above description, were seen near Brickfield Hill, Sydney, on Friday morning.", The Australian, Tue 12 Sep 1837, p5
  • "FOX HOUNDS. To the Editor of the Australian. Sir, — I regret to say, that it is needless continuiug the advertisement I sent you relative to a couple of Fox-hounds strayed from Horsley, as I am informed their evil destiny lead the dogs to Mr Palmer's at Hamilton, where they were shot ! ! ! Actually killed. I beg you will give publicity to this note, that gentlemen desirous of enjoying the only field sport this country can afford us, may see the little prospect they have of success, if such a proceeding as this is tolerated. I am sure it would not be in England, whero it is also impossible to prevent hounds from occasionally straying.—These have had but a short career indeed, having only arrived the other day in the Achilles, having been selected and sent out by a very competent judge as the best blood in England. They were beautiful, hounds and quite unlikely to be mistaken for any thing shootable, even by the most stupid person. I understand the offence was running after a sheep or something of that kind. I am Sir, Your obedient servant, E. WESTON. September 7, 1837", The Australian, 12 Sep 1837, p6 "Several pairs of excellent fox-hounds have recently been imported from England. They belong, we understand, to the Cumberland Hunt.", The Australian, 12 Sep 1837, p2
  • "Cumberland Hunt. A MEETING of the Members of the Cumberland Turf Club, is requested on WEDNESDAY, the 19th Instant, at the Union Inn, Liverpool, for the purpose of arranging matters connected with tbe proposed Cumberland Hunt, with a view to ascertain tbe probable number of Subscribers willing to support the Pack of Fox Hounds about to be raised. The Kennel to be situated in a convenient spot between Parramatta and Penrith, East snd West, and Windsor and Campboll Town, North and South. Gentlemen not Members of the Cumberland Turf Club desirous of becoming Members to the Hunt, are requested to send their names to E. Weston, Esq., Horsley, near Liverpool, who will propose them for election st tbe ensuing Meeting. October 7, 1837.", The Australian, 13 Oct 1837, p1. "CUMBERLAND HUNT. AT a Meeting held pursuant to public advertisement, at Mrs Walker's Inn, at Parramatta, on THURSDAY, the 15th day of February, for the purpose of establishing a Club for the maintenance of a Subscription Pack of Fox Hounds, to be called the Cumberland Hunt. Present-...Weston...Committee of Management for the general purposes of the Hunt...Edward Weston, Esquire...Edward Weston, Esq. be nominated to the management and control of the Kennel and its establishment", The Sydney Herald, 22 Feb 1838, p2

Public Dispute over right-of-way

  • "SUPREME COURT.—TUESDAY...W. LAWSON (William Lawson (1804-1861)) v. EDWARD WESTON...brought to recover damages for trespasses committed on a farm, the property of the plaintiff, and there breaking down fences. The defendant pleaded not guilty, and that there was a right of road over the farm, and because fences were across the road, he cut them down. The plaintiff joined issue on the general issue, and denied that the right of road existed...The plaintiff had only just before the alleged trespasses were committed become owner of the farm known as New's Farm. It had passed through several hands, being part of a larger tract granted to the trustees of the Orphan School. It then became the Rev. Mr. Marsden's, then New's, and lastly the plaintiff's. The defendant (Captain Weston) resides at a place now called Horsley, which was granted as far back as 1805 to the late Colonel Johnstone. The defendant has resided there many years, as a resident he has had occasion very frequently to use the road in question. The Johnstones had used the road long before ; indeed it will be shown that the road had been used for upward of forty years...The road, indeed, crosses the farm, and goes into what is known as the Old Cowpasture Road ; which road is one of the oldest in the colony. The road in dispute, it will be shown, had traversed the plaintiff's farm years and years before he became possessed of it,...The Jury retired for better than half an hour, and found on the substantial issue a verdict for the defendant." The Sydney Morning Herald, 27 Nov 1850, p2. (Appeal trial, Mar 1851)"...a bush road through the land, by means of which the Parramatta Road was connected with the Old Cowpasture Road...A second trial has taken place...and after a most patient enquiry the verdict of the Jury has been again in favour of Captain WESTON...It is fortunate for the farmers and settlers there, that they had a champion in the person of Captain WESTON, who was able to cope with the wealth and means of Mr. LAWSON.", The Sydney Morning Herald, 3 Apr 1851,p2



  • "An application was made by Mr. John Harris, at the Police Office on Wednesday, to remove his license from the Blue Posts, Essex-street (Sydney), to one of the new houses lately erected by Captain Weston, opposite the Gaol...", The Sydney Herald, 31 Dec 1835, p2
  • "FIRE. On Friday night an alarm of fire was given in lower George street...and it was ascertained that a dense volume of smoke and fire was issuing from tho chimney of a house occupied hy Mr. E.S. Hall, and the property of Captain Weston, the engine and firemen of the Insurance Company hastened to the spot, and the firemen ascended to the roof, and aided by Mr. Hall and a body of police, succeeded in putting out the fire without any material damage being done...", Empire, 12 Jul 1852, p2.
  • "...situated on the east side of George-street, adjoining the premises of...Captain Weston on the north...", The Sydney Morning Herald, 26 Apr 1849, p4. "NOTIOE.-All persons having Illegally deposited Stone, Timber, or other materials on Captain Weston's land, in Pitt Street North, Sydney, are hereby required to remove the same wlthin nine ( 9 ) days from the date hereof or the said materials will be sold at the risk of all parties whom lt may concern.", Empire,12 May 1854, p3


  • "NOTICE AND CAUTION. - All persons found trespassing on Captain Weston's land, at Balmain, by quarrying or romoving stone therefrom, will be prosecuted according to law.", Empire, 19 Jun 1854, p3. "the land of Captain Weston on the northern side of the point called Peacock's Point, Balmain", The Sydney Morning Herald, 17 Oct 1854, p5


  • "TO BE LET, AT MINCHINBURY, 25 miles from Sydney, on the Great Western Road, a Comfortable COTTAGE, containing seven or eight rooms, with Offices and Farm Buildings complete; there is an excellent garden, and Orchard, and Land in cultivation, if required. Apply to Edward Weston, Esquire, Horsley, near Liverpool, or on the premises.", The Australian, 17 Aug 1838, p4
  • "Colonial Secretary's Office, Sydney, 24th April, 1838. LANDS. HIS Excellency the Governor having approved of the applications that have been made for the undermentioned portions of Land; Notice is hereby given, that the same will, after measurement be put up to Sale on an early day, of which due particulars will be given...Advertisement of 10th July. 1837...Deed dated 30th November, 1847(sic). 264. Edward Weston, 571 acres. Cumberland, lot 10.", The Australian, 1 May 1838, p1-2

Land Grant at today's Weston, Canberra & land area extended by leasehold (Squatter)

  • "GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1839. Colonial Secretary's Office, Sydney 25th, May 1839. GRANTS OF LAND. THE following description of Grants of Land, with the names of the Persons to whom they were originally promised, or by whom they are now claimed are published for general information in order that all parties concerned may have an opportunity of correcting any errors or omissions that may have been made inadvertently. It is requested that within three month from the present date, the particulars required by the Government Notice of the 1st October, 1838, may be accurately furnished to this office: Surname, all Christian names and residence of the party in whose favor the Deed is to be prepared, written at full length. Also (if required in any name but that of the original promisee), the grounds of the claim, and a letter from the said promisee, if living, and from all intermediate assigns, if any, giving his and their consent and sanction thereto, and witnessed either by a magistiate, or a solicitor of the Supreme Court...362 Edward Weston, two thousand five hundred and sixty acres, parish unnamed, at Yarralumla (Canberra). Authorised by Sir Halph Darling on the 5th September, 1831, and possession given on the 18th October following, as a primary grant. Quit-rent £21 6s. 8d. sterling per annum, commencing on the 1st January, 1839.", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 4 Jun 1839, p4. "GRANTS OF LAND...Deeds dated 1 Jun 1841...73. Edward Weston, 2560 acres, Murray (Yarralumla); promised to the grantee.", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 22 Jun 1841, p4
  • "TRANSFER OF RUNS...Crowns Lands' Office, Sydney, August, 1849. - It is hereby notified for general information, that the interest of the former Licenses, in the undermentioned Runs of Crown Land has been transferred, with the sanction of the Government, to the persons hereinafter particularised, in accordance with the Regulation of 1st January, 1848, namely :...MANEROO (i.e. MONARO DISTRICT) -Brooks R (former licensee), Gljezrick, &c, (name of run) to (whom transferred) Edward Weston;...", The Sydney Morning Herald, 10 Aug 1849, p4


  • "Just received, Rankin's lamous Bathurst Cheese, and Captain Weston's Horsley Butter.", Morning Chronicle, 8 Mar 1845, p3
  • "SYDNEY MARKETS...80 head (of cattle), bred by Captain Weston, were bought by Mr. Sullivan at 80s, each", The Sydney Morning Herald, 7 Aug 1852, p5


  • "PENRITH AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION...FOR WINES...First prize, to Captain Weston.", The Sydney Morning Herald, 2 Apr 1845, p2
  • "Colonial Wine. — We are glad to perceive that the manufacture of colonial wine of an excellent quality, has been achieved by Captain Weston, near Parramatta, a quantity of which is now on sale in draft at 2s. per gallon. Captain W. engages to keep up the supply, should the demand require it.", The Cornwall Chronicle, 13 Sep 1845, p155
  • "CAPTAIN WESTON'S WINE to be had only from ELLIOTT, Charlotte-place.", The Sydney Morning Herald, 3 Jan 1846, p3. "HORSLEY and FRONTIGNAC WINES, manufactured by that celebrated maker. Captain Weston, of Horsley. On Sale by S. ELLIOTT, Charlotte-place.", 20 Apr 1846, p1
  • "ONLY ONE QUARTER-CASK for sale-the produce of the vineyard of Captain Weston. One of our City Councillors would call it "a suitable present for the ladies."-Why? Because it is like themselves-sweet and pleasant. PRICE, 6s. PER GALLON.", The Sydney Morning Herald, 5 Mar 1846, p3
  • "NEW SOUTH WALES VINEYARD ASSOCIATION. The half-yearly general meeting of this Association was held at the Café Parisien on Wednesday. It was attended by from twenty-five to thirty gentlemen, all of the highest standing, and was presided over by Mr. William Macarthur (William Macarthur (1800-1882))...Now came the most important proceeding of the day-the exhibition of the wines, and the judgment of the members as to the quality of each. There were eighteen samples of wine, and one sample of brandy, thus submitted to the test of criticism,...No. 3.- A white wine, made by Captain Weston, from Verileilho and Frontignac of 1849. This wine is not deficient in body, but has been "touched" by some means and spoilt in flavour. In the opinion of some it has suffered from a bad cask, in that of others it is, what is ordinarily termed bottle sick.", The Sydney Morning Herald, 11 Jan 1851, p3


  • "PENRITH, EMU, AND NEPEAN AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION...the society's annual show should be held on Wednesday, the 18th day of February next, on the land leased by the Association...Judges at the meeting, viz:...Captain Weston...", Morning Chronicle, 10 Jan 1846, p3
  • DOMESTIC INTELLIGENCE. FANCY BALL. THIS civic festival—decidedly the most popular demonstration of the Council of the city of Sydney—took place on Tuesday night last, at the Pantechnicon, late a portion of the premises of Mr. Robert Cooper....Mrs. Weston, Spanish Dress;... Miss E(mma). Weston, Spanish Dress; Captain Weston, Eastern Dress:", The Sydney Morning Herald, 12 Oct 1848, p2

Marriages of his 2 Anglo-indian daughters who immigrated with him to New South Wales in 1831

  • "MARRIED. On Thursday, the 30th July (1848), at St. Bartholomew's Church, Prospect, by the Rev. W. F. Gore, James, eldest son of the late Deputy-Commissary-General Laidley, to Mary, second daughter of Edward Weston, Esq., of Horsley.", The Sydney Morning Herald, 7 Aug 1848, p3
  • "MARRIED. On the 30th May, 1849, at Monaroo, by the Rev. Edward Smith, B.A., Oxon, the Rev. Edward Gifford Pryce, B.A., T.C.D., to Emma, eldest daughter of Edward G. Weston, Esq., of Horsley, near Liverpool, New South Wales.", The Sydney Morning Herald, 12 Jun 1849, p4


  • "DEATHS...At Horsley, on the 25th instant, George Edward Nicholas Weston, Esq., aged 56 years." Sydney Morning Herald, 27 Nov 1856, p1
  • "FUNERAL.—The friends of the late Captain WESTON are respectfully informed that the funeral will take place on SATURDAY next, the 29th instant. The proession will form in the immediate vicinity of Prospect Church, at 2 o'clock p.m. JAMES WILLIS, undertaker. Parramatta, 26th November, 1856.", The Sydney Morning Herald, 27 Nov 1856, p8

(more to come)


Offspring of George Edward Nicholas Weston and unknown parent
Name Birth Death Joined with
Emma Weston (c1825-1861) 1825 Calcutta, Bengal, India 28 October 1861 Daylesford, Victoria, Australia Edward Gifford Pryce (1814-1904)
Mary Weston (c1827-) 1827 Calcutta, Bengal, India James Turquand Laidley (1823-1877)

Offspring of George Edward Nicholas Weston and Blanche Johnston (1806-1904)
Name Birth Death Joined with
George Weston (1830-) 1830 India 1830 Died as a child, India
Julia Maria Weston (1831-1868) 14 October 1831 Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 10 June 1868 Abbotsbury, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Frederick William Perry
Edward Henry Weston (1833-1913) 30 August 1833 Horsley Park, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 1913 Mosman, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Esther Emily Johnston
Frederick Weston (1836-1886) 6 July 1836 Horsley Park, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 4 December 1886 Parramatta, New South Wales, Australia Mary Ann Elliott
Blanche Eliza Weston (1839-1923) 13 April 1839 Horsley Park, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 26 May 1923 Queensland, Australia Malcolm Septimus McDougall
Isabella Weston (1841-1878) 1841 Horsley Park, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 1878 Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia Donald Norris McDougall
Thomas William Smith
Francis Jenkins Weston (1844-1902) 1844 Horsley Park, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 30 January 1902 Horsley Park, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Anne Wardle Throsby Smith
Augusta Alice Weston (1849-1926) 1849 Horsley Park, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 1926 Woolahra, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Arthur Frederick Smart


Offspring of Henry Perkins Weston (1748-1826) and Marianne Bergier de Roveraz (c1749-1789)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Ferdinand Fullerton Weston (1772-1835)
Charles Henry Weston (1780-1849)
Frederick Alexander Weston (1782-1837)
Mary Augusta Weston (-1828)

Offspring of Henry Perkins Weston (1748-1826) and Jeanne Marie Bergier de Mont (-1804)
Name Birth Death Joined with
John Samuel Henry Weston (1791-1850) 9 January 1791 West Horsley, Surrey, England, United Kingdom 8 October 1850 Paris, France Sarah McGregor (c1800-1826)
Margaret Nicholson (c1795-1838)
Jessie Macdonald Playfair (1821-1870)
William Francis Weston (1793-1826) 20 March 1793 Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland 25 April 1826 West Horsley, Dapto, New South Wales, Australia Elizabeth Crouch (c1795-1853)
George Horace Weston (1794-1826)
George Edward Nicholas Weston (1796-1856) 31 October 1796 West Horsley, Sussex, England 25 November 1856 Horsley Park, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia Blanche Johnston (1806-1904)
John Finch Weston (1799-1815)
Augustine William Weston (1801-1811)
Elizabeth Weston
Mary Anne Weston (-1838)
Augusta Weston



  1. ^ Australia For Everyone, Canberra, The Names Of Canberra: Weston, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  2. ^ George Edward Nicholas Weston, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  3. ^ Australian Almanack, For The Year Of Our Lord 1831, Sydney Gazette Office, p206, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  4. ^ The Australian, 20 Aug 1830, p3, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  5. ^ The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 4 Jun 1839, p4
  6. ^ Information from Trish Frei BA, Canberra and District Historical Society (March 2011) to ACT Government, Environment and Planning Directorate, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  7. ^ a b c d Migration Heritage Centre, New South Wales: 1831 Fairfield Convict Sandstock Bricks, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  8. ^ Our Lady Of Victories, Horsley Park, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  9. ^ Marriage announcement in The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 23 May 1829, p2, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  10. ^ a b Passenger list of the Caroline: "Captain Weston, Mrs. Weston, 2 children, and 1 servant", The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 2 Aug 1831, p2, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  11. ^ a b c d Horse Breeding in Blacktown & adjacent districts: a forgotten history, pg 6-8, by Pamela Smith, July 2015, winner of The Blacktown Mayoral History Prize for 2015, available from the Blacktopwn Library, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  12. ^ Horsley Homestead, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  13. ^ The Asiatic Journal & Monthly Register, Jun-Dec 1818, p324, accessed 23 Jun 2016
  14. ^ The Asiatic Journal & Monthly Register, Jul-Dec 1823, p382, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  15. ^ The Asiatic Journal & Monthly Register, Jan-Jun 1829, p603, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  16. ^ The Asiatic Journal & Monthly Register, Jan-Apr 1830, p96, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  17. ^ "My interest in West Horsley Manor, Surrey, UK" by Carol Herben, Journal of the Illawarra Historical Society, Jul/Aug 2008, p45, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  18. ^ a b c First Families 2001: George Edward Nicholas Weston], accessed 23 Mar 2016
  19. ^ a b The Peninsula Observer, The Balmain Association Incorporated News Sheet, Dec 1992, p1, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  20. ^ The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 17 Mar 1829, p2, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  21. ^ The Hobart Town Courier, 21 Feb 1829, p2, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  22. ^ Truth, 4 September 1904, p 1, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  23. ^ a b Sydney Hunt Club, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  24. ^ The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 5 Jun 1813, p1, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  25. ^ The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 2 Sep 1834, p2, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  26. ^ "The Pastoral Homes of Australia, New South Wales", published by The Pastoralists' Review, 1910, quoted in The Canberra Times, 6 Mar 1954, p4, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  27. ^ Government House, Canberra
  28. ^ Leichhardt Historical Journal No 1. Colonial Heritage, F & J Lowry. A History of Fairfield, V George
  29. ^ India, China, Australia: Trade and Society 1788-1850, James Broadbent, Suzanne Rickard, Margaret Steven, Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales, 2003, p85
  30. ^ The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 30 May 1829, p2, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  31. ^ The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 19 May 1829, p2, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  32. ^ The Sydney Gazette and New South Wales Advertiser, 9 May 1829, p1, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  33. ^ a b c d e f "Narrative of a Voyage round the World" by Thomas Braidwood Wilson, Sherwood, Gilbert, & Piper, London, 1835, accessed 23 Mar 2016
  34. ^ a b The Search for Collet Barker of Raffles Bay, by D.J.Mulvaney, the Eight Eric Johnston lecture delivered at the State Library of the Northern Territory on 5 Nov 1993, accessed 23 Mar 2016. The sketch can be found on pg 20 of 22 of the pdf, but is misdated 4 Aug 1829.
  35. ^ Design & Art Australia Online: Lieutenant Weston, accessed 23 Mar 2016. This biography contains some historical inaccuracies, including stating that Lt. Weston was a crew member (he was a passenger); and states that he was a naval officer (while also correctly stating that he was "of the East India Company’s Service").
  36. ^ Wilson, Thomas Braidwood (1792–1843), accessed 23 Mar 2016
  37. ^ Commandant of Solitude: The Journals of Captain Collet Barker, 1828-1831, Collet Barker, Neville Green, Melbourne University Press at the Miegunyah Press, 1992, p210, accessed 23 Mar 2016. All 3 of Weston's sketches can be found in black & white in this Project Guttenberg Australia reproduction of Wilson's book - Frontpiece, Chapter III, & Chapter VI.

Footnotes (including sources)
